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May 17th 2022
🚨 El Ejército israelí ha atacado otro funeral, el de Walid al-Sharif, hiriendo 71 perdonas. Walid, joven pelestino gravemente herido de un disparo a la cabeza durante el ataque sionista contra la mezquita de Al-Aqsa, estuvo en coma hasta hace 3 días, cuando murió.
El ataque en el que Walid fue herido mortalmente se dio el 15 de abril, cuando las fuerzas de ocupación sionistas entraron en la mezquita de Al-Aqsa, disparando a los presentes que estaban rezando por el Ramadan, provocando muertos y heridos.

La carga y los disparos contra el funeral de Walid suceden de unos días la brutal intervención contra el funeral de Shireen Abu Akleh, periodista de Al Jazeera asesinada también por el Ejército israelí.

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Apr 17th 2022
Today is #PalestinianPrisonersDay - Join us as we commemorate it with Arts Against Imprisonment starting NOW:

Zoom registration link here:… #FreeAhmadManasra Image
Rana kicks off the event: "Last year, we saw a historic prison break in Palestine. This led to collective punishment of #Palestinian prisoners. However, the prisoners fought back in collective action"

Watch live:

#PalestinianPrisonersDay Image
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Apr 16th 2022
As the international mainstream media coverage of what is happening in Jerusalem is weak, uses biased terms, and deals with the colonizer & the colonized equally, I think activists can change this through a set of tactics included in this thread. 1/5 👇🏽
Amplify Palestinian voices, through sharing their content & their documentation of human rights violations and invite your friends to follow Palestinian lead platforms/organizations such as @IMEU @QastalNewsEn @EyeonPalestine @Mondoweiss 2/5

#HandsOffAlAqsa #FreePalestine
While sharing your content about Palestine keep in mind that the colonizer (Israel) and colonized (Palestinians) aren't equal. Therefore, you should use the terms that describe this difference in powers. 3/5
#FreePalestine #ApartheidIsrael #HandsOffAlAqsa #JerusalemUnderAttack
Read 5 tweets
Apr 15th 2022
Ce qui se passe à #Jérusalem est grave. Après l’attaque de ce matin à l’intérieur de la mosquée Al Aqsa, les forces d’occupation israéliennes sont en train de tabasser les palestiniens. Voyez la violence avec laquelle est frappée cette femme qui ne représente aucun danger. /1
En plein #ramadan, ils tabassent tous les palestiniens se trouvant sur l’esplanade des mosquées, ici des coups de pieds à un palestinien au sol, qui ne représente aucun danger non plus. Faut se rendre compte du niveau d’injustice d’#Israel. Voir ça me met tellement en colère /2
Ce matin les forces d’occupation israéliennes sont carrément rentrées dans la mosquée sacrée #AlAqsa et on tiré et lancé des grenades à l’intérieur. On attend l’intervention du roi du Maroc, Président du comité #AlQods qui s’est empressé de normaliser ses relations avec Israël /3
Read 7 tweets
May 20th 2021

“Saya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Presiden Mesir dan diplomat Mesir. AS berjanji membantu membina semula Gaza namun kami akan bekerjasama dengan pihak berkuasa Palestin, bukan Hamas. Kami juga akan membantu Israel menguatkan Iron Dome (wtf).” Image
Mungkin ada yang tertanya-tanya, Alhamdullilah Masjid Al Aqsa tenang sejak beberapa hari lepas walaupun kelmarin adalah perayaan orang Yahudi namun mereka tidak dapat masuk ke dalam.

30 minit sebelum jam 2 pagi. ImageImageImageImage
20 minit sebelum jam 2 pagi.

Penduduk Gaza diminta keluar ke rumah dan jalanan, naik ke atap-atap dan menara-menara bagi meraikan genjatan senjata ini. Setelah solat Jumaat nanti, perarakan besar-besaran akan dilakukan. Image
Read 216 tweets
May 11th 2021
#Palestinians are standing together: #Hamas and #PLO. Listen to the PLO Ambassador @hzomlot. All united against #Israel aggression, continuous murder of the Palestinian people and ejecting civilians from their homes.

#AlAqsaUnderAttack #Palestine

The days when #Israel can isolate and mistreat Palestinians anywhere in #Palestine are gone. #Gaza imposed a new Rule of Engagement and new solidarity of the #palestinian population behind the resistance.

