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Mar 7th 2023
بابلی (موجودہ عراقی شہر) تہذیب کا ارتقاء
2300 قبل مسیح
مسیح (Jesus) سے بھی 4000 سال قبل میں میسوپوٹیمیا (موجودہ عراق) میں آباد سمیری قوم (Sumerians/Ancient Group of People) نے موجودہ مہذب دنیا کا اولین کلچر قائم کیا۔
سومیریوں نے اپنے شہر ار، اریک اور کش ImageImage
میں میخی خط ایجادکیا، میناروں میں معبدبنائے، اور ایک متاثرکن اورقابل عقل و دانش شریعت متشکل کی۔ بےمثال ادب اوراساطیرتخلیق کی۔
کچھ عرصے بعدہی اس خطے پر سامی اور عکادیوں (Sàmi and Akkadian) نےحملہ کیااور انہوں نےسومیری زبان اور کلچر اپنالیا۔
2000سال قبل مسیح اسی تہذیب کو آموریوں نے Image
فتح کیا اور بابل کو اپنا دارالخلافہ بنایا۔
500 برس بعد اشوریوں نے اشور کے قریب سکونت کی۔
اسی بابلی روایات نے کنعانی اسطوریات اور مذہب کو بھی متشکل کیا جو قدیم اسرائیلیوں کی ارض موعود بن گیا۔
بابلیوں نے بھی اپنی ثقافتی کامیابیوں کو دیوتاؤں سے منسوب کیا لہذا بابل کو بھی Image
Read 4 tweets
Feb 22nd 2023
TRUTH IS STRANGER THAN FICTION- for those who can see 👀 It's about redirecting energy. A reversal, or inversion. A shift of male and female energy inverted upside down. People's lives are 100 percent shaped around what they see, hear and read on tv, music, and internet from
famous people who are entertainers of the mind. Famous and beautiful luxury is what traps the soul of the people by feeding beautiful attire to lull humans into the inversion of these lifestyles. When you redirect your mental power away from the public system and pay attention
to each of them, you will really start to see the script of this entire show is about inverting the energy of everything. Dark energy is about physical power. The image of physicality, and this is why humans who have reptile in their blood come together with them in the energy
Read 6 tweets
Jan 11th 2023
Are you wondering where to stream the awesome films and TV shows that "struck gold" at the 80th Golden Globe Awards? With this post, we answer your question!

#GoldenGlobes #GoldenGlobes2023
Read 10 tweets
Dec 20th 2022
Did u know?
True #ancient #history #Historia #christmas #Xmas
The real origin of Christmas goes back to ancient Babylon. The name 'Nimrod' is Hebrew and derives from 'Marad', meaning 'he rebelled'.…

...December 25th was the birthday of #Nimrod:
Here we have the real origin of the #ChristmasTree
They celebrated this famous birthday over most of the known world for centuries, before the birth of #Christ (#Jesus)
#WakeUp #humanity #evil #ancient #elite #RULER Then&Now
#Nimrod is said to be the founder, the king of the 1st empire after the #Flood
His realm includes #Babylon (Babel),Uruk,Akkad and Calneh.He's known to be a king that brought #tyranny to the #people while seeking to eliminate #religious #beliefs Story of Nimrod &Tower of Babel appears in numerous texts of ancient cultures including Hebr
Read 5 tweets
Dec 9th 2022
1/14, here is a short thread with coding techniques you can learn from recent beautiful @awwwards #SOTD by @makemepulse:, CSS, WebGL, KTX2, Shaders, Image formats
2/n First of all, the whole book background is a 25s (6Mb) video rendered in WebGL. The foreground, with texts-images is HTML! And altho it seems like a little pain to align HTML to an objects inside a video. Well, it just works, and the result is magical!
3/n they achieve this alignment knowing a book is *always* in the center of the video. The rest is just about finding a scale factor
Read 14 tweets
Dec 2nd 2022
i’m going to put the information from those images in the form of a thread. let’s get into the ethymology of balenciaga shall we? i will add more information to the thread so if you stumble upon it read the images and whats below them. ImageImage
from baal (bale)

From Late Latin Baal (as in the Vulgate) and Ancient Greek Βάαλ (Báal), from Hebrew בעל (bá`al, “lord, husband”), from Proto-Semitic *baʿl- (“owner, lord, husband”).

bale etymology:
From Middle English bale (“evil”), from Old English bealu, from Proto-West
Germanic *balu, from Proto-Germanic *balwą.
Cognate with Low German bal- (“bad, ill”), Gothic 𐌱𐌰𐌻𐍅𐌴𐌹𐌽𐍃 (balweins, “torture”), Old High German balo (“destruction”), Old Norse bǫl (“disaster”). Image
Read 19 tweets
Sep 28th 2022
میخی یا پیکانی رسم الخط (Cuneiform Script)
3500 BC - 2500 BC
دنیا کے اس قدیم تیروں کے سروں کی مانند رسم الخط کو دریافت کرنے کا سہرا ایک انگریز عہدے دار کے سر ھے جو ایران میں مقیم تھا۔ اس نے 12 سال لگا کر اسے دریافت کیا۔
یہ رسم الخط بابلی، عکادی، سمیری ImageImageImage
تہذیب (Sumerian Civilization) کے زمانے میں، لکڑی کے کیل کی مدد سے لکھنے کیلئےمٹی کی تختیوں کا استعمال کیا جاتا تھا۔ اسی لیے اسے میخی کہا جاتا ھے۔
سمیری تہذیب میں تحریر کا سب سے پہلے آغاز شہر یوروک (Uruk) سے ھوا جو تصویری (Pictorial) تھایعنی "بچہ بھاگ رہا ھے" تو بھاگتےبچے کا خاکہ۔ ImageImage
گیلی مٹی کی تختیوں پر *نرسل کے قلم سے لکھ کر وہ اسے آگ میں پکالیتے تھے۔ اور یہ کام سب سے پہلے مندر کے کسی کیا کرتے تھے۔
اسی تحریر نے معاشرے کو منظم کیا۔
اسی طریقے سےوہ تجارتی لین دین، ٹیکس، قانونی معاہدے، احکامات، حساب کتاب، رسیدیں لکھتے۔
دنیا کااولین قانون "حمورابی کا قانون" بھی ImageImage
Read 4 tweets
Jul 28th 2021
#McAfee #Afterlife Telegram drop #176 on July 26 displays a 16-second video. The media implies that McAfee is alive and has arrived at a protected location. Or is this an older video from some previous event in McAfee's life?
👆 Do the five numbers in this #McAfee #Afterlife drop refer to the five agents who are guarding #McAfee in this "arrival" video?
#WHACKD $WHACKD #DMS #Ingersoll… Image
#McAfee #Afterlife telegram drop 191 purports to include McAfee's laugh and voice in this recent video. Previous telegrams have stated that "Rusty Shackleford" is an alias for McAfee:
Read 34 tweets
May 3rd 2021
THREAD: Belshazzar’s Riddle.

