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Dec 20th 2022
Did u know?
True #ancient #history #Historia #christmas #Xmas
The real origin of Christmas goes back to ancient Babylon. The name 'Nimrod' is Hebrew and derives from 'Marad', meaning 'he rebelled'.…

...December 25th was the birthday of #Nimrod:
Here we have the real origin of the #ChristmasTree
They celebrated this famous birthday over most of the known world for centuries, before the birth of #Christ (#Jesus)
#WakeUp #humanity #evil #ancient #elite #RULER Then&Now
#Nimrod is said to be the founder, the king of the 1st empire after the #Flood
His realm includes #Babylon (Babel),Uruk,Akkad and Calneh.He's known to be a king that brought #tyranny to the #people while seeking to eliminate #religious #beliefs Story of Nimrod &Tower of Babel appears in numerous texts of ancient cultures including Hebr
Read 5 tweets
Dec 5th 2022
We’ve reached an understanding with Gov’t re. #planning & we’re discussing with colleagues.

We need a community-led, #green & regenerative system.


#housing @luhc @michaelgove @lucyfrazermp #iwnews @10DowningStreet @Telegraph @thetimes @PA

Those who’ve campaigned against bad development have too often been smeared as being #NIMBYs. In my book, they're local patriots. 🇬🇧

We also know #community groups, on the #IsleofWight and across the #UK, have despaired at top-down targets.

We (Theresa Villiers & I) agree. So, we:
a) built an alliance of Tory MPs
b) put down amendments
c) negotiated intensively with @michaelgove, @luhc & others to evolve language & ideas in the flagship Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill (#LURB).

We’ve agreed the following:

Read 17 tweets
Nov 20th 2022

#Montesano #nazismo #Fascismo #Xmas #BallandoConLeStelle #Rai #raiuno

Il caso di Enrico #Montesano, squalificato dal programma televisivo di #Rai 1 Ballando con le Stelle per aver indossato durante le prove di ballo una maglietta nera della "Xª MAS" con su scritto il motto "Memento Audere Semper",


richiama a frotte i soliti liberali anti-comunisti che non perdono occasione per delineare il loro patetico "non-pensiero" (vale a dire il pensiero non elaborato in maniera logico-razionale) per il quale i vari simboli usati dai #nazionalismi dittatoriali del #Novecento

Read 52 tweets
Dec 28th 2021
1/ This week in #BitcoinMoves:

🏈 @Patriots get $BTC for #Xmas
💪 Senator @CynthiaMLummis #crypto bill is coming
🇸🇻 It’s “game over, fiat” in #ElSalvador

2/ @MacJones_10 partnered with @BitcoinMagazine to gift his entire offensive line with $BTC for #Xmas. 🎁

The @Patriots QB said he’s been “studying #Bitcoin for a while now” & “had to give some to my teammates.”

Get the story here: 👇
3/ Wyoming Senator @CynthiaMLummis is introducing a comprehensive crypto bill in 2022.

The bill aims for "full normalization for digital assets” & will cover everything from how digital assets are taxed to consumer protections. 💪

Full story here: 👇
Read 4 tweets
Dec 25th 2021
Yall keep asking ME why I'm NOT spending #xmas with my father, I WASN'T INVITED.

I don't believe in going places where I'm NOT invited, celebrated, embraced, empowered,or appreciated.

So,yeah. there ya go. Yall could practice NOT being in spaces that dont want yall there too.
Stop FORCING yallself in folks life then being MAD cause they not responding or reacting positively.
The more time you spend with people who don't fuck with you, the more time you miss out on spending time with people who DO fuck with you.
Oh and for the folks who said "spend the holiday with your mother (and "reconcile"🙄)", bro we AIN'T spoke since my Grandmother's Funeral in 2016.

