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Señor alcalde @gonzalojacome:

No tengo claro que ser la ciudad más subsidiada de España sea motivo de celebración. Quiero pensar que la métrica del éxito es otra. Pero he estudiado cien iniciativas similares a la suya y encuentro un denominador común: fracasan.

Verá… 👇
Este triunfal anuncio es compatible con un cuadro agudo de subvencionitis. Una pandemia que está causando estragos en alcaldes y concejales de toda bandera. El delirio: intentar salvar el comercio local con un «Amazon» municipal.

El virus lo inocula el Estado canalizando una línea de subvenciones con fondos europeos. Las entidades locales concurren porque hay dinero de Europa. Es la solución a la búsqueda de un problema. Y a alguien se le enciende la bombilla: un «marketplace». 🎉
Read 16 tweets
Parece que el Ayuntamiento de Huesca, @AytoHuesca, acaba de contratar a un distribuidor de películas porno de Sevilla para que repare la cubierta del Palacio de Deportes por 300 000 €. 🎉

El adjudicatario de esta obra es la sociedad MODO CASTE, S.L.

1⃣… El Ayuntamiento de Huesca ha adjudicado las obras de la segu
En una audaz estrategia de diversificación, MODO CASTE, S.L. se constituye en 2011 con el capital mínimo requerido y como sociedad unipersonal con un doble objeto social: empresa de construcción y …bar.

2⃣… 164029 - MODO CASTE SOCIEDAD LIMITADA. Constitución. Comien
Pero en un sorprendente giro, MODO CASTE, S.L. decide en 2015 dejar la construcción y la hostelería para dedicarse «a la distribución de películas y artículos sólo para público adulto y la compraventa de productos eróticos». 🎉

3⃣… 17163 - MODO CASTE SOCIEDAD LIMITADA. Modificaciones estatut
Read 13 tweets
#Zionist-#Leyen's Revenge:
#EU #Ombudsman - page down at least since Feb 14, 2023, 8:22pm CET.
EU institutions and bodies profiles | #EuropeanUnion!btCjND ImageImage
#Zionist-#Leyen's harsh #revenge:
#Ombudsman's last webpage saved Oct 7, 2022
The European #Ombudsman, Emily #OReilly, works with the institutions, agencies and bodies of the @europeanunion to achieve the highest standard of #administrative practices… ImageImageImage
Read 22 tweets
1990: “Plan Balcerowicz leidt tot verrassende resultaten”.

Deze “schoktherapie” leidde echter tot dramatische instabiliteit en armoede voordat economische groei werd herwonnen.

Zijn de monetized oligarchen nu Schoktherapie 2.0 aan het uitvoeren? 🧵

Balcerowics was bij lancering plan (1989) minister van Financiën van Polen en zat samen in commissie met oa George Soros en Jeffrey Sachs.

In 2001 werd Balcerowics president van de Centrale Bank in Polen.

Balcerowics bezocht in 2001 de “WEF primeur”:

“The World Economic Forum's European Economic Summit 2001 is the Foundation's sixth meeting [..], but the first to involve all of Europe in an integrated discussion of the major issues facing the continent.”…
Read 6 tweets
📕 [Nuevo informe] Cómo la inversión pública socava la #TransiciónEcofeminista

🔍 Análisis de 5 #PERTE (#NextGenerationEU)
💡 Energía
🩺 Salud
🩹 Cuidados
💧 Agua
🍎 Agroalimentación

🖇️Con @OMAL_info, @ColectivaXxk, @ESFCatalunya y @twitt_odg


⚠️SHYNE (liderado por @Repsol) gestionará gran parte de los fondos dedicados a impulsar el hidrógeno.

⚠️Las empresas del oligopolio energético (@iberdrola, @Endesa y @Naturgy) han solicitado casi el total de subvenciones para la transición energética.


⚠️ Se rescata el sistema sanitario con tecnooptimismo: digitalización y bases de datos

⚠️ Asociaciones y patronales del sector farmacéutico (GSK, Pfizer, Merck, Novartis, Sanofi, Bayer o Esteve) definen las políticas a través de la “Alianza de Salud de Vanguardia”

Read 7 tweets
🚨Breaking 🚨

The EU Commission proposes - for the 1st time in its history - to suspend the disbursement of 65% of EU funds due to #Hungary in effort to protect #ruleoflaw (loopholes remain)

Now EU-26 must approve it at QMV (unlike under Art 7 #Poland can’t veto it)
Why does the EU suddenly threaten #Hungary with (partial) suspension of EU funds?

