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Aug 2nd 2022
I've read the stories describing the apology tour of Pope Francis. On Monday after his first visit near Edmonton I decided to comment after the saga had unfolded. It was an emotional week for so many!
1/ #PopeFrancis #Canada #residentialschools #truthandreconciliation
We heard apologies, pleading forgiveness, more apologies, recognition of "cultural destruction" and finally on the flight home #PopeFrancis said "yes, it was a genocide, yes, yes, clearly. You can say that I said it was a genocide."
2/ #residentialschools…
The genocide was justified by the #DoctrineOfDiscovery & while #PopeFrancis, #CatholicChurch, & Crown gov'ts are reluctant to rescind it, the actions I witnessed against the #Wetsuweten in their own territory are empowered by the Doctrine.
3/ #bcpoli #cdnpoli @bcndp @BCNDPCaucus
Read 10 tweets
Mar 27th 2022
Is anyone keeping track of how many Apologies have been given to #FirstNations #Indigenous peoples in Canada?

Or more importantly..changes that have come as a measure of amends for acknowledged wrongs commensurate with the level of harm for what’s being apologised for?
I understand that the #Indian #ResidentialSchools were but one component of the overall Xanadian Gov strategy to remove #FirstNations from their Traditional Territories for the use & benefit of settlers & exclude FN’s from any benefit of wealth generated
This exclusion is successfully being perpetuated today by the Crown Govts of Canada

PM’s Harper & Trudeau have apologised for what has happened like it was from a far off long ago era

#ResidentialSchools amends must far more than “Healing” but include the political dynamic
Read 4 tweets
Oct 21st 2021
We provided live coverage from the 20th annual Four Directions All Nations March in #Denver last week, which gave space to and highlighted Rita Martinez, Tigray, Palestine, and 'genocide schools,' or residential schools. Check out our coverage here --->…
In our article you'll find five videos cut from the stream which are of the speeches about each topic. Here's the Rita Martinez portion.
Here's the #Tigray portion from the march.
Read 6 tweets
Sep 30th 2021
I am Mohawk.

On this day of #TruthAndReconciliation and #OrangeShirtDay ...

Let me tell you how my family has been affected by #ResidentialSchools.
My Mohawk grandmother, my Tota was sent forcibly to #ResidentialSchool.

My great-grandmother Minnie (Who did not speak English) was told that she could not have her daughters back.

Undeterred, she went back in the middle of the night and helped her daughters to escape.
I am proud of this blood running through my veins, my great tota Minnie and my tota are warriors.

But the story doesn't end there.

For the rest of my life, my tota was terrified.
Read 9 tweets
Aug 13th 2021
CW/TW residential school children
In light of the false reports circulating on social media about 1100 children found at Blue Quills, a thread about numbers and graves associated with residential schools from someone on the ground doing this work.
There have been images circulating with larger and larger counts. Most communities are just beginning the journey to search around their schools and are taking time to engage with the survivors, Elders, and families to discuss how to proceed. This is a necessary step.
When you see numbers circulating, I encourage folks to go to the source of the information. Indigenous communities who have done this work and have chosen to share the results will have done so formally. Amplify what they are saying.
Read 12 tweets
Jul 19th 2021
1/21 #Indigenous #ResidentialSchools #MassGraves #RCMP #CDNpoli

A smarter person might ignore it, but I want to show y'all the state of things with law enforcement, systemic racism, toxic politics, & media, as it unfolded surrounding this story (#thread)

2/21 #ResidentialSchools #MassGraves #RCMP #CDNpoli

Recently @APTNNews published an investigation by @brittany_guyot about @RCMPVetsGRC & anti-#Indigenous racism

What happened next reveals how deep that trouble runs & the risks some are willing to take
3/21 #Indigenous #ResidentialSchools #MassGraves #RCMP #CDNpoli

A flurry of activity occurred when @brittany_guyot enquired with @RCMPVetsGRC about the offensive op-ed by Iwona Mooney

1st they deleted the entry, but Google cache still has original copy
Read 22 tweets
Jun 27th 2021
Thread: A key argument of residential school deniers is that the schools were 'products of their time' & we can't judge the past by present standards. Persistent and consistent critiques of the schools were made for over a hundred years. Here are the receipts #residentialschools
2. 1893: Indian Affairs inspector T. D. Wadsworth reports that the Qu’Appelle school lacked an infirmary
3. 1895: Inspection of Middlechurch, MB school finds that food is inadequate
Read 23 tweets
Jun 11th 2021
1. The graves at #BrandonResSchool have been known for many, many years. Media marticles have been published. Research projects carried out. The graves have not been 'discovered'. They've been willfully ignored #ResidentialSchools Evidence:
2. Article by Anne Lindsey et al in @manitobahistory journal, 2015…
3. @nationalpost reporting on Katherine Nichols' work in 2015:…
Read 6 tweets
Jun 1st 2021
Official statement from Canadian Conf of #Catholic Bishops on the #genocide of #215children - Zero accountability - it should be titled “Shirking the Past” /1
Their website attempts to distance the church and bishops of complicity in #residentialschools “The Catholic Church as a whole in Canada was not associated with the Residential Schools, nor was the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops.” #TruthAndReconciliation /2
The Vatican’s assets are estimated to be in the 10s of billions of dollars, earning millions annually just in investment dividends. They are likely the largest tax evader in the world. /3
Read 7 tweets
May 31st 2021
Have driven Bishop Grandin Boulevard in Winnipeg thousands of times without ever thinking he had a role in #ResidentialSchools Another reminder of our pathetically low level of awareness of the darkest chapter in Cdn history.
Like so many others, we grew up thinking Canadian history was extremely boring. We now know why. The people in charge of the education curricula whitewashed our real history. First they tried to make the Indigenous disappear. Then they tried to make real history disappear.
History was my favorite subject. But it was World history that seemed exciting and American history. Even our history teachers would tell us that Cdn history was boring. The term #residentialschools never passed their lips. Many yrs later I asked one of them "Did you know?"
Read 4 tweets
Jan 8th 2019
@NigelBiggar And if you were the only country writing the history of English civilization that would be the case. But you are not and English acts can no longer be differentiated from those of Germany. True, the acts may be done in small concentrated acts, like enslaving Beothuks
@NigelBiggar Scalping bounties, some still in effect in #NovaScotia
@NigelBiggar To germ warfare with Smallpox blankets by Lord Amherst, the first governor general of Canada.
Read 12 tweets

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