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Sep 23rd 2020
This is old news, but I’d love for my followers to fill-in threads in the comments:

I’m still curious about #MAGABomber Cesar Sayoc. I wish we had more information about the following:
1) What was the “energetic material” in the tubes?
2) How much additional work would it take to convert the clock to a detonator?

3) Where were the materials purchased? (We has video of Jussie Smoletts friends buying rope).

4) What locations were the packages mailed from?
5) How did Sayoc get the addresses to send the packages? (Particularly, how did Sayoc get Soros’ address, and other home addresses. What wasn’t publicly available?)
Read 6 tweets
Oct 3rd 2019
I'm old enough to remember when right-wing militiamen and Trump supporters were preparing to have a civil war if Trump lost. All the way back in 2016.
Also old enough to recall how they quickly shifted to raving paranoia about a massive "Deep State" conspiracy to remove Trump from office in a "coup." That was all the way back in 2017.
One reason perhaps not to worry: Milo has volunteered to be the leader of this civil war.…
Read 7 tweets
Aug 7th 2019
‼️Trump tears at the very fabric of our society by dividing us, dehumanizing us, inflaming hate, inciting violence— his hateful & abusive rhetoric leaves us horrified & most importantly makes us less safe.


Trump Signs Bill Revoking Obama-Era Gun Checks for People With Mental Illnesses
The new law nullifies an Obama-backed rule that added people with mental illnesses to the national background check database.…
PBO recommended the now-nullified regulation in a 2013 memo following the mass shooting at Sandy Hook School, which left 20 first graders and six others dead. The measure sought to block some people with severe mental health problems from buying guns.…
Read 52 tweets
Aug 5th 2019
Happening now: Sentencing of domestic terrorist #Sayoc (who sent pipe bombs to a hit list of Trump’s perceived enemies). Same day Trump gives a big anti-racism speech, which nobody believes. (Follow this THREAD @KlasfeldReports for news from courtroom.)
#BREAKING Pipe bomb domestic terrorist #SAYOC sentenced to >>20 years<< in prison!
#MAGABomber domestic terrorist Cesar #Sayoc admitted at sentencing he was radicalized by Trump & right-wing media.

It's no longer IF Trump & right-wing propaganda media are radicalizing extremists to commit acts of terrorism in US, but HOW MANY!!

Rein in your demagogue, @GOP
Read 3 tweets
Aug 4th 2019

Antifa isn't murdering people. MS-13 isn't gunning down hundreds.

The Trump regime set the stage for these #massshootings.

They have vilified their critics while ending programs that track dangerous, fringe groups.

These ARE #TrumpsTerrorists.
First Trump shut down programs to counter violent extremism.

The administration has hobbled the infrastructure designed to prevent atrocities like Pittsburgh and Christchurch.…
When Fighting Domestic Terrorism, You Get What You Pay For

The Trump administration has gutted the budget for fighting far-right extremists, making it harder to stop attacks like the Pittsburgh massacre.…
Read 77 tweets
Apr 23rd 2019
"I have to thank Donald J. Trump, Anthony Robbins, Zeek Zigler, The Power & Secret for saving my life."

#MAGABomber Cesar Sayoc, in his latest rambling missives to the judge, later railing at the "liberal left" and his own "Stupidity, steroids, psychological mental problems."
(Previous tweet deleted to correct a typo in Sayoc's surname.)
Note: As the letters are undated, it's unclear whether this was the letter already en route to federal court before the last hearing. Sayoc had sent two handwritten letters trying to take back his plea, then re-affirmed his plea in court.

Read 3 tweets
Apr 15th 2019
Good afternoon from New York.

The hearing of #MAGABomber Cesar Sayoc is about to begin. Sayoc is trying to walk back his guilty pleas from March, when he admitted that he knew the 16 pipe bombs he mailed could have hurt people.

Sayoc admits that he mailed the packages, but in two handwritten messages from jail, he now disputes this statement he made: "I was aware of the risk that it would explode."

Pictured: His scrawled edits rewriting what he said.

I'll be covering this hearing live.
"All rise."

The hearing begins. The attorneys identify themselves.
Read 20 tweets
Apr 2nd 2019
NEW: #MAGABomber Cesar Sayoc backpedals in a handwritten letter on his admission that he knew his bombs could have killed.

"Your Honor my attourney [sic] instructed me to say yes," he wrote. "In my heart, I wanted to say no."

He claims he wanted to "only intimidate + scare."
The exchange that he is referring to is in my coverage of his guilty plea.…
Sayoc's full handwritten letter can be found here, following Judge Rakoff's instruction for his attorneys to respond within a week.…
Read 3 tweets
Mar 21st 2019
Plea hearing expected to begin in 10 minutes. More to come soon.
Service advisory: Not live-tweeting the hearing but I will provide updates after it.
A weepy Cesar Sayoc pleads guilty to 65 counts with a guidelines range of life imprisonment plus 120 months.

“Apparently because the government believes it has power over the hereafter,” Judge Rakoff quipped.