(Spoiler: To save everyone’s face)

1. EU leaders show to the public to remain in control vis-à-vis autocratic #Hungary

2. to then approve #Hungary recovery plan (only remaining unapproved)
Today’s EU Commission proposal to suspend EU funds to #hungary originates in #EUCO back in Dec ‘20 that broke deal re: #NextGenerationEU

That ‘deal with the Devil’ put EU into a bind : gaining the power to formally suspend funds meant to turn a blind eye to major breaches
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📯Este miércoles acudimos al acto institucional de @MSocialGob: Construyendo un nuevo país: los fondos europeos al servicio de la #innovaciónsocial. Se presentan se presentan una veintena de proyectos en el marco del @P_Recuperacion y #NextGenerationEU.… Image
Una cita que abren @ionebelarra e @SR_Disability, y en la que intervienen María Carmen Garmendia, Pdta. del patronato de Matia hablando de innovación social y @AldazErkuden, codirección de #MatiaInstituto, que presentará el proyecto #ComoEnCasa.… Image
⚠️En menos de 1 hora dará comienzo la cita institucional de @MSocialGob:
"Construyendo un nuevo país: los fondos europeos al servicio de la innovación social"

#ElCambioEsPosible #Desinstitucionalización

🌐Puede seguirse en directo vía streaming:
Read 17 tweets
🟠 Hui és un dia crucial per a la ciutat. Comença la transformació urbanística més important per a #València de les pròximes dècades.
✅ Aprovem el conveni del canal d'accés ferroviari 🚇, que permetrà passar d'una platja de vies a un gran bulevard verd 🌳🌱
Vos explique👇🏼
✅ Era una actuació pendent d’engegar des de 2003. Es tracta d’una gran inversió conjunta de 550 milions d’euros 💶 entre l’Estat (ADIF), que pagarà el 50%, @generalitat un 25% i l’@AjuntamentVLC l’altre 25%. El projecte opta a 164 milions dels fons #nextgenerationeu
✅ L’Ajuntament aportarà 133 milions i som els primers que complim amb els acords amb Adif. S'haurà de descomptar l'aportació europea.

🗓 L’obra s’estima que durarà 5 anys, per tant, en 2027 es podrà gaudir del Bulevard García Lorca, un dels grans corredors sud per a la ciutat
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Seguimos en el camino de la #transformacióncuidadosdelargaduración.
Segunda reunión del Proyecto "Como en Casa" Proyecto que pretende avanzar en la transformación de los servicios residenciales desde un modelo “institucional” a un modelo “hogar” 🏡
"Como en Casa" se está desarrollando en #Gipuzkoa y en el Principado de Asturias y de él somos parte #Matia, #MatiaInstituto, @ActivizaT, @agirrecenter, el Organismo Autónomo ERA de @socialasturias_, la Consejería de Derechos Sociales y Bienestar del @GobAsturias y @ESNsocial Image
"Como en Casa" es un proyecto Aprobado por el Real Decreto 1101/2021, de 10 de diciembre, financiado por el @MSocialGob en el marco del @P_Recuperacion del @desdelamoncloa y los fondos Next Generation EU de la @ComisionEuropea.… Image
Read 3 tweets
#Partenariato 4.0
#Colao sembra avere le idee chiare sulla #TransizioneDigitale e sull’utilizzo delle relative risorse del #PNRR, lasciare ai privati la gestione mettendo a gara vari lotti per la copertura territoriale delle telecomunicazioni (fibra e 5G), indicando chi dei 👇
privati realizzerà
il #cloudnazionale (anche con #bigtech) e il governo dei dati dei cittadini. L’idea “dell’infrastruttura pubblica”, del bene comune, del ruolo dello Stato nella trasformazione del Paese e nel rilancio delle #PoliticheIndustriali sono questioni cancellate. 👇
Impostazione stroncata nella redazione del #PNRR e nell’allocazione delle risorse, compresa la sparizione dell’Istituto della Cybersicurezza (realizzato invece a livello europeo e dagli altri Paesi UE). Da ultimo la scelta di ridurre anche il controllo pubblico della rete 👇
Read 7 tweets
2021 has been a challenging year but we have managed to make progress towards a more resilient, greener, and more digital Europe.

⭐ It’s time to wrap up 2021! Let’s have a look at the main highlights of the year!
Undoubtedly, #NextGenerationEU has been the flagship initiative of the #vdLCommission in 2021.

💚More than a recovery plan, it is a chance to emerge stronger from the pandemic, transform our economies, and create opportunities for the Europe where we want to live.
🩹 What we’ve managed to achieve during 2021 was a true European success story.

✅All Europeans have access to vaccines.
✅Most vaccinated region in the world.
✅More than 1 billion vaccine doses exported worldwide.
✅Biggest donor of vaccines in the world.

