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Feb 1st 2022
Detailed infographic listing Indian occupation forces’ war crimes against Kashmiris and their use of torture as a tool of intimidation.

Detailed infographic listing Indian occupation forces’ war crimes against Kashmiris and their use of torture as a tool of intimidation. Image
Read 5 tweets
Nov 18th 2021
There z a most militarised zone n the world named #Kashmir.
Where atrocities f #India r hidden under guise f largest democracy
4 Kashmiris were killed in fake encounter,buried at unknown location& families arrested over demand of dead bodies
Here is the youngest pellet gun victim of indian occupied #Kashmir!
Hiba, around 2 years of age, is the youngest pellet gun victim in #Kashmir. Here’s a short report by @BBCHindi which shows the public sentiment in the Indian Occupied Kashmir.
In Indian occupied #Kashmir, An ordinary man was beaten, strapped with ropes in front of military vehicle & cardboard placard was forced on his chest.
His tormentor was bestowed with official recognition and praise.
Read 22 tweets
Nov 18th 2021
A wailing daughter asked the occupying army abt why did they kill her civilian innocent father. The fascists only had evil laughter for an answer.

The Hindutva fascism in India, and specially in the occupied Kashmir is thriving on the "silence" of the world. #KashmiriLivesMatter
As much as I hate to say it but no one from the outside world, incl. claimants of the free world or from the Muslim world, is going to come to the liberation of these innocent people.

Doesn't look like an Arab, an Afghan, a Turk or a Pakistani will rise
anytime soon to fulfill his duty to help his brothers and sisters in humanity and in faith. Kashmiris have led the cause themselves for the last 7 decades, and will have to continue to stand up for themselves.
Read 5 tweets
Sep 12th 2021
Thread: selected footage everyone should see of #India’s Military and their #HumanRights violations in #IIOJK against #Kashmiris shared by #Pakistan in dossier today by FM, NSA and Minister Mazari. First clip, grave digger testifies to mass graves #KashmiriLivesMatter
In the second clip, we can see testimony of a young #Kashmiri whose fingers and legs were brutally chopped off by #India’s occupation forces 14 Dogra Regiment in #IIOJK this is one of hundreds of cases documented in the dossier #KashmiriLivesMatter
Warning: graphic images. Shows possible use of chemical agents/weapons by #India in #Kashmir. Mutilated body is shown in the video footage. #KashmiriLivesMatter
Read 6 tweets
Aug 5th 2021
Today, 5th August 2021, marks 2 years of atrocities in Indian illegally Occupied Kashmir.

Part :- 1
Pak's puppet govt could do nothing for Kashmiris. On this occasion, if Pakistan had a truly democratic govt, it would have sided with the Kashmiris.
Part :- 2
The problems of Kashmiris cannot be solved by renaming the road and standing on the road for five minutes. Unless you take Practical steps.
Part :- 3
Read 4 tweets
Apr 23rd 2021
یہ بھارت ہے اور کرونا کے باعث مرنے والوں کی لاشیں جلا رہی ہیں، اس وقت بھارت میں کرونا ایمرجنسی ہے اور حالات انتہائی گھمبیر ہیں، مرنے اور جلنے والوں میں نہیں معلوم کتنے ہندو ہیں
Sure hope for betterment In Sha Allah
#IndianLivesMatter #IndiaNeedsOxygen
کتنے سکھ ہیں کتنے عیسائی اور کتنے مسلمان ہیں سب اکھٹے جل رہے ہیں.

پہلی بات تو خدارا اپنے ملک کی قدر کریں اگر پاکستان نہ ہوتا تو آج یہی حال ہمارا ہوتا کہ نہ جنازے نصیب ہوتے، نہ اپنے پیاروں کو کاندھا دینا نصیب ہوتا خدارا قدر کیجیے ملک کو نقصان نہ پہنچائیے
نصیب ہوتا خدارا قدر کیجیے ملک کو نقصان نہ پہنچائیے.
دوسری بات کہ خدارا احتیاط کریں، احتیاط کریں، احتیاط کریں ورنہ بھارت میں ، شمشان بھرے ہیں جلانے کی جگہ نہیں، ہسپتال بھرے ہیں مریض ایڈمٹ کرنے کی جگہ، لوگ سڑکوں پہ پڑے ہیں، کئی ایمبولینسنز میں پڑے پڑے مر
Read 7 tweets
Oct 16th 2020

#Encounter breaks out between #terrorists & Security Forces in #Nagam #Chadoora area of #Budgam, #Kashmir.