SUB-TITLE: When I consider the work of your hands...

#Babylon, #Numerology, #MedoPersia, #Stargazers: what’s not to like?

Later, a substack link. As a taster, however, let me (try to!) intrigue you with some data.
The text of Daniel 5 is patterned around a whole array of threefold groups and structures.

It consists of three paragraphs and thirty verses.
It contains three notable triplets, namely:

✅ Daniel’s trio of attributes (‘light, insight, and wisdom’),

✅ Daniel’s threefold ability (‘the ability to interpret dreams, explain riddles, and solve problems’), and
Read 28 tweets
Nov 6th 2020

The [Sin-O-Gog of Satan] ...
[Lillith Obarna Biden]

has/is come to worship at your feet

Armageddon next

Arm of

The Lion of Judah is coming to claim the Key of David…

🤯🙏 Image

"And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon."…

Obarna & Sleepy JoB are #satan & the false prophet

The stage is set for the #Trump of #God

😇🙏💪🇺🇸 Image
Read 45 tweets
Aug 3rd 2020
#Thread on Ardhnarishwar form of the Divine Couple of Shiv-Shakti as recorded by Greek author Porphyry (AD 233-306) in 4th Book of his treatise On Abstinence from Animal Food, called Physica, i. 56. Gaisford’s Edition [based on the works of a Babylonian, Bardesanes (AD 154-..)]
Read 9 tweets
Apr 2nd 2020
In between the responses to #COVID19Pandemic of ‘We don’t know why…’ & ‘It’s a fallen world…’ & generalised theological points, we Xns have to be able to say something more specific: why this, why now; what is the state of play in our time? 1/
#Corona is connected with how heavily our presence weighs on the Earth. It's not simply that we have cut a bit further into the forest and encountered a pathogen from which we were previously separated by distance… 2/
…It's that through our encroachment on habitats we are destroying biodiversity, radically curtailing the complexity of life on Earth, and thus restricting habitats available to microorganisms… 3/
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Nov 10th 2019
@atensnut @POTUS
It is said "their desire to publicly show-off their symbols will be their downfall"
#cabal #babylon #aleppo #egypt #cult
Troilus TROYlius "beautiful youth murdered" Notice #motif upon ancient art.
#bathhouse in #aleppo matches cf. #isaackappy "dead man's switch #USA
Read 8 tweets
Oct 22nd 2019
#Tezos #Babylon Major Update: #FAQ❗️❗️❗️

The upgrade to Babylon Protocol has caused some confusion among the Tezos community. We are trying to answer some of the common questions. Read comments below👇

And feel free to ask your own questions👍
Q: Can’t send #TEZ using @TezBox_Wallet, @Magnum_Wallet, or #Galleon. How to resolve this issue?
A: In case you run into this issue, please update your wallet to the latest version available, and after the update, the sending function should become operational.
Q: I have an error when moving my #TEZ from KT to TZ and from KT to KT with available balances that can cover up fees, and nothing works. What to do in this case?
A: Babylon update affected desktop/mobile wallets. Resolve this issue by updating your wallet to the latest version.
Read 8 tweets
Nov 3rd 2018
What a sad sad photo. Never seen something like this.

Thousands of carp die in mysterious circumstances in #Iraq.

Major water pollution already put 100,000 people in hospital this summer in Basra.

@akhbar @AFP
"Some are saying it's because of a sickness, others say it's because of chemicals," said Faraj, his thick black hair standing on end and his eyebrows furrowed in worry."…

Here is a video that shows the scale of this disaster.

Thousands of fish die mysteriously in #Babylon province, #Iraq. 😢

Read 8 tweets
Jun 24th 2018
If you have an interest in #AI, #HealthTech or #PatientSafety - then please read this evidence based thread which tells the story of @DrMurphy11 & an #eHealth #AI #Chatbot.

Read on, or see single tweet summary here👇0/44
is not a 'nerd'; he's a pretty typical NHS consultant with an interest in #PatientSafety.

On 6th Jan 2017 a tweet about an #eHealth #AI #Chatbot in #NHS trials caught his attention, so he thought he'd take a look. 1/44

Evidence here 👇
Dr Murphy downloaded the @babylonhealth App & tried the #Chatbot with a few simple clinical presentations. It quickly became apparent that the #Chatbot had flaws, raising the question if the App had been validated as a triage tool?

As evidenced by👇 2/44
Read 45 tweets

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