#SafeVaccines Image
Read 12 tweets
@EU_Commission presented its #ownresources proposal today. It lays out 3 new revenue streams to:
- repay EU debt #NextGenerationEU
- finance the #SocialClimateFund

A short thread on what it means for #EUETS contributions based on some initial rough calculations 🧵1/13
First things first. 3 proposed new revenue streams are:
- 25% ETS (1+2) revenues: ~12.5b/y
- 75% CBAM revenues: ~0.8b/y
- 15% residual profits from large, profitable multinational enterprises: ~2.5-4b/y

On #CBAM, this was obviously expected; still disappointing. Many (including @e3g) argue that revenues should flow back to vulnerable #LDCs through adaptation and mitigation finance.
@Europarl_EN also seems keen on this @MChahim @kvanbrempt @MalinBjork_EU @KarinKarlsbro 3/13
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The whole world is affected by the energy prices spike.

Yet there is something specific to the 🇪🇺 situation.

We are too reliant on gas, too dependent on gas imports. It makes us vulnerable.

We need to diversify suppliers but crucially, speed up the transition to clean energy Image
Citizens expect quick responses.

Our priority is to give relief to vulnerable families and businesses.

Under EU rules, Member States can take measures swiftly.

This includes state aid, targeted support to consumers and cuts to energy taxes. Image
La @EU_Commission va agir:

1) Mettre fin à la spéculation sur les marchés de l'énergie

2) Évaluer comment le marché de l'électricité fonctionne

3) Établir des contacts avec les fournisseurs de gaz étrangers
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A few comments after yesterday's ruling of the Polish Constitutional Court, which has opened one of the most severe constitutional crisis in the history of #EU integration.
The ruling is quite clear: the @EUCourtPress's interpretation of the Treaties, and the power of national courts to set aside national rulings and laws, including the Constitution, which breach of EU law, is contrary to the Polish Constitution.
There is nothing to fix here by the #EU. The Court of Justice will not change its case-law on judicial independence for obvious reasons: it's a core piece of the EU legal order's constitutional system. It's non-negotiable. Member States will not change the Treaties either.
Read 20 tweets
Tehkem see teoks! Let’s #MakeItReal for Estonia! 🇪🇪

Green light to Estonia’s €969.3 million recovery and resilience plan. It will help the country:
🔵 build a stronger health system
🟣 digitalise its society
🟢 accelerate its green transition

#NextGenerationEU @EuroopaKomisjon
42% of Estonia’s #NextGenEU financing will secure the country’s green transition.

Major investments will include:

🏠 Renovation of nearly 2,700 homes to make them more energy-efficient
⚡ Electrification of railways
🚴 More cycling paths.

#MakeItGreen #NextGenerationEU
€220 million will support companies in making their green transition through:

🟢 modernising their business models

🟢 fostering the development of innovative green technologies

🟢 developing green skills.

#MakeItGreen #NextGenerationEU
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Green light for Finland’s #NextGenEU plan! 🇫🇮

It will help the country to meet its ambitious carbon-neutrality target by 2035.

€2.1 billion in grants will support climate objectives, the digital transition and economic and social reforms.

#NextGenerationEU #MakeItReal
Half of the plan supports climate objectives, including:

⚡ Decarbonisation of the energy sector
🌀 Low-carbon hydrogen
🚈 Green transportation
🏡 Low-carbon heating of buildings

#NextGenEU #MakeItReal
More than a quarter of Finland’s plan is dedicated to the digital transition:

🌐 Digital connectivity
🚄 Rail services fit for future
🔬 Innovations for health care services
📁 Continuous learning
👩‍🏫 Recruiting international talent

#NextGenEU #MakeItReal
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Să trecem la fapte! Let’s #MakeItReal for Romania!🇷🇴

We have given the green light to Romania’s €29.2 billion recovery and resilience plan.

This #NextGenEU financing will support measures to help the country emerge stronger from the pandemic.

#NextGenerationEU @RCERomania
41% of Romania’s #NextGenEU financing will secure the country’s green transition.

Major investments will include:

🟢 Railway modernisation

🟢 Clean energy production

🟢Biodiversity and environmental protection

#MakeItGreen #NextGenerationEU
€3.9 billion will support the modernisation of railway infrastructure, including:

🚈 electrified or zero-emission railways

🚈 rolling stock

#MakeItGreen #NextGenerationEU
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Ta' vera! Let’s #MakeItReal for Malta! 🇲🇹

We have approved Malta’s €316.4 million recovery and resilience plan.

This #NextGenEU financing will help the country emerge stronger from the pandemic and get ready for the future.

