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It's interesting how often tone-policing is the first response to legitimate criticism. Am I angry at Bonnie Henry and the terrible impact she's had on Canada's Public Health response to the pandemic? You betcha. I genuinely try to use measured language when tweeting but...
Her decision to drop virtually all covid protections in British Columbia, thereby justifying other PH officials doing the same, is utterly indefensible. People are literally dying because she refuses to acknowledge she's wrong. #CovidIsntOver #covidisairborne #longcovidisreal...
Being polite isn't getting us anywhere. We need to speak the truth. Politicians and public health leaders have adopted ageist, ableist policies that are maiming & killing thousands, including many previously healthy, young people. None of us should be okay with that....
Read 9 tweets
Losing track of the number of times a Russian speaker has overheard me speaking Ukrainian in recent months and exclaimed, "Oh, it really IS a different language!" đŸ€Š Russocentrism: the smug legacy of imperialism and Soviet rule. Russian is not a neutral lingua franca. A rant:
Educate yourself. Start with Ivan Dziuba's 1965 "Internationalism or Russification?" (difficult to find in English) and then go on to Yuri Shevchuk's 2015 "Linguistic Schizophrenia" where he discussed the political techniques of Russification. Some links below 👇
Background on Dziuba's work, protest, and subsequent imprisonment:

Excerpts of his work have been published in English (but I only have hard copies and no PDFs to share today...)
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As an abuse and rape survivor, kindly take a fucking seat. True emotional intelligence is recognizing that men can be & are frequently abused by women. It isn't abnormal. It's so normal that people can witness a woman beating a man in public & assume he deserves it. #MenToo
It's so normal a woman can emotionally/mentally abuse a man by cutting him off from his friends, screaming at him for the slightest misstep, & trash talk him so badly to his friends/family that they despise him, & use his children as pawns and nobody thinks it's bad. #MenToo
It's so normal that a woman can force sex on a man, or drug him & brag about it, people will say he was lucky, or he wanted it because he got an erection or ejaculated. It's the same victim blaming/rape apology that female survivors rail against when it's used on us. #MenToo
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Why Organizers Need to STOP Talking/Working with Cops and Start Working Together: A THREAD

Tonight, about a 1,000 people hit the streets of DTLA to protest SCOTUS overturning Roe v Wade, BUT YOU WOULDNT HAVE KNOWN
because they were split into two different groups. (1/4)
I watched both orgs tell LAPD their plans for marching. One group planned on marching from Pershing Square to City Hall. The other group planned on marching from City Hall to Pershing Square. Did the groups tell each other? NO. But they told the cops. (2/4)
So what did the cops do? They made it so that the two groups never joined together
 because LAPD doesn’t want a 1,000 people marching together in solidarity. They told both groups which route to take and when. The groups missed each other by minutes. (3/4)
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I #showered today, went to my eye appointment, and intended to go work at a coffee shop.

My #Depression: *zaps me of all energy no matter how hopeful we were for the day.*

My #Anxiety: I mean what if you go the coffee shop and someone steals your computer or hit your car?
Me takes phone off of #airplanemode to call my insurance company--waits on hold for 45+ minutes... no biggie.

Personal call comes through, I pick up and I REMEMBER
why my phone been on #airplanemode for days.

Humans can be exhausting+ I'm already exhausted. Not the best combo.
Me returns home.

Me:* feels defeated; guilty; exhausted; invalidated; but still NOT giving up.*

Me: *puts phone back on #airplanemode for safety*

Me: *continues be gentle with myself;drinks water; and remind myself that I am important, valuable, worthy, lovable,and enough.*
Read 6 tweets
I'mma break this down in a thread đŸ§”rather than responding at @j_mcelroy and @JenStDen. Jen has been super supportive of First, and I don't want this to be perceived as an attack. The only fangirl moment I had in 2021 was seeing Justin on Clark Dr in an absolutely fab CBC shirt
That being said, I think we need to stop thinking of Atira's response to Jen as a denigration, and more like a correction. Reporters cover the news. Fair. Mostly the 'news' consists of one-off events. Fair. There are a lot of of one-off events in the DTES - many of them...
connect to the systemic issues that also show up in the news: e.g. the toxic drug supply and overdose crisis, lack of affordable housing, housing insecurity, homelessness, mental illness, policing/surveilance issues, sex work. Fair. But it hasn't gone unnoticed that Jen's focus
Read 18 tweets
Below is a long-ish threadđŸ§”for some context to this amazing meme from @DrArialShogren and @thats_me_del_p.

