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Dec 26th 2022
We are not as loyal as dogs
🐈 🐈‍⬛ 😺 🐱 🐈 😻
but we don't tell police where the drugs are.

#ACAB Image
Read 5 tweets
Nov 26th 2021
Women are amazing. In the vacuum created as traditional media abandoned women’s issues, women stepped up, and many have become expert ‘citizen-reporters’. Thanks to @tribunaltweets @StopfordianR and the tweeters #AdrianHarrop #FtP #FitnessToPractice @gmc
The lamentable tantrumming doctor has showed no insight, no remorse, no accountability for the impact of his actions on the women he intimidated and threatened. It will be a whitewash if he isn’t severely sanctioned #AdrianHarrop #FtP #FitnessToPractice @gmcuk
Last weekend, accompanying Prior (a chirpy Scouser) at a Trans Day of Remembrance, #AdrianHarrop made sure he was wearing his “t*rf repellant” badge. This alludes to spraying uncooperative women with a noxious, possibly corrosive chemical. Great imagery on #IDEVAW
Read 5 tweets
Nov 9th 2021
I'm at Fairy Creek right now, seeing people with more determination than most, standing their ground in the most peaceful of means.

#LandBack #FairyCreekBlockade #FTP Image
How many times do we have to see this as the narrative? Indigenous people and allies brutalized for making a peaceful stand to protect our lands and waters.
Across Turtle Island, injunctions are used as a tool to continue the old story of pushing us from our lands, so that trees, rivers, plants and animals can be turned into profit. Image
Read 6 tweets
Sep 13th 2020
"Free the people! Fight the power! Fuck the police! Revolution!"

On Saturday night, the "They/Them Collective" held another march throughout DC, beginning in Dupont Circle.

"Indict, convict, send those killer cops to jail! The whole damn system is guilty as hell!"
"One! Two! Three! Four! Slavery, genocide and war! Five! Six! Seven! Eight! America was never great!" chanted the activists as they marched through DC.
Ahead of the march, antifa activist @JasonRCharter tried to go "pig fishing" by offering police officers a donut on a fishing rod.

Awe, that's one of those crumb cake ones," one officer replied sarcastically. "That is delicious."

"I'm on a diet so..." rejected another.
Read 20 tweets
Jun 8th 2020
Protester advocates for a blending of MLK’s doctrines of peaceful protest and justice “by all means necessary.”

#NYCPROTEST #BrooklynProtest #nyc #Brooklyn #BlackLivesMatter
Protester goes on to chant for Mayor de Blasio’s resignation.

#NYCPROTEST #BrooklynProtest #nyc #Brooklyn #BlackLivesMatter
This protester is stressing one aspect of the #FTP movement in particular - free the people. “We are not free in this country until every single f—king officer bends down on one knee in solidarity.”

#NYCPROTEST #BrooklynProtest #nyc #Brooklyn #BlackLivesMatter
Read 5 tweets
Jun 5th 2020
🎶 Which Side Are You On 🎶

Why is @JumaaneWilliams walking around with a police escort rn? Image
He’s not even pretending anymore. I never forgot him pulling that outside agitator shit and shouting down a one of the young leaders of the 2013 Kimani Gray Rebellion in Flatbush
..and then back-up right wing cop loving church leaders. But back then, he used his radical “Leader of Occupy” status to do that. Now he just looks like the real estate broker he is.
Read 6 tweets
Jan 31st 2020
BREAKING: Far-left protestors and #antifa swarm the New York City subway system, chanting "f*ck the police."

#FTP #J31
Far-left #Antifa members chant, "how do you spell racist, NYPD."