#NextGenerationEU @ECRepMalta
54% of Malta’s #NextGenerationEU financing will secure the country’s green transition.

Major investments will include:

🟢Energy-efficiency renovations and greening of buildings
🟢Access to free public transport
🟢A new ferry landing place at St Paul’s Bay/Buġibba

Malta’s plan lays the foundations for a greener future.

#NextGenEU will support measures like the greening of private and public buildings, including hospitals and schools.

#MakeItGreen #NextGenerationEU
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☕️💡 Hoy la concejala de innovación económica, @pilarbernabe, participa en el ‘Café a la @lamarinadevlc’, donde responsables institucionales abordan los retos de la innovación y la economía del conocimiento como motor de transformación
🗣🧬 @capasvil, @GVAinnova: “La pandemia nos ha hecho ser más conscientes de la importancia de la investigación. Y desde la @generalitat materializamos esta apuesta con los esfuerzos presupuestarios de este año, hemos aumentado un 70% el presupuesto de ciencia e investigación”
🗣📲 @juanangepoyatos, DG de Coordinación de Acción de la @generalitat: “El reto de los fondos #NextGenerationEu va a ser cómo vamos a ser capaces de absorberlos y la digitalización es clave. Hay muchos recursos del propio plan para impulsar la propia digitalización”
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The European economy is bouncing back strongly.

This is thanks to policy decisions taken since the very early days of the pandemic and to the fast vaccine roll-out.

Find out more in our new brochure and in our thread ↓

#NextGenerationEU #SOTEU
From the start of the pandemic, Europe took economic measures laying the foundations of our recovery.

EU countries were able to use the flexibility of State aid rules to support the economy.

In 2020 alone, funds from SURE scheme helped keep 25-30 million people in jobs.

To finance the recovery, we reached a historic agreement on the largest package ever financed through the EU budget.

It consists of:

🔹 The EU’s long-term budget for 2021 to 2027 (€1.211 trillion) 

🔸 NextGenerationEU (€806.9 billion) 

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🔥Pour le fond de relance européen next generation EU, nucléaire et gaz ne sont pas inclu dans les obligations vertes, le gaz pourrait toutefois être financé via des obligations standard.

Le nucléaire doit toujours être inclu dans la taxonomie via un acte délégué.

Étant donné que les négociations sur la Taxonomie sont attendus pour prendre des années, il est nécessaire de trouver un cadre pour financer la relance dès maintenant.

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C’est avec #fierté que je vois mon avis sur le rapport d’initiative législative « Protéger les travailleurs contre l’amiante » adopté par la Commission de l’environnement et de la santé publique (@EP_Environment) adopté par 77 voix pour et une seule abstention [thread]⤵️
1. Qu’est-ce qu’un rapport d’initiative législative ? Si le Parlement européen ne dispose pas du pouvoir d’initiative législative, il peut néanmoins adopter des rapports auxquels la Commission s’engage à présenter une proposition législative suivant l’avis du Parlement.
2. C’est cela un rapport d’initiative législative (INL). Il y a donc un enjeu majeur à ce que le texte adopté par le Parlement européen soit le plus ambitieux possible afin d’orienter dans le bon sens le travail de la Commission européenne.
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The @TRACK_EUCO conference "Spreading Knowledge about the European Council" is starting as we speak! The event, co-organised by @ceteus and TEPSA, is all about the @EUCouncil

Join us LIVE 🔴 or follow along here for the breakdown 👇

Our TEPSA Executive Director Mariam Khotenashvili is giving the welcoming remarks to the conference, where there is significant participation from the TEPSA Network throughout the agenda - we look forward to discussions!

On the @TRACK_EUCO side, Harun Suratli from @ceteus, manager of the #TRACK project, gives a second set of opening remarks on the work of the project to spread knowledge about the @EUCouncil

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#NextGenerationEU, our recovery programme, is going to frame our action during the Slovenian presidency @EU2021SI

Europeans want to leave this pandemic behind.

We are here to help them to achieve exactly that.

We will get out of this crisis together.
Zuallererst bleibt unsere Impfkampagne entscheidend.
Sie wird endlich zu einer Erfolgsgeschichte.
Unser Durchhaltevermögen zahlt sich aus.

Mitte April lag unsere Zahl der min. ein Mal geimpften Erwachsenen noch 25% hinter 🇺🇸 - heute nur noch 5%. Die Lücke ist fast geschlossen.
We will work with @EU2021SI, despite our differences, to deliver results.

But how we exit the crisis is linked to the question of trust.

EU taxpayers care too, as they ultimately finance our recovery.

So I call on Slovenia to continue the important work on rule of law files.
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