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Jun 15th 2023
The #BonnClimateConference failed once again to address the key drivers of the #ClimateCrisis [= #FossilFuels]. Delay is the new Denialism.
A 🧵on the #FalseSolutions increasingly being pushed in the @UNFCCC negotiations: #CCS #CDR & #geoengineering are dangerous distractions!
Science is crystal clear, the only way to meaningfully reduce emissions is a rapid, equitable, full & funded phase-out of ALL fossil fuels. In this essential #JustTransition, there's is NO space for dangerous distractions such as #CCS or #CarbonRemoval.…
#CCS is NOT a climate solution @CA_Latest…
#CCS may carry even more risk & uncertainty than drilling for oil or gas, according to @ieefa_institute…
Read 10 tweets
Jun 2nd 2023
So, we're nearly done here in Paris for the second round of #PlasticsTreaty negotiations. What's the vibe check on negotiations? Uhhh, complicated question....🧵 Image
With potential 'options' up for discussion ranging from fossil fuel subsidy reform to plastic production caps, restrictions on chemicals and proposals including restricting the plastic waste trade from developed countries, it wasn't going to be...easy… Image
There were lots of scenes like this as issues were tricky to solve on the plenary floor and required extended huddles to find solutions. Rules of Procedure hung up the first couple of days, meaning we didn't even talk plastic til mid-week.

More here 👇… Image
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May 26th 2023
1/ As #OceanCleanUp seeks to make a wave to strengthen its business model,it's important to remember that #plastic pollution is not just a waste issue,which is why a mandate was given to negotiate an agreement that covers the entire life cycle of…
2/ In one of the webinars that I visited recently to prepare for these negotiations, it was said, that there is now overwhelming evidence of health effects at every stage of #plastics lifecycle, nicely put together in the @minderoo report 👇#PlasticsTreaty… Image
3/ In addition, at every stage of its life cycle, #plastics cause #greenhouse gas emmissions, which we super-urgently need to reduce to mitigate the #climatecrisis. This study estimated that plastic caused 4.5% of global #GHG emissions. #PlasticsTreaty…
Read 10 tweets
May 24th 2023
@BCarneyAlmroth @ScientistsCoa highlights the need for chemical transparency & simplification
in #plastics design & production caps in the #PlasticsTreaty to return to safe planetary boundaries. She warns against delaying narratives from the industry playbook used to sow doubts. Image
@BCarneyAlmroth also shares that high-level industry representatives have imparted their aim to increase #plastic production and that chemical transparency is out of question because of industrial property rights & legal frameworks. #PlasticsTreaty Image
@CarolynDeere highlights the role of civil society in the global governance role of #plastics, e.g. the recent @minderoo report which provides overwhelming evidence on the effects of plastics and its chemicals on human health, especially on early & extremely sensitive life stage. Image
Read 5 tweets
May 16th 2023
@UNEP announces observers will receive one badge per organization in upcoming #PlasticsTreaty negotiations, severely limiting public participation during #INC2

A thread 🧵: Image
#INC1 saw 1,600 participants register for online/in-person negotiations. At #INC2, UNEP has shared that nearly 2,700 people are registered. Still, they selected the UNESCO Headquarters, a site with a maximum capacity of 1,500. Image
Today, UNEP announced that observers, representing civil society organizations, Indigenous Peoples Groups, scientists, workers + trade unions, and more, will be limited to one participant per organization inside the building. Image
Read 9 tweets
May 10th 2023
Often, I have been asked why people do not collect and make money from the plastic in the river, I tell them it is a hard & expensive task to do . Yesterday, I challenged myself- got into the water for one hour to see how much of the recyclable plastic waste I’d be able to gather Image
The exercise took me an hour. At the end of the one hour, and after managing to collect about 700 plastic bottles, I was only able to earn ksh100. Ultimate, I would have earned about ksh170 but the plastics were wet and dirty. Too much work, for so little!
Plastic waste is just trash that nobody wants to pick and that explains why its impact in the environment is so high. We need to put extra efforts to stop it from leaking into the environment and demand a mandatory deposit and return schemes for all plastic drink bottles. Image
Read 7 tweets
Apr 21st 2023
🔴📢BREAKING The most gravitational document for #INC2 #plasticstreaty is out

