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Dec 9th 2022

The unmitigated airborne spread of airborne viruses like COVID-19, RSV, & influenza is causing children to get ill en masse

ON PICUs are preventably crashing with screaming children gasping for air

This is a preventable paediatric emergency
A 2 year old toddler died tragically in an Ajax hospital

No space in Children’s hospital child for a child rescued from a fire

3-4 kids a day resuscitated

Red Cross at CHEO

A preventable paediatric emergency

More care with kids, not less

Evidence indicates that these children have post #C19 infection immune dysregulation, as predicted by PHO:

“…making us even more susceptible to these other viruses”

A preventable paediatric 911

Read 16 tweets
Dec 8th 2022
“Study: Bacterial pneumonia was main killer in 1918 flu pandemic
Robert Roos August 22, 2008”…


H/T @CovidCanada1
“It was secondary bacterial pneumonia—not the influenza virus by itself—that killed most of the millions who perished in the 1918 flu pandemic…
…which suggests that current pandemic preparations should include stockpiling of antibiotics & bacterial vaccines, influenza researchers reported this week.”
Read 47 tweets
Nov 21st 2022
“Is COVID-19 Dysregulating Our Immune Systems? The Agenda, 14/11/22”

29:00 H/T @FurnessColin

“There is one logical thing to point out here. A virus has 2 strategies, broadly speaking, in terms of being successful…
… & I think we can agree that #C19 is a pretty successful virus. It can mutate to change its appearance to avoid the immune system and we know that #C19 does that so does flu, every successful virus seems to be able to do that, or most…
… but it can also attack the immune system as another legitimate strategy, so to say that #C19 is not causing immune harm is to say that somehow it’s become this amazingly effective virus by only really using one of the two strategies available”
Read 35 tweets
Nov 8th 2022
“Kids are suffering from COVID in ways we never expected” Nov 7, 2022

H/T @picardonhealth @FurnessColin
“There are those arguing that this spike is due to an “immunity deficit”–that children are getting sick now b/c they were deprived of infections during lockdowns & school closings…
…Let’s be clear: that theory is made-up nonsense, perpetuated by the same people who opposed #C19 mitigation measures…”
Read 12 tweets
Nov 6th 2022
Routine 💉ON kids before age 2

to prevent illness:

Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Polio, Haemophilus influenza type b, Pneumoccal, Rotavirus, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Varicella
#C19 💉=safer acute phase
#LongCovidKids, some protection

Best protection #LongCovidKids ?
No infection

Says so right here… Image
If you are talking immunity debt, at this stage,

that tells me

you are either not reading on #LongCovid,

10,000+ studies (H/T @elisaperego78 )

or covering your own a***

#RG3HumanPathogen… Image
Read 7 tweets
Nov 6th 2022
Dear ON,

Stop waiting for those who are behaving the way they are with #IStandWithCUPE 😷 to tell you to put #Masks back on to prevent airborne spread of airborne viruses.

A non-exhaustive🧵 of their behaviour so far:…

“increasing evidence that SARS-CoV-2 can cause immune dysregulation… a potential increase in acquired impaired immunity in the ON pop could have significant impact on the incidence & assoc burden of infectious diseases“…

Read 28 tweets
Nov 4th 2022
From @healthgovau

“Updates, news & information from the Australian Dept of Health & Aged Care.”


@CPHO_Canada recommendation 11 months ago:

“No more cloth masks.”…


“Official information and updates from the NZ government about COVID-19”


PS Not Cloth


“No more cloth masks, says Tam. 11 months ago.”………P
Read 6 tweets
Jul 10th 2022

#Wave7 of BA5 is here

#Wave8 of BA2.75 on its heels

Re/infection prevention of #SARS2 is your job on a population level

Please act #FASSST
Here’s what #SARS2 can do to our children now

H/T @itosettiMD_MBA

Re/infection prevention of #SARS2 is your job on a population level

Please act #FASSST
I don’t want #LongCovid for myself or my child,

which can happen no matter how mildly initially infected,

for which there is no treatment or cure

Re/infection prevention of #SARS2 is your job on a pop level

#LongCovid PHO=51-80%…

Please act #FASSST
Read 22 tweets
Apr 25th 2022
#OnPoli #OntEd

Where is the analogous leadership?

There is an election coming

Stop catering to #COVID19 flat-earthers

🛑 #CovidTroglodyte response

Show me you understand science

Lead like @SoniaFurstenau…

Same in ON

We are all 1 mass re/infection away

“…the province is not doing much to educate the public about #LongCovid. She cited a recent study showing that #LongCovid can affect 1 in 4 children”

PHO = approx 50% = #LongCovid…

@SoniaFurstenau 👏

#OnPoli #OntEd

Match & lead

🛑 #CovidTroglodyte response

Election coming

“W/ HIV/AIDS…govts educated people about how the virus was being transmitted. They were told that unprotected sex & shared needles contributed to the spread.”


Read 18 tweets
Apr 23rd 2022
Why isn’t there a #maskmandate in ON PS & daycares?


It’s a no-brainer

“ON will be extending #maskmandate in select higher-risk indoor settings for at least another month”…

More care with kids, not less

Ford 24/7 416-325-1941

#6ThWave ImageImage
The following have #maskmandate

Why isn’t there a #maskmandate in ON PS & daycares?