Sept. 12 sentencing date.

More to come.
Read 4 tweets
Mar 15th 2019
NEW: Docket indicates there is now a plea hearing scheduled for March 21 in the case of Cesar Sayoc, the man dubbed the #MAGAbomber for allegedly targeting perceived Trump critics.

Sayoc pleaded not guilty in November.

Background at @CourthouseNews:…
H/T to my colleague @jruss_jruss, who spotted it on the docket
Today's quite a day for news of this anticipated guilty plea to break.

A brief write-up of Cesar Sayoc's case development amid the backdrop of global right-wing violence, at @CourthouseNews.…
Read 3 tweets
Mar 3rd 2019

Those who conflate opposition to unquestioning support for Israel with anti-Semitism are like #JussieSmollett: they cheapen the experiences of actual victims of anti-Semitism
Let's be clear, anti-Semitism is real and, sadly, it's on the rise in the U.S., especially since the 2016 election. According to the Anti-Defamation League, there was a 60% increase in anti-Semitic incidents from 2016 to 2017.…
The massacre at the #TreeOfLifeSynagogue last fall was the deadliest attack on the American Jewish community in U.S. history. And it was committed by an anti-Semitic white nationalist.…
Read 18 tweets
Dec 5th 2018
1) Gather ‘round, everyone, while I replay for you the tale of the Aryan Nations. This will be another ungodly long thread, but I promise: When we’re done, the “liberals are the real Nazis” fulminations of @DineshDSouza will thereafter just give you a big ol’ belly laugh.
2) The Aryan Nations was officially named the Church of Jesus Christ-Christian, which had its origins in 1940s Southern California and an ex-Methodist pastor named Wesley Swift. His ministry, based in Lancaster, founded the movement known as Christian Identity.
3) Identity essentially preaches that white people are the “true children of Israel,” blessed by God, and that Jews are actually satanically-descended pretenders to the title. Nonwhites, they believe, are soulless “mud people,” the functional equivalent of animals.
Read 69 tweets
Nov 15th 2018
NEW: Suspected #MAGABomber Cesar Sayoc pleads not guilty. Trial date set for July 15.
Sayoc, in a navy prison uniform, didn’t say a word during the hearing. He pleaded through his attorneys.
U.S. District Judge Jed Rakoff, a rather droll wit, kicked off proceedings asking whether Sayoc's attorneys would waive an "hour and a half" recitation of the indictment.

Giggling, Sayoc's attorney Sarah Baumgartel waived it.

The 30-count indictment:…
Read 4 tweets
Nov 12th 2018
1) Donald Trump’s press conference Wednesday, and the responses to it, are an important and perhaps historic moment, beyond the controversy. It made irrevocably clear that Trump intends to rule as an authoritarian, and his followers want that. Ridiculously long thread follows.
2) @ThePlumLine has already limned the authoritarian nature of the behavior of both Trump and his minions in searing detail. I urge everyone to read this thread so they can understand the dynamic at work here.

3) This is hardly the first time Trump has attempted to assert that his version of reality is the only legitimate one, and that all others are “fake.” It’s been a trademark of his tenure. He uses the gap as a wedge to drive his followers closer.
Read 80 tweets
Oct 31st 2018
1) “Eliminationism” is a term you need not just to become familiar with, especially in today’s American rush toward authoritarianism. This will be a long, illustrated thread explaining what it means, how it works, and why Donald Trump is now our Eliminationist in Chief.
Warning: Some images contain violence and are disturbing.