TL;DR -- Our words matter. They shape and bias our understanding of the systems we study.

First -- I'm blessed to have great colleagues @UaDeptBSC who put up with my shenanigans.

This conversation started with me giving @thats_me_del_p a hard time about a small grant proposal. The title mentioned "drivers of intermittence."

[2/n] Image
I'm not a big fan of umbrella terms like #sustainability, #connectivity, and now #intermittence.

In #interdisciplinary teams, negotiating a common language is difficult. I actually think its often MORE difficult when we share common terms with slightly diverging definitions
Read 19 tweets
1. There r lot of people that Black people vote for that we don’t like. We don’t get sidetracked when it comes to getting what we want. LBJ was a racist we got civil rights in affirmative action. We put our community over our personal ego. When are âšȘ people going to do the same
2. You didn’t like Jimmy Carter, so you gave way to Reagan who bought you decades of community destruction a ramped up prison system, a botched response to AIDS, and a social system destroyed. Let’s not even mention Iran Contra and the origins of the Afghanistan war.
3. You didn’t like Al Gore. So instead of being decades ahead on climb change, we got a war instead. You didn’t like John Kerry so instead we got the greatest economic recession lifetime. So bad the white population gambled and voted for a black president.
Read 8 tweets
Well done to the trainees to write to @ANZCA. Need to empower and engage the next generation. They are the future leaders.


I'm pretty sure Myat came to Viva coaching.

Also, I'm hearing skips. @rseglenieks has used Powerpoint to record his presentation. You can record one slide at a time. Learnt this myself. Better than one take in some ways.
Who took this photo? Bigeminy and hypotensive. Glad it's not my anaesthetic! đŸ€Ł
Read 16 tweets
Combined SIG meeting is on failure this morning.

I failed to log in on time! đŸ€Ł
#combisig21 talking about failure in research projects... but what is failure? How can you fail in research? Isn't research about improving our knowledge? Isn't a negative study actually a good thing but that we frame it in the wrong way?
"I roll with things pretty well" - I'm with you @DrDanSchumacher
Read 30 tweets
Not sure @DanielParolek would appreciate Raleigh's most outspoken housing reform group, @RaleighLivable using his work to defend their continued opposition to missing middle housing and affordable housing.

What do y'all think? #ralpol Screenshot of Facebook post from Livable Raleigh page that r
In their latest claim, @RaleighLivable says Raleigh has made all 5 of the mistakes @DanParolek warns against in this excellent talk:

Guess what? THEY'RE WRONG!
Raleigh is allowing missing middle with his best practices in mind.
Raleigh already has rules and protections in place that address the 5 mistakes that Dan Parolek mentions.

despite his recent @newsobserver article @RussForRaleigh KNOWS this because many of those protections were put in place while HE WAS ON COUNCIL. Thanks for those rules.
Read 23 tweets
Last month for #vNATA21 @SScarneoMiller & @RLopez1010 held a discussion on Barriers to #CoolFirstTransportSecond. One barrier that is often discussed is rectal thermometry in a high school athlete
 but let us ask the question
 who is really the one “shutting this down?” 1/
I’ve often heard ATs at the secondary school level say “I’ll never do it” or “my admin says no way!” We can argue for a long time why a lay person would be making this type of medical decision to begin with, but let’s instead focus on how to reach the point of providing best 2/
Practice by utilizing rectal thermometry as a diagnostic tool in identifying and treating exertional heat stroke. My friend @Badfish54 just went through this process at his school. He’s spent some time collecting the research, using position statements and getting expert 3/
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Of cooooooooooourse it's hedge trimming day at 7:40am on a Tuesday.

i've complained for a year, but the order of operations by the lawncare here irritates me to no fucking end.

