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Jul 26th 2020
Please help stop the Uighur Genocide being conducted by the Communist Party of China in Xinjiang (East Turkistan). ⁦@SalihHudayar⁩ is championing an effort to drag the perpetrators into the International Criminal Court. #makechinapay #china #Genocide…
I’m donating today.
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Jun 29th 2020
This is going to be a big week of sanctions against Communist China for their subversion of the US economy, theft of intellectual property, Crimes Against Humanity in Xinjiang, and Abrogation of Sino-British Joint Declaration of 1984.Today, we begin with Chinese
Military operations INSIDE the USA 🇺🇸. We have sent an open letter to POTUS and SEC State in response to the Pentagon’s public determination of 20 Chinese companies openly working for the CCP and/or the PLA.… #makechinapay #huawei #espionage #Trump #china
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Jun 26th 2020
Now that the predatory “no-bid” OBOR contract with the Chinese has been declared illegal by Kenyan courts, other African nations being preyed upon and bribed by the CCP should default in a chain-reaction. #MakeChinaPay #OBOR #china #Africa #nodeal…
OBOR is the chinese Communist’s method of bribing local officials to take on crippling debt for overpriced projects that are then built by chinese slave labor. The chinese workers are brought into “work camps” and fed by the CCP. There is next to zero local positive GDP impact
And the CCP expects payments on the projects to be made in USD. It’s time for an African Jubilee on illegal chinese loans.
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May 21st 2020
They don't want to #MakeChinaPay for the pandemic.
They do want to slash the American defense budget.…
Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA), pictured, was considered a Cuban regime asset when she served on the staff of then-congressman Ron Dellums, whom she replaced after he retired. Dellums was part of the Soviet active measures network in the United States.
Another signer of Lee's letter, Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA), was a staffer to Congressman Joe Moakley (D-MA) at the time Lee worked for Dellums. He facilitated Cuban-backed operations in the hemisphere against the US. McGovern was elected to replace Moakley.
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Apr 30th 2020
Another potential $10 billion Chinese Fraud in Chinese company listed on US exchange in GSX Techedu (GSX). Citron research posts "smoking gun" recording today evidencing 40%+ customers fabricated. When will the SEC require US audits for foreign companies raising money in the US?
"GSX’s auditor, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, was the same auditor that was used in Citronexposed frauds Longtop and China Media Express. The Deloitte partner that has been in charge
of GSX’s audit is Li Li Shan who has a questionable track record."
"There are only three companies including GSX that Li Li Shan has been listed as the engagement
partner for. The other two companies are Chinese education companies, RYB Education
(NYSE: RYB) and Puxin (NYSE: NEW), which are down 70% to 85% since their IPOs."
Read 6 tweets
Apr 20th 2020
(1) Excellent @MariaBartiromo interview with @SecPompeo, who blasts Chinese Communist Party by name, says it's still covering up the lab in Wuhan, and says that the time for reparations will come in due time.… #MakeChinaPay
(2) Pompeo: China knew. "this authoritarian regime had information....the Chinese Communist Party and the World Health Organization didn’t put that information out into the international space as they’re required...and the that we now have this global pandemic."
(3) Bartiromo: "we’ve been saying that perhaps the virus got out of that virology lab by accident, but the fact that they have been downplaying it and lying for so long ... then it raises the question of was it really an accident."

Pompeo: "It's an appropriate question."
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Apr 19th 2020
Editor in Chief of Germany’s largest paper says “You [Jinping], your government and your scientists had to know long ago that coronavirus is highly infectious, but you left the world in the dark about it." #MakeChinaPay #ChinaLiedPeopleDied #BoycottChina…
“Your top experts didn't respond when Western researchers asked to know what was going on in Wuhan.You were too proud and too nationalistic to tell the truth, which you felt was a national disgrace.”
“ You rule by surveillance. You wouldn't be president without surveillance. You monitor everything, every citizen, but you refuse to monitor the diseased wet markets in your country.You shut down every newspaper and website that is critical of your rule.”
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Apr 16th 2020
(1) AP: #XiJinping knew all along that a deadly pandemic was breaking out, Chinese documents show, but he had the government stay silent about it for SIX DAYS until #CCP could organize a plan to make him look like a hero.…
(2) AP: CCP documents "show that the head of China’s National Health Commission, Ma Xiaowei, laid out a grim assessment of the situation on Jan. 14 in a confidential teleconference with provincial health officials.” #CCPVirus
(3) AP: "A [Chinese government] memo states that the teleconference was held to convey instructions on the coronavirus from President Xi Jinping, Premier Li Keqiang and Vice Premier Sun Chunlan, but does not specify what those instructions were." #XiJinping #CCPVirus
Read 12 tweets
Apr 14th 2020
Secretary xi locked down travel from Wuhan to anywhere else IN CHINA on January 23rd..but CONTINUED TO ENCOURAGE TRAVEL TO THE REST OF THE WORLD.xi & deadly CCP knowingly infected the rest of the world with Wuhan Virus🦠 #ChinaLiedPeopleDied #coronavirus #china #WTF #MakechinaPay
At least 250,009 Chinese landed in the US from that fateful day until POTUS demanded a travel ban. The sinister CCP Virus 🦠 has already been knowingly unleashed to every continent by then. secretary xi made sure if China was going down, the rest of the world was going with him.
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Apr 11th 2020
Military police are out at 11th Street and [what will someday be known other than] Constitution Avenue NW to keep residents out of their public park. At least 11 DC police cruisers. Happening right now. ⁦@ChrisPlanteShow
A walk in the park on a sunny April afternoon. Right now on Constitution Avenue and 13th St NE in Washington DC. @ChrisPlanteShow #MakeChinaPay
11th and Constitution NE, not NW.
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Apr 9th 2020
Even @CNN is not dismissing the possibility that the #WuhanVirus escaped from a Chinese government laboratory in Wuhan:… #MakeChinaPay
David Ignatius of the Washington Post says "scientists don’t rule out that an accident at a research laboratory in Wuhan might have spread a deadly bat virus that had been collected for scientific study." #WuhanVirus #CCPVirus… #MakeChinaPay
'Patient Zero' might have been from a Chinese government research lab in Wuhan. All summed up neatly by @jimgeraghty with lots of scientific sourcing.…
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Apr 1st 2020
1-Dear @narendramodi ji,

Updating some more inputs, we have gleaned from health policy researchers and first responders to the #CoronaCrisis all around the world.

We urge you to share it with your team to inform the forward strategy on #Coronaindia

@PMOIndia @drharshvardhan
2-As we begin April – almost everyone agrees that it will be a hard month as the #CoronaPandemic spreads across the globe.

The epidemic may calm down by July and August, but #ChinaVirus is likely to be seasonal and could return with a vengeance in the fall.

3-The next challenge then becomes - How do we crack the current outbreak, develop a plan to return to normal life, and ensure that the #wuhanvirus never poses the same threat again?

@AmitShah @myogiadityanath @SharmaBpv @shashankupadhy_
Read 18 tweets

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