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Feb 14th 2023
🚨"Putin seeks to rob Ukraine of its future by taking its children."—US details #Russia's forced relocation, adoption & reeducation of 1000s Ukrainian children via network of 43 camps. Many evacuated under guise of free summer camp, then cut off all contact w/ family in #Ukraine.
@nedprice @StateDept New report from Yale human rights team documents the forced transport of 6000 Ukrainian children to #Russia. Researchers believe thousands more children have been removed from #Ukraine, adopted, re-educated/russified—a possible #warcrime
@NPR @deborahamos…
@nedprice @StateDept @NPR @deborahamos "majority of camps have engaged in pro-Russia re-education… some…provided military training to children or suspended the children’s return to their parents in Ukraine."

Russia’s Systematic Program for the Re-education & Adoption of Ukraine's Children…
Read 10 tweets
Jan 3rd 2023
- "Ostin raketteja Ukrainalle..."
Video: #EthnicCleansing #Genocide.
'Lapset jotka #Ukraina'n joukot tappoivat #Donbas'ssa ennen sodan, #DeNazification, alkamista.'
#OSCE #France:
The conflict in #Ukraine was not opened by #Russia on Feb 24, but by Ukraine a week before. #BulletinNo27.
- de #mercenaires de la #CIA conduits ou « conseillés » par des Américains et composés de #combattants #ukrainiens ou #européens
Read 21 tweets
Nov 5th 2022

アライド・フォース作戦 コソボ空爆

Read 9 tweets
Nov 3rd 2022
Yesterday marked the 105th anniversary of the #BalfourDeclaration, a fateful, colonial statement by the British government that paved the way for establishing a Jewish supremacist settler-colony in Palestine. Image
The Balfour Declaration laid the foundation for the 1948 #Nakba, the #EthnicCleansing of between 750,000 and 1,000,000 Indigenous Palestinians at the hands of Zionist militias, and subsequently Israeli forces. Image
The ongoing Palestinian Nakba entails Israel’s relentless land theft, denial of human rights & legalized racial discrimination, made possible by massive military, economic & political support from the U.S., EU, U.K. & other complicit states, international orgs & corporations. Image
Read 6 tweets
Feb 1st 2022
In the name of opposing a crime against humanity from 8 decades ago we choose to promote and protect a crime against humanity that's been taking place for the past 7 decades and counting!

@Amnesty_DE has learnt ABSOLUTELY NOTHING from Germany's dark past:…
@Amnesty Int'l, I expect you to immediately shut down your @Amnesty_DE office in Germany, unless you seek to promote rather than oppose: #apartheid #ethniccleansing #colonialism #stateterror #whitesupremacy #Zionism.
@amnesty @amnesty_de 1/ @Amnesty_DE statement -German followed by English translation:
"In Deutschland wurde die systematische Vernichtung jüdischer Menschen geplant und umgesetzt. Antisemitische gewalttätige Übergriffe, Sachbeschädigungen oder Verschwörungsideologien sind in Deutschland präsent und
Read 8 tweets
Sep 10th 2021

Reintroducing #TheMasterplan in time for new year

Whenever the West plans to destabilise a certain region or regime, they mobilize the MSM, AO and HR groups in a concerted manner.

1/The media will start a campaign that prepares the ground for future interventions...
...while swaying public opinion towards the needed direction. They start labeling the government as #totalitarian if not elected, and #populist if elected. Terms such as #genocide #EthnicCleansing #famine would get bandied around. They cultivate a new "reality" on the ground.
2/ Aid organizations would join the chorus and paint a picture of impending humanitarian doom. From one day to the next the number of people facing famine grows in leaps and bounds. The talk shifts towards #unfettered humanitarian access and humanitarian corridors
Read 9 tweets
Jul 20th 2021
Whenever the West plan to destabilise a certain region or need to 'ream them,' they mobilize the following entities in a concerted manner. Hence, the need to #StopWesternCrusadeAgainstEthiopia ASAP!
1. The media will start a campaign that prepares the ground for future interventions while swaying public opinion towards the needed direction. They start labeling the government as #totalitarian, if not elected and #populist, if elected.
Terms such as #genocide #ethniccleansing #famine would get bandied around. They cultivate a new "reality" on the ground.
Read 12 tweets
Jun 8th 2021
On Friday June 4, 2021 I attended a meeting with Secretary of State Blinken. The purpose of the meeting was to talk all things #Palestine
#SheikJarrah #Silwan #Jerusalem #Gaza #EqualityforAll #OneLove
Full thread in 1 convenient viewing location here:…
I attended as an individual. I am not affiliated with any PAC or organization. I obviously do not speak for or represent the #Palestinian people. There’s like 7 million of us at least, and like 2 million of #Palestinians stuffed in #Gaza alone.
To the #Palestinian Americans who boycotted this meeting after the #Biden Administration handed Israel $735 million dollars in weaponry following the merciless attacks on Palestinians locked in Gaza.
Read 56 tweets
May 11th 2021
#GPE_RedAlert: May 9, 2021

#GPE has reviewed photographs of property destruction targeting homes & assets belonging to ethnic #Amhara civilians in Mender 24, #Welgay & #Debis kebeles (wards) of #Abe_Dengoro woreda (district), #Horo_Guduru_Welega zone, #Oromia region.