#Israel decided to extend the aggression on #Gaza for another 24 hours. It has bombed 130 objectives within 365 sqkm and just destroyed a civilian house with 3 people in it of which a woman, all killed.The new count of #Palestinain victims are 25 of which 9 children and one woman
Read 9 tweets
May 10th 2021
Regardless of the outcome and the victims, #Palestine has won: #Gaza is defending #Jerusalem, uniting all Palestinian fronts that will be protected by its rockets and missiles against #Israel criminal act and violations of the international laws.
#Gaza: As long as aggression in #Jerusalem continues, there is no need for a ceasefire. If Israel does not lift the siege on al-Aqsa worshipers, expect our response within two hours."
#Hezbollah is on full alert and will be part of the battle only if #Gaza asks. So far, the battle is under Gaza's control.
Read 4 tweets
May 10th 2021
Positif BREAKING NEWS Corona Tengku Zulkarnain Sapri #AlAqsaUnderAttack , Usia 25 Innalillahi, Hampers, #SavePalestine Kepala
Positif BREAKING NEWS Corona Tengku Zulkarnain Sapri #AlAqsaUnderAttack , Usia 25 Innalillahi, Hampers, #SavePalestine Kepala
Positif BREAKING NEWS Corona Tengku Zulkarnain Sapri #AlAqsaUnderAttack , Usia 25 Innalillahi, Hampers, #SavePalestine Kepala
Read 8 tweets
May 10th 2021
Al-Qassam warned #Israel with an ultimatum until 18:00 today to withdraw from al-Aqsa and release all prisoners. This indicates once more that Palestine is united and that #Gaza is using its military capability to support the Palestinians everywhere on the territory.
Standing with #Palestine at this moment is a responsibility of all women and men. We are in the 21st century, and this 👇is unacceptable. The world should stand against it.

The Arab leaders who enjoy official diplomatic-commercial relationship and normalised with #Israel are also included I presume #UAE #Bahrein #Qatar #Morocco #Oman #Jordan #Sudan #Egypt

Read 9 tweets
May 10th 2021
BREAKING: Pandemonium at Masjid al-Aqsa again. Israeli forces storm Masjid shooting rubber bullets, sound and smoke grenades
This is Masjid al-Aqsa now!
Al-Aqsa in live time this morning ‼️
Read 25 tweets
May 8th 2021
Palestinian worshippers? Violent rioters!

Israeli Police has nothing to do in a mosque - until something like this happens: rocks and firebombs being launched from INSIDE of #AlAqsaMosque, forcing the police to intervene to disperse them.
#القدس #القدس_اقرب #المسجد_الأقصى
📹 More footage from yesterday night reveal: Palestinian rioters planned to clash with police. This video shows many of them hurling rocks, all caught on camera.

This is a holy place of worship. STOP desecrating it.
#القدس #القدس_اقرب #المسجد_الأقصى #AlAqsa
And tonight, despite previous riots, after they were allowed once again to enter freely to #AlAqsaMosque for "Laylat al-Qadr" (Night the Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad) - this is how Palestinians decided to pray.

You decide, is #AlAqsaUnderAttack?
Read 3 tweets
May 7th 2021
Major assault on worshippers at Masjid al-Aqsa on the 26th night of Ramadan

#MasjidAlAqsa #Palestine #Jerusalem #AlQuds #HandsOffAlAqsa #AlAqsaUnderAttack
Masjid al-Aqsa has been transformed into a deadly battlezone tonight.

As worshippers performed Taraweeh Salaah, Israeli Occupation forces stormed the Masjid and rained down sound bombs, tear gas and rubber bullets on worshippers.
Over 50 musallees have been injured including children.

This attack has occurred on the 26th night of Ramadan in Palestine. Salaah continued to be led amidst chaotic scenes.
Read 32 tweets
May 4th 2021
What's going on in #sheikhjarrah.
The settlers are trying to own a neighborhood by a fake deeds bearing in their minds that the the occupation courts will be in their side, like the hundreds cases they have a court orders with fake documents.
It's becoming obvious, its a state of ImageImageImageImage
Organized Mobs for taking the Palestinian property's through a biased law & injusticless.
Settlers taken lands by Military orders or Courts orders&in both ways are illegal under the Int'l law&Geneva convention.
It's an ethnic cleansing crime.#savesheikhjarrh
#انقذوا_حي_الشيخ_جراح ImageImage
- Palestinian woman: "You know this is not your house. This is my house!"
- Israeli settler: "Yes, but if I don't steal it, somebody else will steal it.
This is the reality of whats going on in #SheikhJarrah neighbourhood in #Jerusalem🇵🇸 #SaveSheikhJarraj
Read 34 tweets

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