Also warning: This thread is ridiculously long. 75 tweets is insane. I apologize. But this stuff is important. I hope you find it compelling anyway. If not, I understand.
2) So, what exactly do we mean by “eliminationism”? Here’s the academic definition:
Read 82 tweets
Oct 31st 2018
Republicans @metgopclub invited white nationalists multiple times where they took up violence & threatened political assassination. Jews arrived to peacefully ask them to disavow white nationalism, they had us arrested as we prayed for the Jews killed by it. #EndWhiteNationalism
In response to peaceful Jewish protest, the Republican @metgopclub promoted a tweet by Chadwick Moore, who was out last night hanging with Milo Yiannopoulos and who is promoting anti-semitic conspiracy theories casting doubt on #MAGABomber threats.
Chadwick Moore has also attacked @splcenter center for reporting on designated violent terrorist organization, The Jewish Defense League, known for bombing the US and Americans many times.
Read 5 tweets
Oct 31st 2018
1/Thread: Previously: FBI sting operation set up a sting operation to bomb Jewish center 0.9 mi from parking lot where #MAGABomber van was parked.… via @vicenews
2/ The FBI had set up James Medina to bomb the Aventura Turnberry Jewish Center, just down the road from Sarah’s Tent, the kosher supermarket where #MailStripperBomber was parked.
3/ and the Aventura Turnberry Jewish Center shares a connection to the Tree of Life in Pittsburgh via two father-son rabbis.…
Read 9 tweets
Oct 30th 2018
Weird. Jacob Wohl from today's crazy Mueller conspiracy story apparently registered & ran OffendedAmerica(.)com which is a now suspended site Cesar Sayoc retweeted in 2016. Jacbo Wohl memes show up at least 16x in the #Magabomber @hardrockintlent archive
Here is our tweet about the conspiracy websites that Cesar Sayoc the #magabomber frequented back in 2016. Talk about a crazy coincidence with Jacob Wohl
Before people get too excited keep in mind this was stuff Cesar Sayoc was reading & retweeting back in 2016 in this case I think the connection to #magabomber is really just coincidental .... but talk about weird considering I was just trying to figure out who ran that site
Read 7 tweets
Oct 29th 2018
THREAD: After the #TreeOfLifeSynagogue #shooting, the #KrogerShooting before that, and the +14 bombs sent by the #MAGABomber, it's crucial that we call #RightWingTerrorism out for what it is, but we also clearly need to talk about #WhiteSupremacy in the 2018 election.
We celebrate the truly #HISTORIC number of #women and #POC running for office in 2018, but we also refuse to ignore the volume & range of explicit and implicit #racist attacks almost every single candidate of color has faced in this election. That's also #WhiteSupremacy in action
Let's be clear: #POC running for elected office have ALWAYS faced hurdles to victory defined by the strength of #StructuralRacism and our country's long-standing culture of #WhiteSupremacy. But 2018 has taken it to a new level.
Read 12 tweets
Oct 29th 2018
I know many expect AG Sessions & DAG Rosenstein to be fired soon after the election. Do you think their rapid capture of the #MAGABomber helped to make that more difficult for @realDonaldTrump? I may be wrong, but my gut tells me that Trump doesn't fire them right away [1/4]
And I suspect #Mueller will file a preliminary report with Rosenstein (& indirectly to Congress) right after election outlining not everything, but enough evidence of wrongdoing that firing them after that would look like @realDonaldTrump is just trying to silence them. [2/4]
So as much as I think @realDonaldTrump wants (and intends) to fire AG Sessions and/or DAG Rosenstein, I suspect he will be outmaneuvered and that he will ultimately be talked out of it by his staff. What do you all think? [3/4]
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Oct 28th 2018
ONE LOCKED DOOR. This week was a trifecta of domestic terrorism, but the media isn't saying so because of a locked door. On Wednesday Gregory Bush (L) tried unsuccessfully to get into a predominantly black Baptist church. So he went instead to the Kroger supermarket down the- 1/X
street. He walked into the store, passed white employees at the registers and at least 3 white customers (Drew Butler, Eric Deacon & Kathy Mayhall) before coming up behind the 1st black person he saw, Maurice Stallard, who was there with his 12-year-old grandson to get some- 2/5
poster board for a school project. Bush pulled a handgun & shot Stallard point-blank in the back of the head. The grandson ran as Bush fired into Stallard's body on the floor. Bush calmly walked out of the store, where he killed Vickie Lee Jones as she was walking toward the- 3/5
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Oct 28th 2018
On Friday I tweeted about how ‘strikingly similar’ lies & conspiracy theories about Soros & Jewish funding of migrants in the US were to lies & conspracy theories spread by @Nigel_Farage. Now we learn these were quoted by the synagogue shooter. Right before committing mass murder
Read this thread & article. The synagogue shooter was steeped in these lies. Lies that percolate in conspiracy sites, are reinforced by Kremlin propaganda & then spread to the mainstream in these winking terms ‘Soros’ & ‘globalist’
This was @Arron_banks two days before the synagogue shooting. Criticism of public figures funding political projects is entirely valid. But this?
Read 6 tweets
Oct 27th 2018
After the heinous week that we've just experienced, to have something as detestable as the #SynogogueShooting in #Pittsburgh happen surpasses overload for all of us. It's crucial that we not forget @ this, however.…
#SaturdayThoughts #MAGABomber #Vote
2/"Until 2016, Cesar Altieri Sayoc Jr.’s life on social media looked unremarkable. On his Facebook page, he posted photos of decadent meals, gym workouts, scantily clad women and sports games — the stereotypical trappings of middle-age masculinity. But that year, Mr. Sayoc’s
3/"social media presence took on a darker and more partisan tone. He opened a new Twitter account and began posting links to sensational right-wing news stories, adding captions like “Clinton busted exposed rigging entire election.” On Facebook, his anodyne posts gave way to a
Read 34 tweets
Oct 27th 2018
#MAGABomber Cesar Sayoc referred on Facebook to Russian associates, echoed pro-Kremlin views, and posted pics of himself with his "Russian Brother in Moscow, Sunny Isle FL, Brighten Bch Brooklyn" [areas popular with Russia mafia].
@Kris_Sacrebleu #Maddow
Interesting to note that #MAGABomber Cesar Sayoc's step dad, John Giardiello, was an associate of La Cosa Nostra crime boss Santos Trafficante [who was linked to JFK's assassination, among other things].
cc @craigunger @Delavegalaw @olgaNYC1211 #Maddow
Read 3 tweets

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