It’s a no-brainer

More care with kids, not less.

Ford 24/7 416-325-1941

#maskmandate NOW

#6ThWave ImageImage
Universities have them.

Why isn’t there a #maskmandate in ON PS & daycares?

It’s a no-brainer

More care with kids, not less.

Ford 24/7 416-325-1941

#maskmandate NOW

#6ThWave ImageImage
Read 20 tweets
Apr 17th 2022
I didn't think I'd spend my Easter morning educating hospital personnel about #AirborneTransmission but that's what happened. Here's a summary of the crack-of-dawn 💩 show at a hospital.

Approached screener. I was told to put on sloppy mask. Said I will put over #n95. Not asked any screening Qs. Noticed her mask only covering mouth. I said, "Your mask has slipped down." She points to the plexiglass. I proceed to advise her that #COVIDisAirborne.

I mean there is literally only one other guy that I can see, but aren't they told IT'S IN THE AIR?

I split, go to my destination, & an admin appears MASKLESS. She proceeds to put on a mask under her chin, then asks me questions, unfazed. WTAF.

Read 6 tweets
Feb 8th 2022
I recently spoke with Jon Azpiri @cbcnewsbc about issues with school/classroom air quality in BC. His story is great, but given space constraints some of the finer detail wouldn't fit. I'll fill you in on those details with this 🧵!
First a brief history. The BC govt put some money into ventilation improvements for schools, reportedly over $100M. Last summer I read in a local paper about my kid's school district (SD43) receiving about $2M. As my daughter was returning in Sept, I was curious what was done.
I contacted the District facilities director and asked for details in Aug, he was very helpful and answered all my q's. The district hired an HVAC consultant to review the schools and recommend upgrades. Turns out our school, Walton Elem., has a very simple inexpensive system.
Read 21 tweets
Jan 14th 2022
As a parent and a citizen, I am very alarmed by what is happening in Ontario.
Our CMOH has sanctioned the re-opening of schools during a time when they are less safe than ever.
I thought the CMOH was there to protect us from harm, to operate within the highest integrity,
upholding the ethics of their profession at all times, irrespective of political opinion or persuasion.
I was naïve.
“The Chief Medical Officer of Health (CMOH) reports directly to the Deputy Minister of Health.”…
But how is 1 public health officer allowed to operate without any checks and balances? Oh wait – there are local checks and balances, but they are not being exercised at present.…
Order by M.O.H. re communicable disease
Read 31 tweets
Jan 2nd 2022
This article, Written by Howard Levitt, the best known and most widely quoted authority on employment law in Canada, is a MUST READ.…
“Insurance companies look for any way they can to deny or cut short a claim: that is how they make money. In the case of COVID-related disability claims, insurers are frequently denying claims due to insufficient medical evidence, for example, the lack of a positive COVID-19 test
Levitt: “According to the Ontario COVID-19 Science Advisory Table, roughly 10 per cent of those who become infected with the virus become long-haulers.”

“Many Canadians despair of ever regaining the lives they lived before contracting COVID-19.”
Read 13 tweets
Dec 19th 2021
To the experts insisting “N95s are useless if not fit-tested”

Have you ever tried to fit test a “well-fit surgical mask” or “3 layered well-fit cloth mask”?

TLDR they are inferior.

A brief case series and 🧵

There are two type of fit tests, 1) quantitative fit testing - a portacount machine measures the concentration of aerosol outside the mask versus inside the mask and 2) qualitative fit testing - a potent bitter or sweet aerosolized solution is inhaled under a hood

I underwent quantitative fit testing on a surgical mask, suboptimally fit KN95 and well fit CN99 (FFP3). The results were intuitive. The surgical mask, while still offering some protection, performed the worst.

Read 15 tweets
Dec 10th 2021
OUTRAGEOUS/EYE OPENER: A small business owner sent me this photo. They were able to easily & quickly secure 30 (yes, thirty) FREE boxes of 25 rapid tests for their business within one week. Easy ordering process and very few questions asked upon pick up. 1/
Meanwhile…school children, their families, essential workers (including my CA survivor teacher friend) are being forced to pay $40/test out of their pockets for the same luxury. This raging pandemic is being inflamed by our corrupt, incompetent, negligent government 2/
Don’t let them fool you. There are tests, most of which have probably been “deployed” to various Chambers of Commerce to be easily provided to local businesses FREE OF CHARGE. We all pay taxes, we all deserve to be kept safe. Especially people who are vulnerable. 3/
Read 8 tweets
Nov 7th 2020
Read 127 tweets
Oct 24th 2020
Read 127 tweets
Oct 14th 2020
Read 99 tweets
Aug 26th 2020
Q12: Outdoors safe? If you can smell someone who is smoking, you are too close to remove your mask. #EnviroHealthMatters #N95s4all
Depends on activity on distance outdoors stay apart. Stay upwind. Continuity from fluid mechanics is important.
Q13: If masks in a hallway, or elevator. @linseymarr says depends on ventilation. Still #WearAMask in a hallway with 10 people. #envirohealthmatters Relatively low risk from elevators.
Read 4 tweets

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