More details awaited.
@neeraj_rajput @AlphaWo40963407 Image
#Budgam #Encounter #Update

01 #terrorist caught alive in #Chadoora with an AK-47 rifle. Identified as Jahangir Ahmad Bhat of Chadoora

Deserted SPO who 03 days backs fled from the SOG camp Chadoora with 2 AK-47 rifles escaped.
@neeraj_rajput @Peacefulrumi Image
See how humanely #IndiaArmy is treating the local #terrorist of #Kashmir after capturing him alive. #IndianArmy always gives opportunity to surrender, always trying to save the lives of misguided youth who fall pray to #Pakistan's propaganda.
Read 4 tweets
Sep 24th 2020
Another voice in #Kashmir Silenced today, another family destroyed by #terrorists. Advocate #BabarQadri who was a regular on TV debates was shot dead by terrorists in #Srinagar's #Hawal area this evening.
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He was facing hate campaign from #Pakistan's stooges same as Shujaat Bukhari.

In February, 2019 advocate he was labelled as a “new breed of collaborator”, “working for a RAW agent” and “agencies”.
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He leaves behind an inconsolable family with two infant daughters.

There can’t be bigger fools then those who thinks #terrorists are fighting for #Kashmiri people.

For the past three decades these terrorists have only brought death & destruction to #Kashmir.
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Sep 24th 2020
#Pakistan sponsored #terrorists are trying to derail democracy in #Kashmir

By killing political leaders, these Pak stooges wants to create fear & distrust, hampering the development initiatives taken by Govt. Because a peaceful, prosperous #Kashmir is no good for them
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Yesterday’s dastardly killing of BDC Chairman Khag #Budgam Bhupinder Singh comes in the wake of multiple such cowardly attacks carried out in the last few months. 8 political workers have been murdered in the last 3 months.
On June 8, Ajay Pandita, the sarpanch of the Lukhbhawan area, #Anantnag south #Kashmir, was shot dead by #terrorists. As a Sarpanch, Pandita had always worked hard for his village & its people.
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Read 11 tweets
Sep 19th 2020
Azadi is not an option
A #Thread
What does a misguided #Kashmiri mean by “Azaadi”? Is it the right to #equality, right to #freedom, right against exploitation, right to freedom of religion, cultural & educational rights, right to property & right to constitutional remedies
If that is the meaning of “Azaadi” then it is already entrusted to them through the #constitution then who are these people and why are they asking for Azadi?
The people of #kashim for long have been disassociated with the #progress in mainland due to provisions of #Article_370 which restricted the investment and #development in the state.
Read 27 tweets
Sep 16th 2020
Another innocent killed in J&K-Sopore this time in P0Iice Custody, alleged the family of youth.

Irfan body found near a stone quarry but P0Iice didn’t elaborate how he may have died.

Protest erupt & foremost imp. step they felt to take is to snap internet.

Protests In J&K's Sopore Over Alleged Custodial Death, Internet Snapped - NDTV…
Read 3 tweets
Aug 31st 2020
We can't just shrug our shoulders and let @news18dotcom @CNNnews18 get away with platforming an anchor who displays such a cruel enjoyment in the suffering of a human being. @CNN
#KashmiriLivesMatter #KashmirBleeds #SackAmishDevgan
. @TwitterIndia you want to be like #AnkhiDas on #Facebook? You are allowing this tweet & this handle to remain on the platform? @Twitter
Devgan claims this tweet is "defending India". No. It's shaming India with its glee at fate of Kashmiri Muharram mourners riddled with pellets
We've all seen crowds of people shopping for Ganpati, participating in worship at Tirupati & other temples. No pellet firing on those crowds. So, Covid-19 is no justification for pellet firing on Muharram procession in Srinagar, Kashmir.
Read 4 tweets
Aug 31st 2020
Grenade Attack in #Baramulla #Kashmir :