Shordy NOT tryna fa-la-la-la-la with ME.🎅🏿

And I'm NOT knowingly expecting for her to be someone she has NEVER been, TF. 🤷🏿‍♀️
Read 6 tweets
Dec 23rd 2021
Generative Models of Brain Dynamics – A #review

🎁 After a year of work, our #Xmas present is freshly out: 🎄

Get a bird's eye view with the synthesis of >200 refs at the intersection of #ML, #DynamicalSystems, and #Neuroscience!

A thread…🧵 (1/5)
To navigate through the broad landscape of neurodynamics modeling approaches, we map them based on the scale of organization/granularity and level of abstraction ~ conceptual scope (2/5)
We both covered classic cornerstones and recent SOTA methods, a methodological spectrum from naturalistic to abstract, from data- to hypothesis-driven generative models (3/5)
Read 5 tweets
Apr 25th 2021
Per la rubrica
ecco un meme che dimostra menzogna e idiozia, da qualsiasi parte lo si analizzi.

Partiamo dai banali numeri:
L'Italia è notoriamente il paese più longevo d'Europa.
Ma i centenari sono oltre i 14 mila, non so
quanti abbiano 80-90 anni, ma milioni.

Nel solo elenco degl'iscritti all'@Anpinazionale, i partigiani ancora vivi sono ancora oltre 2.000.
Fine della prima sfacciata menzogna.

Ma io, che di anni ne ho "solo" 70, i disastri dei criminali nazi-fascisti
li ricordo bene pur non avendoli vissuti direttamente.

Ricordo le case distrutte dalle bombe o crivellate dai colpi della mitraglia, le scritte "Rifugio Antiaereo" sui muri, etc., spariti solo dagli anni '70.

Non è perché non ho assistito
Read 15 tweets
Dec 24th 2020

#Ingratitude gives birth to different problems.

You must ever be #grateful to the Lord and your spouse for the gift of #marriage. Learn to be appreciative of whatever your spouse does or gives, no matter how little. /1

#Xmas #Christmas #MotivationalQuotes #family
Sometimes, as a woman, your husband does not have enough means to take care of everything in the home. Learn to still be grateful for the little.

Be understanding. Life is truly in phases. What you can't afford today, will surely come tomorrow.

I know that there are some men
...that shirk their #responsibilities. Such #men are mere boys. But in a situation where the case is genuine, please bear with your #husband. Assist him where possible.

The #God of heaven is your Rewarder.

When your husband tells you that he's facing a #financial challenge,

Read 7 tweets
Dec 25th 2019
I dread eating Turkey on #Christmas, so in an attempt to understand why we eat this overstuffed dry monstrosity, here's a short thread on the History of 🦃 and eating Turkey on #Xmas
Turkeys are originally from N America, and mitochondrial DNA of domesticated turkey has shown that they were first bred and domesticated in ancient Mexico by the pre-Aztec people around 800 BC. Alongside dogs, the turkey was the among the first animals domesticated there
The Puebloan people of the southwestern US also domesticated turkeys ~ 200 BC, but these were initially raised for feathers, which were used in rituals & ceremonies, as well as to make feather robes or blankets, but that strain vanished sometime after the arrival of the Spanish
Read 25 tweets
Dec 24th 2019
O Natal merece uma thread de erros de marketing. Segue o fio que começa com o panetone de GTOAS:
#FelizNatal #Natal #HoHoHo #PapaiNoel
Outro clássico de Natal é o Cherter Perdidão:
Ele parece um bom velhinho, mas por dentro...
Read 10 tweets
Dec 24th 2018
For as long as I can remember, I have watched #ItsAWonderfulLife every year on or about #Xmas eve.

Folks have asked me if the repeat viewing gets repetitive, but the truth is that the film always seems to offer me new lessons at each stage of life.

Allow me to offer a few...
When I was a kid, this scene taught me the importance of speaking up when you know something to be wrong, no matter how young or junior in position you may be and no matter the reprisal you may have to endure.
And of course the movie offers young viewers the plain but important message of selflessness over selfishness, which plays out in so many scenes...
Read 10 tweets

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