[1/5] Image
In addition, homes of recently displaced ethnic #Amhara civilians have reportedly been looted by Oromo militias allegedly part of the #Oromo Liberation Army (#OLA) but residents have also accused local authorities namely the Oromo Special Forces of participating in the...

...injustice as well.

Local sources revealed between May 6 to 7, 2021 alone, more than 20 homes belonging to ethnic #Amhara residents were broken into & looted. Similar incidents have been reported in #Welgay kebele. In some instances, residents have also reported...

Read 6 tweets
Apr 25th 2021
#GPE_AtrocityReport: April 23, 2021 (Miyazia 15, 2013 EC).

#GPE has received reports of startling atrocities targeting ethnic #Amhara civilians in #Gorete kebele (ward), #Abi_Dengoro woreda (district), #Horo_Guduru_Welega zone, #Oromia region. Local witnesses said on...

...April 22, 2021 (Miyazia 14, 2013 EC) at approximately 4 am local time, three people including a man, his child daughter and another child were killed as local militias locked them in their home and set it on fire burning all three inside under gruesome circumstances.

#GPE has obtained disturbing photographic evidence of their burned remains.

Names of the decedents are as follows:

1. Mr. Adam Hassen (father)
2. Hawa Adam (daughter)
3. Zewdia Fetene (neighbor’s child)

Residents also reported the militias opened fire on civilians...

Read 12 tweets
Feb 15th 2021
1. The failure of President @MBuhari ‘s administration to end the menace of criminal herdsmen and bandits throughout Nigeria (in both northern and southern states) has led to the stigmatization of the Fulani and other ethnic groups for the crimes of a few.
2. The failure of our authorities to deploy effective security and law enforcement action against these criminals has also created a dangerous vacuum that is increasingly filled, unsurprisingly, by self-defense measures by several communities across the country.
3. This could lead to reprisals based on ethnic profiling. In this context, I deplore the recent killings of innocent Nigerians of northern extraction in Oyo State.
Read 7 tweets
Jan 2nd 2021
It has been 60 days since @AbiyAhmedAli declared #WarOnTigray. 60 days on, the war still rages across Tigray & the region is still under almost full communication, banking and transport block out. From the limited info that comes out, millions of people are starving 1
due to lack of access to power, cash to buy supplies as banks are still closed and bank accounts every Tigrayan suspended, & absence of trade activities. UNICEF reports that more than 2m children in Tigray are completely cut off from humanitarian assist… 2
Civilians killed and displaced: According to UN-OCHA, there are reportedly over a million internally displaced people with no humanitarian assistance. Families in their hundreds of 1000s are separated. We also hear that supplies of humanitarian assistance are deliberately
Read 17 tweets
Dec 13th 2020
Let's start a #Serbian & #Yugoslav map thread.
Here I'll share the best material I compiled over 3 years about the #History of #Serbia & #Yugoslavia.
Let's start with a map of companies implanted in SFR.Yugoslavia.🏭
57 are detailed in the link provided.👇… Image
2. Here comes a #Yugoslav map for foodies.
Unlike for companies, the destruction of #Yugoslavia didn't change the local specialties, which remain the delight of all locals & visitors.
#Meatlovers are like fish in water there, & back in #France I dearly miss ćevap & pljeskavica!🥺 Image
3. Here are 2 pseudo #tourism-maps of #Yugoslavia, respectively made by locals & #Americans.
I wish we helped, as requested, to conserve & protect this #beauty.🕯️
As a citizen of a #NATO country, & especially as a #French, I'm sorry we didn't, even if most of this still exists.🙏 ImageImage
Read 23 tweets
Oct 7th 2020
It's not hard for me to mesh my support for #Armenia in the #Nagornokarabakh conflict with being a western-raised and trained #Humanrights lawyer. The short answer is that I wish to stop #EthnicCleansing. The long answer is below. (1/14)
First, I reject that neutrality is the "proper" response. Neutrality is appropriate when one is ignorant. But choosing to remain in ignorance isn't praiseworthy. It is more intellectually honest to learn and draw a conclusion. (2/14)
This article shows how one can have a thoughtful "both sides" discussion instead of the thoughtless one we typically see from int'l media and orgs.… (3/14)
Read 14 tweets
Sep 26th 2020
#IslamophobiaInIndia is a MYTH.

#India was ruled by #Hindus in the Ancient and Early Medieval period.

It was in the 7th Cent. CE, that #IslamicInvasions began in the Indian sub-continent.

