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#Syrian community in #Sofia show solidarity with their homeland
#Syrian students, members of the Syrian & Arab community in #Bulgarian held a gathering in the center of the Bulgarian capital of #Sofia to show solidarity with their homeland, showing readiness to provide everything necessary to ease suffering of the earthquake-affected people.
A powerful earthquake hit northern areas of #Syrian in February 6th,2023.

Participants in the solidarity stand pledged to exert every possible effort to provide aid and send and offer what is needed to the disaster regions.
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Day 379 of #Russia's attack on #Ukraine, here's my daily thread.

The fierce fighting around #Bakhmut and other hotspots in the east continues.

Bakhmut is 35 miles (55km) from #Kadiivka in #Luhansk region which has been under Russian control since 2014.
35 miles in 379 days!
Yesterday's link for the thread is here⬇️
Luckily, a quiet day with #Georgia's heavily Russian influenced Govt taking most of the headlines.

More death and destruction from #Russia already this morning.

Four people are dead in #Lviv region after local officials say a rocket hit a residential area.

Rescuers are still searching debris in #Zolochiv.
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🇧🇬⚡️Betrayal of Nation: Bulgarian former PM Exposed for Spreading Anti-Russian Propaganda
#bulgaria #ukrainewar #ukraine #kirilpetkov #nato #cia #corruption #bribery #sofia
Front News writes that former Bulgarian PM Kiril Petkov, a who has ties to the CIA, has gained financial compensation from paid publications in Di Welt and Politico, in exchange for spreading negative information about Bulgaria and damaging relations with Russia.
Petkov's actions are seen as a betrayal of Bulgaria and its ties to Russia, which freed the country from fascism.

Petkov is viewed as lacking any sense of national pride or morality, and is willing to do anything for money.
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The Bulgarian 🇧🇬🚞 rail trip thread continues here.

Day 3️⃣ Велико Търново / Veliko Tarnovo
Veliko Tarnovo is known as the "City of Tsars", since it was the medieval capital of Bulgaria. For me, it was one of the surprises of the trip.

We start the visit with some panoramic views from the Monument to Assen dynasty, located right in the middle of the Yantra river bend.
Some more pics of the monument itself.

Built in 1985 to make the anniversary of the rise of this dynasty, it features similar characteristics to other "historical monuments" built during the last years of communism in Bulgaria.
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Mighty Sovereigns Of Ottoman Throne : Sultan Murad I

By Ekrem Buğra Ekinci

👆🏻 widely used illustration painted by court painter Konstantin Kapıdağlı in the early 19th century shows Sultan Murad I , the 3rd ruler of Ottoman beylik that turned into an empire .

👆🏻👉🏻📸 Credits : Büşra Öztürk - Daily Sabah
While his predecessor , Osman & Orhan ghazis , had gathered a nation & created a state , Sultan Murad I improved his lands , making a prosperous country from it for all citizens .
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🇧🇬#Bulgaria 🇪🇺#EU #Sofia #Coronavirus

As of Wednesday, the holiday country Bulgaria will allow children up to the age of five from EU countries to enter the country without a corona test.
The regulation by Interim Health Minister Stojtscho Kazarov also applies to the entry of children from the Schengen countries, Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the USA, Israel and several Balkan countries, among others.
At the same time, the entry of people from high-incidence corona countries, including India, Bangladesh, Nepal and Myanmar, as well as Brazil and numerous African countries, was temporarily prohibited.
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#Bulgaria #Sofia #Coronavirus

Bulgaria's Prime Minister Boiko Borissow has ordered the establishment of Covid-19 stations at all major clinics in view of the sharp rise in new corona infections. In the southeastern EU country with 6.9 million inhabitants,
new corona infections exceeded the 4000 mark for the first time within 24 hours. More than 1,600 of the 4,041 new infections recorded so far were registered in the capital Sofia - the country's corona hotspot.
The background to this are worrying cases in which seriously ill corona patients could not be admitted to clinics. A man with Covid-19 died in the ambulance because no hospital could or would accept him.
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#Bulgaria #Sofia #Coronavirus #Help #call

Several medical facilities in Bulgaria essepcialy in Sofia the "military medical academy" issued a new appeal to volunteer amid concerns about medical personal running short and suffering exhaustion.
The Military Medical Academy said that volunteers should contact, giving their names, training course or profession, telephone number and e-mail address. Personal protective equipment would be provided to all volunteers, it said.
The Medical University of Plovdiv called on trainee doctors and trainee nurses to come forward. Applicants could register at the Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Public Health.
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#WaterOnTheMoon | The moon is sprinkled with patches of frozen water, #NASA scientists discovered. Mining it may be crucial for travel to Mars and beyond.… Image
.@NASA scientists have discovered caches of water hidden across the #moon's surface. Water could be a crucial resource for astronaut missions to #Mars, since ice can be converted into rocket fuel.