7:30am - Weedeat, trim hedges, blow trimmings.
9:00am - Mow, blow trimmings AGAIN
10:30am - rake silently
11:00am - wash siding silently
12:00am - silently wash sidewalk
so they wake everybody up: nurses, doctors, remote workers, essential employees - everyone who's working those 8pm-3am shifts that keep the world working, by ROARING with 8+ leaf blowers and weedeaters and mowers for 2 hours, then they quietly do sprinkler maintenance and shit.
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#thestrat-tosterone is getting out of hand. I'm over it.
I personally, am here to teach to those who WANT to learn.
I'm NOT here to push it onto people, or say "how great I am", need my di@k rubbed, challenge others, or act like everyone else's way of trading is wrong.
The ones who are looking for a new, successful strategy will find us! Why spend ur time arguing with people who don't wanna learn the strat or say something u don't like? I don't have time for that BS, I don't wanna see it or be part of it in any way. Very unbecoming!
I'll be unfollowing any 'strat teacher' I see displaying this behavior. Get your priorities together! Are u here to teach or are u here to feed your ego? Who cares what some stranger says about ur strategy? If u do, I feel sorry that u have such little self esteem. #EndRant
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Cultural appropriation is when the dominant group co-opts cultural components from a racial group and subverts their meaning in ways only acceptable to the dominant group. Using Native peoples' likeness and culture as a mascot is cultural appropriation.
Racism is about power - the power of the dominant racial group over others expressed as individual and institution prejudices and discrimination. Sometimes it's about biology and other times about culture. Every time it's wrong.
The fact that members of the dominant group want to regulate the imagery of racialized minority groups is an exercise of racist power and a way to assuage racial fears. (Recall that "You will not replace us" was that tiki torch whites chant)
Read 16 tweets
#Thread on #JEENEET Exams:

In less than 48 hours, the JEE gets underway, even as India reaches the highest #COVID19 per day cases globally. There have been many reports of students taking their lives for the fear of giving exams in a pandemic, but there's been no postponement.
2/ Even if, miraculously, the Education Ministry does postpone these exams tomorrow, it would be besides the point because of the spectacular damage that these exams have already done to lakhs of students in India: even more so than they do every year.

And what a shame that is.
3/ It's no secret that the education system in India is broken, but the impunity with which politicians disregard student mental health is shocking.

Almost 50% of India is under 25; yet there is 0% empathy for students, and what we do to them in the name of 'competitive exams'.
Read 12 tweets
@LifeAtPurdue administration brought no legislation to the Purdue Senate regarding changes to mode of instruction in COVID. There has been no Senate vote. But the Senate is the faculty representative body, and its primary responsibility is for instruction. #facultydecide #aThread
Has your dept/school voted on legislation saying how your unit will determine f2f or online instruction? No? This is a mistake by your dept head. #facultydecide Without a vote, they decided push the administration's policy without faculty consent. Could have done rule departure.
The administration sets the time and location of your class - you decide what you want to do with that. Maybe you want to use less time, or meet online, maybe not. #facultydecide. Think they have time to check up on everyone? Or pull you from your house to teach f2f? Um, no.
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My “neighbors” are literally on a rampage. I think they understand they got caught. They have no excuse. They perjured themselves over and over in a transparent attempt to set me up, but they underestimated what I can endure to make sure justice - in the proper forum (cont)
Is seen. Even in florida — maybe not the 17th cicuit, but we’re already in the 4th DCA and as god as my witness - I will press on until they are all held to account. Injustice needs to be named and stood up against. Short term uncomfortableness-yes. But this is the US. You can’t
Steal an election and then try to drive me off my property- and think overrunning my yard with nuisance wildlife and septic overflow from their tanks will run me off.

