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Jul 10th 2021
Just in: @HKAA1989 announced that given the more and more intense political crackdown in #HongKong, the alliance has decided to lay off all the staff due to the increased legal and political risks. They will also reduce the number of standing committee members from 20 to 14.
The alliance said given the reduced number of SC members and the decision to let go all the employees, the operation of the alliance will be affected in the future. They hope all sides will understand this and the promise to keep moving forward one step at a time.
Several of the alliance's key members have been arrested and detained by #HongKong police over the last few months for their participation in various rallies that dated all the way back to 2019, including Albert Ho, Lee Cheuk-yan and the vice chairperson @zouxingtong.
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Jun 4th 2021
#China's Young People 'Know Little' of 1989 #TiananmenMassacre

The #Chinese Communist Party has successfully silenced any public discussion of the protest movement & the bloody crackdown

2/ As the ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP) clamps down on dissidents ahead of Friday's anniversary of the Tiananmen massacre, younger people living in mainland China are largely unaware of the momentous events of the spring of 1989.
3/ Public memorials for the victims are banned, and any references to the People's Liberation Army (PLA)'s bloody suppression of the student-led protest movement are quickly deleted from the country's tightly controlled internet.
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Jun 4th 2021
#THREAD: At least 10,000 people died in #TiananmenSquaremassacre, a secret #British cable from the time says

Secret document say death toll was much higher than later reported, while claiming wounded students were bayoneted as they begged for their lives…
2/ First waves of troops went in unarmed to disperse the protesters. Then “The 27 Army APCs opened fire on the crowd before running over them. APCs ran over troops & civilians at 65kmh.” “Students were given one hour to leave square, but after five minutes, the APCs attacked.
3/ “Students linked arms but were mown down. APCs then ran over the bodies time and time again to make, quote ‘pie’ unquote, and remains collected by bulldozer. “The Remains were incinerated and then hosed down into the drains.”
Read 11 tweets
Jun 4th 2021
June 4, 1989. A day of infamy!

We do not forget!!!
2/ The #TiananmenSquaremassacre was done by #China's "People's" Army

That's a "People's" army, #Chinese regime style

June 4th 1989, the day of infamy for a Chinese regime that aspires to become the preeminent global power.

3/ #China's #TiananmenMassacre: The original #CNN footage

1989: Man vs. #Chinese tanks in Tiananmen square

The brave Chinese man that confronted & stopped a column of tanks

#TiananmenSquareMassacre 32nd anniversary on June 4th

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Jun 2nd 2021
The June Fourth Museum in #HongKong, which is affiliated under @hka8964, reportedly received a warning from government officials that the venue didn't have the proper license to hold exhibitions. The alliance said the move may be politically…
#HongKong government's Food and Environmental Hygiene Department claimed that they received a complaint that the venue didn't have a license to operate so they went to inspect and have begun a legal process against those operating the venue.
Richard Tsoi from the #HongKong Alliance said the museum has organized the same exhibitions over the past 10 years and they were never visited by government officials. He thinks this may be politically motivated and has sought legal opinions on how to respond.
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Jul 13th 2020
#NOW 13 HK activists are charged of “incitement to unlawful assembly” for leading the #TiananmenVigil last month, which was banned for the 1st time in 3 decades.
Today is also the 3rd anniversary of #LiuXiaobo’s passing away. Liu was jailed for “incitement to subversion”. Image
Jimmy Lai arrived at the court and joined the other activists just now.
Activists observed one moment of silence for #LiuXiaobo , who passed away three years ago today, before heading up to court.
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Jun 4th 2020
[This year might be the last year of annual #TiananmenVigil in #Hongkong]

1. 31 years ago, Beijing crushed dissents with tanks and guns. 31 years later, Beijing is ripping out our democratic aspiration with a tyrannical law.
2. At the time when #Beijing is unilaterally imposing the draconian #NationalSecurityLaw upon #Hongkong, this year might be the last year that Hongkongers can talk about #TiananmenSquareMassacre publicly.
3. Even before this evil law is implemented, #HKgov has already tightened its grip by banning this years’ candlelight vigil for the first time in 30 years. To block #Hongkongers from joining the vigil, the venue was locked down w/ barricades, with thousands of #hkpolice deployed.
Read 6 tweets
Jun 4th 2020
Small, scattered installations and signs in commemoration of the #TiananmenSquareMassacre and a growing crowd outside the Victoria Park, where #HongKong govt has banned the annual vigil on the grounds of public health.
Only before seven, but some have pushed down the gates and urging others to enter the field.
“The govt used ridiculous reasons like this construction sign to prevent citizens from using this sport field, especially on an important day like this one, it should make us angry, says a man, who then pushed down the gates surrounding the field.
Read 21 tweets
Jun 2nd 2020
1/So guys, guess what. I just got ahold of a document that has State Dept human rights officials asking senior colleagues, NGOs and others to film short videos of themselves holding candles & talking about the inspiration of Tiananmen’s protesters.
2/The videos are supposed to be posted from June 2/June 3 (the anniversary) along with the hashtag #TiananmenVigil. An interesting campaign to remember an extraordinary event that China’s government has tried to wipe out of history. But given what’s happening in the U.S....
3/Well, to be honest, I’m betting the State Department will move forward with it. Sec. Pompeo really does not like the Chinese Communist Party and won’t care about charges of hypocrisy. (Also will say there’s no equivalence.)
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