#WaterOnTheMoon #NASA
In a new study, a space plane detected the signal for H2O on the #moon. Other new research found small, permanent shadows where water ice could survive on the lunar surface. @NASA's next moon rover is designed to investigate water-rich regions of the moon.

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#Bulgaria #Sofia #Coronavirus #HealthCareSytem

Yesterday The Minister of Health issued an order imposing ban on planned operations in Sofia and five other cities and
ordered 10% of the capacity of each hospital in the cities with the most patients to be allocated for the treatment of coronavirus patients. A complete ban on planned operations and scheduled admission to hospitals in regions
with a morbidity of more than 120 people per 100,000 population is imposed by a new order of the Minister of Health Prof. Kostadin Angelov. This week in Bulgaria there are six regions with such morbidity - Blagoevgrad, Gabrovo, Sliven, Targovishte, Sofia and Shumen.
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@cybercrimefia Dear Madam, dear Sir, I am a Franch citizen. I would like to answer the defamation & the calumnious denunciation posted below your Tweet by the account @GruaAbuseArkive, which as you may is abusing my last name "Grua" for its stalking. Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aal...
@cybercrimefia @GruaAbuseArkive @GruaAbuseArkive is an anonymous account of the 40 years old woman named Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam. She is the manager of Betterdonds a herbal shop in Husseini Gojal. She spreads hatred against Wakhi people and xeonophobia against foreign visitors. She calls for violences. Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aal...
@cybercrimefia @GruaAbuseArkive I reported Ms Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam, to Pakistani Embassy in Paris @PakistaninParis and to French Embassy in Islamabad @FranceinPak while her radicalized speeches can create riots against foreign visitors.
I also sent them a detailed report:… Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aal...Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aal...
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Aktuell überprüfen wir am @DortmundAirport mehrere deutsche Staatsangehörige, die nach #Sofia /#Bulgarien ausreisen wollen.

Einsatzkräfte der #Bpol kontrollieren gezielt, ob diesen Personen die #Ausreise untersagt werden kann.

Die Personen, welche der rechten Szene zugeordnet werden, stehen im Verdacht, am #Lukovmarsch in #Sofia teilnehmen zu wollen.

An diesem nehmen regelmäßig #Rechtsextremisten aus dem In- und Ausland Teil.

#Dortmund #Bpol
Insgesamt wurden 22 Personen die der rechten Szene zugeordnet werden befragt bzw. überprüft.

Dabei untersagte die #Bpol einer Frau und neun Männern die Ausreise nach #Sofia

Die Pässe dieser Personen wurden vorübergehend eingezogen.

#Bpol #Flughafen #Dortmund
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Around 3000 BCE in eastern #Europe, a Proto-Balto-Slavic #language started to diverge from #ProtoIndoEuropean.

The #Slavic branch of the #IndoEuropean #languages began about 2,000 years later when Proto-Slavic deviated from Proto-Balto-Slavic.

[Image:…] Source: The Indo-European L...
As the #Slavic-speaking area expanded during the first millennium CE (striped area on map), Proto-Slavic transitioned to Common Slavic. The #language underwent minor changes that occurred mostly uniformly across eastern #Europe, thereby maintaining mutual intelligibility. A map of eastern Europe sho...
Around the year 1000 CE #CommonSlavic began to split into the South, West, and East branches to which all modern #Slavic #languages belong.

Roughly 315m people speak a Slavic #language, mostly in Eastern #Europe (including the #Balkan peninsula), #CentralAsia, and #Siberia. A map of Europe highlightin...
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Ready for a travel-Thread from yesterday? On my #trainWeddingtrip another #nighttrain was needed: №1335 "Hellas" from #Belgrade🇷🇸 to #Gevgelija🇲🇰 (+ #Thessaloniki🇬🇷 by bus). It's a train w/ a long history but it's today's existence is only a poor copy of former glory!
1st difficulty: One has to get to #Belgrade🇷🇸 Topčider train station by tram. Sadly no trains leave the beautiful main train station anymore. Tram-infos are rather hard to find, but buying tickets is easy, just hold your 💳 to one of these ticket-cancellers 👍! #trainWeddingtrip
There is not much around #Belgrade🇷🇸 Topčider, mainly a big park. From there, 4 international trains are leaving & arriving the city (2x #Bar🇲🇪, 1x #Sofia🇧🇬 & 1x #Gevgelija🇲🇰). Next to this building there is a ticket-office AND a GREAT😍 railway station pub🍺🍔! #trainWeddingtrip
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