#Terrorists lobed grenade in Azad Gunj Baramulla.
06 #civilians reported injured.
@manishindiatv @gauravcsawant
CCTV footage of grenade attack in Azad Gunj #Baramulla #Kashmir.
Identity on the attacker in being ascertained.
@neeraj_rajput @manishindiatv @gauravcsawant @TheSkandar
Two persons involved in #grenade throwing attack in #Baramulla #Kashmir arrested by police during nocturnal raid on tuesday.

@neeraj_rajput @AdityaRajKaul Image
Read 3 tweets
Aug 7th 2020
This river is the only difference between two families 73 years apart. Imagine seeing your loved ones but never meeting them. In their grief in their happiness never seeing them. On every eid looking at your home but never entering it

This breaks my heart everyday. What breaks my heart even more? Its the fact that most of the privileged and top class of Pakistan doesn't see this as a problem. They are completely aloof to it. This is not a classy or Instagramable enough of a problem for them
Read 10 tweets
Jul 20th 2020
Family of Azad Ah Shah r/o #Bandipora who recently joined terrorist group LeT, requesting him to return.
His sister, her husband & their daughter are inconsolable.

Violence is not a solution, it's path to destruction

@CestMoiz @TheSkandar @vinirish @ANI
Azad Ah Shah(28) s/o Mohd Yusuf Shah belongs to Bandipora. He went missing on 19 june 2020 & has joined LeT.
#KashmiriLivesMatter #TerrorFreeKashmir

@ajitsinghpundir @sikka_harinder ImageImage
His family is requesting him the to leave the path of violence and return home safely.

#KashmiriLivesMatter #Kashmir

@AlphaWo40963407 @Peacefulrumi
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Jul 17th 2020
3 members of family killed in Pak shelling along loC In #Poonch

At 2120 hours, #Pakistan initiated unprovoked ceasefire violation by firing Small Arms & shelling Mortars along LoC in Gulpur sector
@sikka_harinder @hussain_imtiyaz @LtGenGurmit Image
#Poonch #CeasefireViolation
A shell landed on the house of Mohammad Rafiq in Karmara village adjacent to LoC in which the 58-year-old owner, his wife Rafia Bi (50) & son Irfan (15) died on the spot. One person was also injured & he has been hospitalized
#KashmiriLivesMatter Image
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Jul 16th 2020
🔥Flash News🔥
Another BJP Leader Resigns
Third from North Kashmir in 6 days

A social activist from Handwara, Mubeena Bano, who had joined BJP few months before, Thursday resigned from the party

#KashmiriLivesMatter #kashmir #WasimBari

@doctorsingla @AdityaRajKaul @NAN_DINI_ Image
Fourth Resignation from north #Kashmir in last few days

Bashir Ahmad malik r/o Thokerpora #Handwara who joined #BJP last month, resigned today.

Scores of leaders and workers tender resignation from basic membership of BJP.

@AdityaRajKaul @dograjournalist @NAN_DINI_ Image
Senior #BJP leader of North #Kashmir Javed Qureshi stated personal reasons behind resignations of two members, said hundreds will join in near future.

#TerroristsDestroysDemocracy #FailedPakistan

@vinirish @doctorsingla @ajitsinghpundir @CestMoiz
Read 4 tweets
Jun 23rd 2020
#Women #empowerment starts here... It's core to the #healthy #development of #society... #Kashmir is rising fast, developing fast... Image
Congratulation to Reeba Shamim Malik D/O Prof Shamim Malik & her family for securing Ist position in Jammu province with 98.6% marks in class 12th from small town Darhal of District Rajouri. @ChowdharySaima @RanaAyyub @KhajuriaManu Image
Read 4 tweets

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