🤯13000 chemicals used in plastics as monomers, additives, processing aids and NIAS

➡️3200 are identified as chemicals of potential concern based on existing hazard types… Image
🧪"Chemical simplification encourages the use of a smaller number of chemicals and facilitates a move from a chemical-specific approach to addressing groups of chemicals of concern, could prove more effective in light of the large number of chemicals"
#PlasticsTreaty Image
"For 6000 chemicals used in plastics, no hazard data was found in regulatory databases analysed, thus many of them could also be chemicals of potential concern."
Read 13 tweets
Apr 21st 2023
Is Paris #INC2 is a feast, you need to read 3 excellent written essays on #plasticpollution 🧵

1️⃣ Rebecca Altmant :
On Vinyl: A brief history of #EastPalestine toxic train disaster

2️⃣ Mark O’Connell: Our Way of Life Is Poisoning Us

Read 4 tweets
Apr 5th 2023
I’m delighted to announce that my provocative piece on the impact of #plasticpollution on the #tropics is the first published article in Journal of Tropical Futures published by @SAGEPublishers…

#plasticfree #plastic #plasticwaste #plastictreaty
Unsustainable #plastic production, use and mismanagement have resulted in increased #plasticpollution in the environment threatening #sustainability, especially in the #tropics.

#sustainabledevelopment #sustainabilitymatters #singleuseplastic
Countries in the #tropics have been disproportionally impacted by #plasticpollution due to imports of #plasticwaste from developed countries, or because tropical Small Island Developing States have become overwhelmed by #singleuseplastics used widely in the tourism sector.
Read 8 tweets
Apr 3rd 2023
Alright, another day, another #PlasticsTreaty webinar. I've got my cup of tea charged up and ready to try and capture some highlights from today's session, most likely in the form of a 🧵
Ooh what a line-up! Lots of brains on hazardous chemicals and microplastics. Regulating chemicals in plastics is critical given impacts on health, so a discussion on possible (ambitious) obligations and control measures is timely ahead of the forthcoming 'options' paper from UNEP
Many chemicals used in plastics are endocrine disrupting says @docmarinfernan. Members of @TheEndoSociety have been studying for years.
‼️ Many found in everyday products
‼️ Need to ban chemicals in groups
‼️ Dialogue needed between regulators and scientists, eg @ScientistsCoa
Read 8 tweets
Feb 5th 2023
🔴🚨BREAKING 🆕 Minderoo Plastic Waste Makers Index 2023 #plasticstreaty🧵

1️⃣Put a levy on fossil-fuel polymer production & consumption
2️⃣ Investors to engage with investees to stop the building of 🆕 fossil fuel-based polymer facilities, or divest
➡️Company scorecards
“Despite rising consumer awareness, corporate attention, and regulation, an additional 6MMT of waste was generated in 2021 compared to 2019 — still almost entirely made from fossil fuel-based “virgin” precursors.
Read 7 tweets
Dec 3rd 2022
#INC1 hangover?

Here are the 10 things you need to know about the #Plasticstreaty first round of negotiations 🧵
❤️substantive discussion on objective, scope and structure
❤️ the objective will cover environment and health dimensions (and human rights)
❤️A clause for parties-non parties was suggested to be included
💔Few deep discussions about elements

❤️ Mandate for UNEP to produce a compilation of elements for a #plasticstreaty based in #INC1 and written submissions
❤️No more multistakeholder forum eating💰&⏳of negotiations
💔Rule of Procedure 37 stills on brackets
Read 11 tweets
Aug 1st 2022
Today @PNASNews published one of the most important studies I've conducted. We asked: do international treaties produce the effects their negotiators intended? The short answer is "no".