They lied and got me arrested. I spent two days in BSO custody- never read my rights, denied any phone
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THREAD: Whew! Woke up to some CRAZY emails about Clayton/JCPS. People, our one & only job is to find and report the truth, that is what we are doing. The district said Friday that they found 13 students who graduated without credits, we didn’t find that. The district did.
In its press release, JCPS went as far to say they were working with the students involved to fix the issues. The release gave zero indication the district would continue to review & may reverse its decision.
The press release says JCPS “has determined” ... “13 students who were declared graduates during the 2018- 2019 school year at Clayton High School did not attain the minimum state graduation requirements in order to receive a high school diploma”
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Man fÄr verkligen hoppas att politikerna har tÀnkt igenom detta. För det finns vÀldigt mycket som talar emot elvÀgar.

1. Det kommer att bli en ny infrastruktur som staten mÄste dra runt, likt jÀrnvÀgen. Den kommer att förfalla och bli _dyr_ att underhÄlla.
2. Ur ett #sÀkpol-perspektiv Àr det ett skrÀckscenario. Plötsligt han fienden i en grÄzon slÄ ut _bÄde_ tÄg och vÀlalternativet med metoder som Àr svÄra att upptÀcka som krigshandling, och dÀrmed lamslÄ all godstrafik, inte bara tÄg.
3. ElnÀt för vÀgar kommer att vara svÄrare att underhÄlla och fÄ att fungera i alla vÀderlekar och över tid Àn jÀrnvÀgar eftersom det finns fler "rörliga delar" kring vÀgen. RÀkna med avbrott. Men sÄ klart sÄ sÀger de som vill bygga den att det Àr superduperdriftsÀkert.
Read 15 tweets
@scarylawyer: Hong Kong has myriad problems but a key issue as I see it vis a vis recent protests is that HK is a pretty shitty place to be millennial right now.

You work/study your ass off here your whole life only to find out the mainland kids you grew up looking down upon are now taking your jobs and since rent is f'n bonkers (read: artificially inflated) you’ll be living with your parents until you’re 40.
China has nothing to do with any of that.

Its the predictable consequence of the British elite comprador class being permitted to retain control of the country post-handover. The Basic Law didn’t protect democracy, it institutionalized gross inequality.

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Everyone asks "What state's abortion ban is THE MOST EXTREME?!?!" But this question fails to recognize that abortion is an individual thing. When a patient is blocked from accessing abortion, the restriction that blocked them was the "most extreme" for them.
Is there's a 24 hour waiting period, and she can't get a second day off of work, then that's the "most extreme" restriction for her.
If there's a ban on paying for abortion with insurance, as John Kasich enacted, and that's the only way she has to pay for abortion care, then that's the "most extreme" restriction for her.
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A Must-Thread: My apologies to @MRSRedVoteR & all 603 Twitterers who have to deal with out-of-state voter ignorance.
cc: @GovChrisSununu
@MRSRedVoteR As a former elected town official, & deputized vote-counter many years over, I know you all are not alone in your frustration.
@MRSRedVoteR Our election officials are just as frustrated. Esp. the Seacoast, we have many dual-resident people. Most are ethical & commit
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1/x Today a CFTC official suggested that devs may be liable for crimes committed using their code (suggested & predicted by @angela_walch.) Now comes the collision of (1) First Amendment rights -code is free speech (2) contract (disclaimers in licenses) & (3) imposed tort duties.
2/x the language used "reasonably foresee" is suggestive of tort liability. This puts it in @angela_walch's wheelhouse. How does this shake out? Who wins? Think about this as a fire and a doctor. What's that mean? You can't yell fire in a crowded theater because it's reasonably
3/x foreseeable that people will be hurt in the ensuing rush. So we know if there's an inherent risk of harming others, 1st amendment speech rights may be curtailed. But what about the contract- i.e. the license agreement? Most #crypto software dev is done under #OpenSource
Read 25 tweets

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