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Jun 16th 2022

We are hopeful that the discussion on issues around sex and gender is opening up. Such discussion is essential if we are to find solutions that meet the needs, and uphold the rights, of everyone.

#moreincommon #SexMatters #FairPlay 1/n
Since November 2017, Woman’s Place UK has organised 30 public events and nearly every one has been hosted in the face of substantial obstacles including aggressive and intimidating protests.…
The intimidation of women meeting to discuss their rights has gone largely unchallenged and so has been allowed to grow. The failure of civic and political society to facilitate this important debate demonstrates an abject failure to adhere to the Equality Act and the PSED. /3
Read 11 tweets
Mar 31st 2021
Why committed air quality campaigners and cycle activists have #moreincommon around LTNs than maybe they realise... and why they should work together. Thread /1
I first became aware of our Liveable Neighbourhood plans in TH a couple of years ago. Saw the consultation- a chunk of Bethnal Green surrounded by main rds. /2
Then saw the stats placed on the same map. All the deaths snd serious injuries. (Note: none attributable to air quality as yet...)
It was a ring of horror on all the main rds surrounding this area /3
Read 10 tweets
Nov 6th 2020
The Democrats are going to find it difficult to Govern with a HoR majority of 8. This is true. But if the @DNC seeks to exclude the progressive base it will tear itself apart.

A third way is needed. And perhaps that can be found in responsible devolution of power to States. /1
Listening to @JoeNBC shouting at people with views like mine and @AOC’s about changing the way we live for the better, addressing the existential crisis of Climate Change, improving health welfare and education is not a strategy, it’s a way to light a new fire. /2
The centralised control of aspects States Finances was shown to be a bug not a feature. During Covid. Competition and regulatory law capture in the US destroys creativity and entrenches power, at the expense of freedom and opportunity. The @DNC needs to find a middle way. /3
Read 6 tweets
Oct 26th 2020
🙌🏽 Out today - Britain's Choice: More in Common UK's deep dive into the political psyche of 🇬🇧. We find rich insights where Britain really stands in light of Covid-19, community, culture wars, Brexit and politics. Bottom line: we are not as divided as we think we are. Thread⬇️
💥#Covid-19 sparked a burst of social solidarity, and Brits want to seize this opportunity to transform the country: by a margin of 2:1 people say we must make important changes in the wake of the pandemic.
😴 Brits are tired of political divisiveness and know where the blame lies: almost half say political parties are the main cause, with 39% blaming social media and 29% blaming traditional media.
Read 8 tweets
Sep 14th 2020
'The artist and the professor, the mother and the wife' is now online for all to see. This collaboration with @LauraNyahuye of @maokwo was one of the most intense experiences, personal or professional, of my entire life and my feelings about 'going public' are mixed ...(1/?) Image
On the one hand I feel incredibly proud (a word I generally avoid) of the beautiful things that we have created together. I'm overwhelmed by the beauty in fact. The images. The words. These were created in the intense lockdown days and they take me back to that place...(2/?) Image
The lockdown forced us to stop and reflect on our lives and the work we both do in ways that would never have happened otherwise. Being forced to 'Stop', to have the opportunity to 'Breathe' was a major theme and recurring theme of our collaboration (3/?)… Image
Read 11 tweets
Sep 10th 2020
On Monday 14th Sept we will be launching #theartistandtheprof, an artistic collaboration between myself and @LauraNyahuye @maokwo exploring themes of #migration #identity #belonging and what it means to be boxed in and categorised as #migrants #women #mothers #wives...(1/?) Image
Funded by @covcampus @warwickuni as part of @Coventry2021 this collaboration has been undertaken entirely online during the #COVID19 #lockdown It's been a powerful and challenging experience for many different reasons. We've laughed and cried, written and woven... (2/?) Image
For both of us this is the first time that we've had an opportunity to #stop #breathe #pause and reflect on the ways in which our own and societal expectations of gendered and racialized roles and responsibilities have shaped our lives #morethanalabel #beyondcategories (3/?) Image
Read 9 tweets
Jun 18th 2020
Never tried to live tweet from an online event but 4th UNESCO Chair currently being live-streamed contains powerful and moving material which speaks to me strongly in the context of #RefugeeWeek2020 and more generally and needs to be heard so I’m going to give it a try... Image
The words and experiences of refugees frame everything that’s being said but within that the gendering of refugee experiences, of human experiences of forced movement, relations between mothers and children Image
Integration is such a difficult concept, one of things that the team tries to do - and has done over previous lectures - is to introduce new ways of thinking about integration. The theme for this year’s lecture is ‘contemplative seeing’ as a way of reflecting on these processes
Read 13 tweets
May 25th 2020
My verdict.

I sympathise more with a person and also am disgusted about the actions of those who have gone in to hate Territory.

I say this as someone who believes he should have been fired for clear workplace bullying of a friend of mine.

I am still puzzled by /1
Why so many people are so desperate to defend something which despite me feeling more sympathetic to the man has clearly got this wrong.

I get the anger towards him too, I really do, but ultimately is it helping, no? And I do believe him about threats to him and his family/2
As his MP @EmilyThornberry should be doing all she can to stop that, not inciting it on Twitter.

Having worked for an MP, I am aware your job is often about helping people where there is no love lost, but the job of an MP is to represent all your constituents, not those who/3
Read 39 tweets
Jun 16th 2019
Today we remember our colleague Jo Cox MP, who was tragically killed on her way to a constituency meeting on 16 June 2016.

#moreincommon #JoCox
"While we celebrate our diversity, what surprises me time and time again as I travel around the constituency is that we are far more united and have far more in common with each other than things that divide us" - Jo Cox

#moreincommon #JoCox
Watch Jo's maiden speech:

#moreincommon #JoCox
Read 5 tweets
Feb 12th 2019
An incredible morning so far with 42 partners from around the world at the start of the #UKRI #GCRF #SouthSouthMigration, Inequality and Development Hub. Reducing inequalities is what we want to do, the important question is how we are going to it....
Blown away by the energy, ideas and commitment of our #UKRI #GCRF #SouthSouthMigration partners, we’ve finally let them start talking and @cms_moop is alive!
The creative juices are flowing and ideas about how the work that the #SouthSouthMigration Hub does over the next five years can #makeadifference are bubbling over on to the table
Read 5 tweets
Oct 27th 2018
Turned my phone on after a lovely day attending synagogue with my family, with its security guards with bullet proof vests, and I see our community’s worst nightmare has come true

Love and strength to everyone in Pittsburg. We must remember we have more in common than divides us
For everyone who is saying how awful this is - we can all do something to help lessen hate.

Every day do one more thing to be sensitive and empathetic to people who are different to you. It’s that simple.
And in the meantime, we must be vigilant against racial intolerance and hate.

It’s in our society as it is everywhere. It transcends political creeds.

We can diminish it but it will never disappear.

These awful events can be rallying cries for the good people to stand up
Read 6 tweets

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