Here I will try to summarize almost 10 years of work in 10 tweets.🧵…
1. To start, treaties are often used by countries to address issues that transcend national boundaries, like the environment, human rights, humanitarian crises, maritime issues, security and trade. Today there are at least 250,000 treaties, yet few have been evaluated for impact.
2. So we conducted a systematic field-wide evidence synthesis. We searched 11 databases, combed through 24,096 records, and found 224 quantitative impact evaluations of treaties. We then used statistical techniques to integrate all unique quantitative estimates of effects. Image
Read 11 tweets
Jul 8th 2022
🆕 @VUamsterdam' s study found that nearly 80% of the meat & dairy products from farm animals tested by scientists contain #Microplastics.

🤯 Where does that plastic come from? Most likely it originates from livestock feed.

READ in @guardian.

🧵👇 1/4…
2/4 - The presence of #Plastics in livestock could originate from the intentionally added #Microplastics in pesticides and fertilizers used to grow animal feed.

Find out more in our latest report 👇…
3/4 - In March, VUA researchers reported #Microplastics in human blood for the first time.

The discovery of the particles in blood shows they are ubiquitous in our environment, food, and bodies.

Read more about the impacts of #Plastics on our health ⤵️…
Read 4 tweets
Apr 7th 2022
Three years ago, we joined partners around the world in releasing a landmark report that examined the impact of the full life cycle of plastic on health.

Read that report here:
#PlasticAndHealth #BreakFreeFromPlastic #WorldHealthDay2022 Image
From extraction to refining, use to waste management, plastics pose a serious health whether people experience them through direct or environmental exposure.

Since then, the needle has only moved.

Here's just some of the developments: Image
In 2019, scientists announced that the average person eats *at least* 50,000 particles of microplastic a year and breathes in a similar quantity.…
Read 11 tweets
Mar 10th 2022
Punya harapan untuk melihat tidak ada lagi polusi plastik yang terjadi di sekitar kita? Kita selangkah lebih dekat!

Baru-baru ini, pertemuan United Nation Environmental Assembly 5.2 di Nairobi, Kenya menghasilkan resolusi untuk perjanjian plastik global. Simak yuk.
Pertemuan yang disingkat UNEA 5.2 ini diikuti oleh delegasi berbagai negara dan menjadi wadah untuk menyepakati berbagai prioritas kebijakan lingkungan hidup global, serta acuan pengembangan hukum lingkungan internasional.
Kabar baiknya: UNEA 5.2 menghasilkan resolusi untuk perjanjian plastik global yang berjudul “End Plastic Pollution: Toward an international legally binding instrument” yang diadopsi dari draft resolusi Peru-Rwanda.…
Read 8 tweets
Oct 21st 2021
#Plastics' impact on the environment is well known, but what about their impact on human #Health?

Today, the #PlasticHealthSummit2021 explores the health impacts of plastics and policy opportunities for systemic solutions to #BreakFreeFromPlastic!

A thread 🧵
“The toxic threat of plastics is not only a human health issue, it's a #HumanRights issue.” — @mariawesterbos, @plasticsoupfoun's Director.

We couldn't agree more! #Plastics impact human rights at each stage of their life cycle.
The first session of the #PlasticHealthSummit draws the spotlight on the interconnection between environmental & human health.
Scientists are sharing their latest findings on plastics & blood, fetal development, & hormone-related disorders related to plastic.
Read 18 tweets
Oct 20th 2021
NEW report by @SRtoxics makes clear: Plastics pose a threat to #HumanRights throughout their whole life cycle.
A human rights-based approach to #PlasticsPolicy is urgently needed to #BreakFreeFromPlastic & uphold #EnvironmentalJustice.
A thread 🧵
"It's urgent to address the interface of plastics & #HumanRights. The gaps & shortcomings in the area are posing a truly global threat. A rights-based approach to the plastics lifecycle can help prevent & redress human rights infringements." — @SRtoxics.
Indeed, from extraction to production, through transport, use, and disposal, plastics are impacting at least 10 of the most fundamental human rights.


Read more in our statement ⬇️ ⬇️…
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