#FTP3 #J31
Far-left activists and #antifa take to the New York City streets to chant anti-police slogans

#NYC #FTP3 #J31
Read 8 tweets
Jan 31st 2020
Currently at the Grand Central Station #FTP protest. Police immediately began arresting anyone whose face was covered with no warning. Here’s a video i took at 5:10, 10 minutes after the protest began. @decolonize_this
To be clear, i have not witnessed a single act of violence against police. This was not provoked by any level of aggression (not that that matters)
Another angle. These people were NOT resisting. Image
Read 3 tweets
Jan 31st 2020
I've seen multiple "progressive" people condemning the actions of @decolonize_this and the #FTP actions going on today in NYC. Here's a thread on why that's bullshit :)
New Yorkers have been begging for YEARS for affordable transportation options. In response, the MTA has increased subway fees, while doing NOTHING to improve the quality of the Subways
Recently, there has been a huge increase in police presence on subways. CHILDREN- specifically black and brown children- have been brutalized and arrested by police for jumping turnstiles, or swiping each other in.
Read 4 tweets
Jan 30th 2020

Maine eco-fascist Adam Rice is inbound to NYC.

Adam intends to livestream #FTP III actions on Friday 1/31.


Here are some photos of Adam Rice with his wife Inge Herzog-Rice.

Receipts to follow. 1/
Here’s a selection of screenshots from Adam Rice’s Facebook photo album, from Kekistani to Norse pagan neo-nazi to crypto-fascist American Yellow Vest teaming up with Resist Marxism in Boston. 2/

#FTP3 #decolonizethisplace #J31
Maine eco-fascist Adam Rice can be found doing ecological amd indigenous land and water rights activism. Sometimes as an activist, a medic, and/or an independent journalist.

He also spent quite a bit of time in France after creating a fraudulent border militia campaign here. 3/
Read 10 tweets
Dec 13th 2019
Vamos a usar este tweet para publicar #Dorks de todo tipo, empecemos con este:

inurl:wp-config.php intext:DB_PASSWORD -stackoverflow -wpbeginner -foro -forum -topic -blog -about -docs -articles

#CyberSecurity #dork #BugBounty
intext:"pass" ! "usuario" | "user" | "contraseña" filetype:sql -github
Este es muy bueno, nos permite hacer uploads, ha sido probado con imágenes .jpeg

intitle:"FCKeditor - Uploaders Tests"
Read 63 tweets
Nov 24th 2019
White working class people: just because you've finally come to realize that you're part of the working class and are also oppressed, doesn't mean you get to ignore the fact that our black and brown siblings face higher and more intense levels of oppression. 1/4
During the #FTP action on Friday, when black and brown people told white people to get on the outsides of the action, that's what you should have done. That was not the time for y'all to come out all "we're all one working class." 2/4
Yes, we are, but you still have to face reality, and that reality is that our black and brown siblings *are* more oppressed. Putting white people on the outside is not just about some "identity politics" and you damn well know it. 3/4
Read 5 tweets
Jun 14th 2019
Knox County Sherrif Tom Spangler believes that having one of his own officers promote terrorism and genocide against the LGBTQ community is protected under free speech. #ACAB
Knoxville has a deeply misconstrued understanding of “free speech” that historically protects white supremacy and promotes bigotry.
In 2017, TN passed the Campus Free Speech Protection Act which states that colleges cannot shield individuals from free speech, including ideas and opinions that are offensive or radical.
Read 7 tweets
Feb 16th 2019
Bir yazılım geliştiricinin bilmesi gerekenlerle ilgili 15 maddelik flood geliyor.. Mümkün olduğunca fazla keywordü bir araya toplamaya çalıştım.
Hadi Başlıyoruz!

#Developer #Software #Java #code #kod #yazılım #development #computer #bilgisayar #tool #PC #IT #web #tech #data
1-Temel veri yapıları (linkedList, map, tree vb) ve temel algoritmalar (sıralama, arama vb)

Sıfırdan kodlama ihtiyacınız büyük ihtimalle hiç olmayacak. Ancak ihtiyaç anında doğru yerde doğrusunu seçebilmek için o veri yapısının veya algoritmanın nasıl çalıştığını bilmeniz şart
2- Network Temelleri

OSI Modelini ve 7 katmanı; temel protokolleri(#TCP-IP, TCP-UDP, #HTTP, #FTP), güvenlik protokollerini(#HTTPS, #SFTP, #SSL), monitoring protokolleri(#SNMP, ICMP) bilmekte fayda var. Ayrıca ağ ekipmanlarının görevlerini tanımak ve 7Layer yerlerini bilmek lazım
Read 16 tweets

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