These invaders came with one objective: to proselytise non-believers (#Kaafirs).

#Islamic invaders from the Middle East/Central Asia invaded India.

🔸They tortured & killed #Hindus.

🔸They raped #Hindu women.

🔸They forcibly coverted #Hindus.

🔸They destroyed hundreds of thousands of our temples.

🔸They looted #India.

Despite all the horrors of the #IslamicRule in India, independent #India, unlike #Pakistan/#Turkey, chose to be a #Secular country.


Because #SanatanDharma doesn’t preaches hate for other religions.

#Hindus know how to respect other religions and they always have.

Read 5 tweets
May 24th 2020
@AviKaner Jews lived in what is now Iraq since the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple by the Babylonians in 586 BCE, 1,000 years before the Arab/Muslim invasion. Before WWII, Baghdad was 33% Jewish, the NYC of its day. THREAD
@AviKaner Across the Arab world Jews were leaders in the arts, cinema, literature, business. That’s all gone. The Jews of Libya, Algeria, Syria, Egypt. Gone.
In 1945 more than 850,000 Jews lived in the Arab world. Today, there are less than 5,000.
@AviKaner A shocking 99.5% of Middle Eastern Jews fled or were expelled. #EthnicCleansing These Jewish refugees received no aid from the UN, no compensation for their stolen property. They were never recognized by human rights organizations, or championed by any celebrities.
Read 6 tweets
Nov 6th 2019
51. The Legacy of US, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Bahrain, Canada, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Australia, Jordan, Nato in Syria
#RegimeChange #FakeNews #FalseFlag #terrorism #SyriaInvasion #WarCrimes #CrimesAgainstHumanity
1 to 20. The Legacy of US, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Bahrain, Canada, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Australia, Jordan, Nato in Syria 🤨👇🏼…
21 to 40. The Legacy of US, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Bahrain, Canada, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Australia, Jordan, Nato in Syria 🤨👇🏼…
Read 279 tweets
Oct 21st 2019
1. #Rojava's demise is more than #EthnicCleansing & #Genocide though they are horrific enough, it's also an attack on the idea that the MidEast need not be a sectarian hell but can thrive as a gender-equal, secular, democratic and free society guaranteed by the Geneva process.
2. Rojava is also what @RTErdogan wants to kill. And misogynist states like Russia, Iran & Qatar are more than willing to bankroll a feminist genocide. And don't laugh. Feminism directly confronts certain religions and, is therefore IMO, entitled to religious freedom
3. protection and is therefore covered by anti-genocide protections of US and international law.

If only we had some feminists. 🙄 @maddow @smithcollege @mtholyoke @IvankaTrump
Read 3 tweets
Oct 10th 2019
Lots of Netanyahu defenders upset with me for saying that a prime minister of a state founded on ethnic cleaning, who engages today in a form of ethnic cleansing, is warning others against ethnic cleansing. So here's a quick #thread on some basic facts for the pearl-clutchers:
Lots of Israelis who get offended by the term "ethnic cleansing" are fine with it if you replace it with a softer term like "transfer", e.g."Nearly half of Jewish Israelis agree that Arabs should be expelled or transferred from Israel" - 2016 Pew poll2/…
Israeli historian Professor Ilan Pappé wrote an entire book called "The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine" in 2006, on the events of 1948, which was described as an "important" account and a "major intervention" by British and Israeli academics alike:
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May 30th 2019
1. Israel's regime is the biggest threat to peace in the world 🤨👇🏼
2. Israel's regime is the biggest threat to peace in the world🤨👇🏼…
Read 82 tweets
May 9th 2019
5. The Legacy of US, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Bahrain, Canada, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Jordan, Nato in Syria

#RegimeChange #FakeNews #FalseFlag #terrorism #SyriaInvasion #WarCrimes #CrimesAgainstChildren #CrimesAgainstHumanity
1. The Legacy of US, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Bahrain, Canada, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Jordan, Nato in Syria
2. The Legacy of US, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Bahrain, Canada, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Jordan, Nato in Syria
Read 143 tweets
Apr 20th 2019
👇😡@realDonaldTrump's "DEAL OF THE CENTURY"‼️
#Palestine - Plan to make #Apartheid & Settler Colonialism Official
Special #US Envoy/#Israel 1ster #JasonGreenblatt said to Sky News Arabic that a 'two states' solution means different things to diff. people.…
Zionist Puppet,@realDonaldTrump is a con-artist
#RussiaGate⁉️It's always been #IsraelGate😡Doh!

Birthright American Jewish youth visiting #Israel were given maps that COMPLETELY ERASED #Palestine, inc the #WestBank — one traveller called it into question
"Two-State Solution"👇😡It's always been a farce to enable Israel to claim #Democracy while keeping #Palestinians in Ghettos, denying even their basic #HumanRights‼️
Settlements thread: 1/21 From the very beginning #Israel planned to usurp #Palestine.
Read 17 tweets

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