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Mar 23rd 2023
A lengthy thread🧵 of #ADOS speakers calling into the OMB Townhall on Race and Ethnicity Statistical Standards

President and Co-Founder of ADOSAF Yvette Carnell
ADOS Co-Founder Antonio Moore:

“There has been an erasure of an entire population by the fact that we have not created the category American Descendants of Slavery”
ADOSAF Compliance Director Simeon Harris:

“Our lineage has been the basis of our exclusion; an exclusion that continues today”
Read 11 tweets
Aug 13th 2021
We issued the following statement this a.m. on the @UHC-@zackcooperYale-@Yale #surprisemedicalbill "research" scandal.

Read here ➡️

To ensure that forthcoming #NoSurprisesAct regs are implemented fairly and to protect #patients nationwide, we will...
...continue to shine a bright light on this trickery.

According to our President Christopher Sheeron, "We have long believed that this #Yale study, and several others that have shaped this debate over the past several years, was blatantly concocted out of the public eye by...
...insurers. Rose Adams' unveiling of this nasty truth is welcomed enthusiastically by #patients, #hospitals, #physicians, and many others who are sick of the #health #insurance industry's dirty tricks.

"As regulators at #HHS, #CMS, and other federal agencies continue...
Read 17 tweets
Aug 11th 2021
⚠️ GROSS COI REVEALED: In an extraordinary and fantastically written investigative report, @theintercept's @rose_n_adams unveils how @UHC co-opted @zackcooperYale's #surprisemedicalbill study, all while #Congress embraced it as "academic" and "unbiased" work to write #SMB law.
1⃣ This lays bare how #UnitedHealth has manipulated #surprisebill "research" to enrich itself at the expense of all #patients and the frontline #medical providers risking their lives over the past few years of #Covid.

2⃣ The study was foundational in the #SMB debate, and...
...Congress was duped. We believe that Congressional #investigations are now warranted by the #House and #Senate #Judiciary Committees. @HouseJudiciary @JudiciaryDems

3⃣ This work from Prof. #Cooper and his @Yale team was cited *10 TIMES* in the first #regulation issued by...
Read 19 tweets
Jan 16th 2020
NEWS: #WhiteHouse budget office violated law when it withheld security assistance to #Ukraine, Government Accountability Office (#GAO) says in issuing new report.
#GAO finding #OMB violated Impoundment Control Act `is forceful and it is unambiguous,' says #Appropriations ranking member @senpatleahy. `When President #Trump froze congressionally appropriated military aid to #Ukraine, he did so in violation of the law and the Constitution.'
@SenPatLeahy #GAO ruling on #Ukraine aid `deserves a thorough hearing in the impeachment trial, especially as it relates to the charges of abuse of power,' says @SenatorDurbin, Democratic whip and ranking on #Appropriations Defense panel.…
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Oct 25th 2019
#BREAKING: @weareoversight is suing WH #OMB for records on the freezing of military aide to Ukraine following Bill Taylor’s testimony this week that an unnamed OMB official said on a video conference that President Trump had directed to withhold military aid to Ukraine. 1/
The lawsuit seeks records including emails sent by OMB officials Mulvaney, Russell Vought & Michael Duffey – relating to the withholding of military aid from Ukraine. Separately, House Dems leading impeachment inquiry announced subpoenas sent to Vought & Duffey today to testify
suit also seeks a range of recs including copies of directives or decision memos re. military/other aid to Ukraine; comms w/Congress about aid funding & emails sent by Mulvaney, Vought, + sr officials w/ref to list of terms inclu: aid program, Hunter Biden, or Rudy Giuliani.
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