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Mar 2nd 2023
I'm 1 of 50 million Americans living with an immune system that mistakenly attacks/damages healthy tissue (rude). During #AutoimmuneAwarenessMonth we strive to promote better understanding of these complex chronic conditions. Follow me as I share my journey this month. Image
2) It takes an average of 4.5 years and 4 physicians for patients to recieve an autoimmune diagnosis:
-Many conditions mimic others
-Lab tests are not always definitive
-Symptoms flare and dissipate frequently
-Diseases often appear in clusters
3) This is me at 32, a month before I woke up 1 day + couldn't walk. Days later I couldn't bend my fingers. Bilateral pain/swelling + fam history of #rheumatoidarthritis prompted labs. Sky high CRP, ESR, rheumatoid factor sent me to a #rheumatologist.
#AutoimmuneAwarenessMonth Image
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Feb 1st 2023
La primera pregunta que analizaremos es la número 17 del MIR23, asociada a la imagen👇🧵 Image
♀️ 65 años consulta porque los últimos 2 años ha notado pérdida del cabello en la línea ant. de implantación del cuero cabelludo temporal y frontal, y pérdida completa de cejas. En 🔍 de las mejillas y mentón se aprecian pequeñas pápulas del color de la piel🤔Señale lo correcto:
La respuesta correcta es la opción c, que suponía una histopatología similar a la del liquen plano pilaris, ya que, correlacionando el cuadro con la imagen, podemos determinar una #alopecia frontal fibrosante🤔👇🧵
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Jan 1st 2023
Abro 🧵para hacer un recuento de lo que el #Año2022 nos dejó:
1. La aprobación por la @US_FDA en Noviembre del Tzield (#Teplizumab), un anticuerpo monoclonal anti-CD3 que retrasa la aparición de la #diabetes tipo 1.
2. La publicación en @ScienceMagazine de la fase 1 del ensayo clínico con la #vacuna eOD-GT8-AS01B para prevenir el #VIH, que indujo la sintesis de #anticuerpos neutralizantes vs el virus, en el 97% de los que fueron vacunados.
3. El #Daxxify una nueva forma de toxina botulínica tipo A, cuyo efecto tiene una duración de hasta 6 meses. El efecto del #botox es de alrededor de 3 meses.
Read 27 tweets
Mar 28th 2022
My life's work has always been about trauma & healing.

I’m a survivor - I don’t endorse violence in any form.
Let’s talk about what it’s like to live with #alopecia. The deeply vulnerable & difficult moments that our families see. Appreciation post for those who hold us down & support us when we’re at our lowest points. They see us, fully. #IYKYK a bald Black woman (Ayanna)...
Our bodies are not public domain. They are not a line in a joke—especially when the transformation is not of our choosing.

I’m a survivor of violence. I'm a proud Alopecian. The psychological toll we carry daily is real. Team Jada always. That’s that on that.
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Mar 28th 2022
1/🧵 I think Chris Rock wouldn't have made a joke about Jada's illness if more folks were educated about the high prevalence of autoimmune & other chronic disorders.

#chronicillness #Spoonies #autoimmune #Alopecia #women #health #ChronicPain #chronic #illness #SickNotWeak
2/ As a woman who lives with multiple immune-related disorders, when a comedian makes a joke about chronic illness, I feel unseen...not just for me, but for all my fellow #chronicfolks. Does Chris Rock have any idea what Jada goes through to live with alopecia? Probably not.
3/ As a country, we need to create more dialogue around chronic illness, and especially autoimmune diseases. They are so prevalent yet they are usually talked about in whispers....'Oh, she has Crohn's.' Cancer used to be spoken about in hushed words, too.
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Aug 29th 2021… 28/8/2019; As doenças hepáticas autoimunes, que incluem principalmente hepatite autoimune (#HAI), colangite biliar primária (#CBP), colangite esclerosante primária (#CEP) e síndromes variantes, são frequentemente associadas a doenças autoimunes… + Image
… Extra-hepáticas. No entanto, a associação com doenças cutâneas é menos bem descrita.
A associação de hepatite autoimune com #vitiligo é bem conhecida, com uma associação particularmente marcante com hepatite autoimune tipo 2, uma condição que ocorre quase inteiramente em… + Image
… Crianças e adolescentes, muito mais rara e agressiva que a hepatite autoimune tipo 1; Associações prováveis ​​também são identificadas com #alopecia areata, #psoríase e pioderma gangrenoso.
A colangite biliar primária não está ligada ao #líquen plano, como anteriormente… + Image
Read 8 tweets
Sep 8th 2020
Hilo de cambios fisiológicos del embarazo.
Más de 90% de las embarazadas desarrollan algún aumento en la pigmentación, es probable que los estrógenos y la progesterona provoquen estimulación melanocítica.
Otras áreas anatómicas que desarrollan hiperpigmentación son los pezones, axilas, genitales, perineo, ano, parte interna de los muslos y el cuello.
Respecto a lo nevos hay información contradictoria acerca de cambios en ellos
El #Melasma o #Cloasma se da en el 70% de las embarazadas y tiene 3 patrones
*Centrofacial: afecta a las mejillas, la frente, el labio superior, la nariz y el mentón.
*Malar: afecta a las mejillas y la nariz.
*Mandibular: afecta a la rama de la mandíbula ImageImageImage
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Jul 3rd 2019
All right #medtwitter, you asked, & I'm going to try to deliver. Here's a #tweetorial/#medthread on...


***I'm not a hair expert, but hopefully this will just provide a framework to think about this problem***
#dermtwitter #MedEd #FOAMEd #dermatology pc:@dermnetnz
Let's say a patient complains of his/her hair falling out. In the spirit of examining first as #dermatologists tend to do, let's start with the exam. This is the easiest way to differentiate between the two types of alopecia: scarring and non-scarring. What do you look for?
While all the above options can help with the ultimate diagnosis, it's the preservation of follicular ostia (or loss of said finding) that helps point you in the right direction. Whether it's scarring or non-scarring can really help narrow your differential.
Read 21 tweets

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