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Topic 1: norms, rules, and principles derived from existing legal and normative frameworks

#Mexico emphasizes principles in Article 1 of the #OST.

#PAROS and primacy of peaceful use are key. Rejects placement of weapons in outer space and celestial bodies. esp. those with indiscriminate effects.
#Mexico supports giving legal principles greater precision, and the adoption of norms as interim step to legal instrument to ban weapons in space and use of force and prohibit war

#IHL. Public exchange of info. Supports DA ASAT test moratorium as interim step to legal agreement.
Read 66 tweets

Item 6 c) recommendations on possible norms, rules, and principles of responsible behaviour

Topic 1: norms, rules, and principles derived from existing international legal and other normative frameworks
#Russia continues to insist that NGOs are not permitted to make statements during the formal session.
#Canada respectfully disagrees with Russia. The matter is closed. The Chair has ruled and will not change established UN practice.

"As we tell kids in Canada, sometimes, you get what you get, and you don't get upset. It's time to move on."
Read 59 tweets
US addresses space to Earth threats, and highlights what Dmitri Stefanovich referenced this morning: the greatest threat was nuclear weapons in space, which is why the Soviets and US agreed to prohibit them in art IV #OST.
Therefore, US does not consider space-based weapons to be a serious threat today. Refers to the excellent work of @LauraEGrego and @bleddb to underscore why space based missile defence is not feasible, and reiterates US is not, never has, developed this non-starter
This is why we need to focus on behaviours and not capabilities. #SpaceThreatsOEWG. We should not be afraid of making incremental progress, especially if they can make practical and pragmatic difference to space security.
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We can't say goodbye to #AfricanPenguins forever. We just can't. #NotOnOurWatch

Will you add your voice to help?

My friend Dean wrote, "We'd love to help, but how?"

Follow this thread. I'll tell you how. But don't wait. We have less than 8 hours left to send 1 email. 🧵🐧🧵
The South African government has proposed a plan aimed at protecting the African Penguins found only in South Africa and Namibia. They are good protections. And we need more.

1st. this thread is for EVERYONE. Anyone can email comments about protecting the #AfricanPenguins.
You do NOT have to be South African to express your gratitude for the proposed plan, and you do NOT have to be in South Africa to ask the government local to the situation for more action to protect #AfricanPenguins. You just have to be good people. Or even bad people.
Read 48 tweets
@greenprofgreen @nytimes Dear @greenprofgreen, everyone is entitled to their #opinion, but it’s unfortunate that your op-ed contains several errors about #spacelaw, and also misinterprets the character, intent and context of the #ArtemisAccords. @nytopinion
@greenprofgreen @nytimes @nytopinion To start, the #OST does *not* "designate space as the province of all mankind". Instead, its use & exploration of outer space shall be the province of mankind. Not the same thing.
@greenprofgreen @nytimes @nytopinion More serious is the mistake that #OST "codified norms of the common heritage of mankind". The #OST does NOT contain the #CHM principle! The Moon Agreement does, which is why no space faring nation proceeded to sign it, as they misunderstand this concept.
Read 15 tweets
Open Letter to any @OntarioPCParty MPPs who still values small "c" conservative principles.

In early 2020, we admittedly did not know as much about SARS-CoV-2 as we do now.

Overzealous precautions in the initial period were excusable - in the short-term.

We quickly learned that COVID-19, unlike Influenza, spared children.

Children & youth have EXTREMELY low to no relative risk...again, unlike Influenza.

We quickly debunked the theory that children were "super-spreaders".

We also quickly realized that #lockdowns, school closures, social isolation, & #maskmandates have an EXTREMELY negative affect on children & youth with respect to their mental health, physical health, social development, delayed/impaired social milestones, education, etc.

Read 19 tweets
1000's of variants have been waxing & waning in North America for MANY, MANY months.
This is normal & EXPECTED in error-prone RNA replication.
...BUT, BUT BUT!!! It is MUCH more academically fascinating than clinically significant.
Too bad the #OST hasn't figured that out!
Read 6 tweets
Wie steht es 30 Jahre nach der #Wiedervereinigung um die #DeutscheEinheit? Die neue #Studie von pollytix und @BertelsmannSt|iftung zeigt: Nach drei Jahrzehnten haben Deutsche in #Ost und #West noch sehr unterschiedliche Perspektiven auf das vereinte #Deutschland #Thread (1/11) Image
Nicht nur, dass man den Eindruck hat, es mache nach wie vor einen Unterschied, ob man aus West- oder #Ostdeutschland kommt: Es halten sich bis heute auch zwei unterschiedliche #Narrative zur #Wiedervereinigung: (2/11)
Für Westdeutsche ging das Leben nach der Wiedervereinigung weiter wie zuvor. Sie haben den Eindruck, dass die Wiedervereinigung von Westdeutschland bezahlt wurde. Trotz realer ökonomischer Unterschiede halten sie die Wiedervereinigung für eine #Erfolgsstory ohne Verlierer. (3/11) Image
Read 11 tweets
1. Amusons et instruisons-nous #confinés, avec la série @NetflixFR, @lacasadepapel, en faisant un deep-dive dans la vie des #organisations.
Comment peut-on penser, organiser et réussir le casse du siècle ?
@UGustaveEiffel @LaCentrif @IAE_G_Eiffel @lacasadepapelFR
A dérouler 👇 Image
2. Ce premier fil porte sur le premier épisode de la saison 1 de la série @lacasadepapel @NetflixFR. Il est préférable d’avoir vu l’épisode pour comprendre ce qui va suivre et d’éviter ainsi les inévitables spoils. Cela vous prendra 48’ pour voir l’épisode puis 5-10’ de lecture.
3. La question du jour : Comment former une organisation capable de réussir le casse de la Manufacture de la monnaie ?
Read 53 tweets
I would be more than happy to guide on anyone who wishes to start learning #NimblrTA

The idea is let's do it for next 30 days and review where we are and what change it may bring.

Content is what is readily available but would be done in steps.

@Deishma @AhoNiranjana
#Topic #NimblrTA #Strength #Candles

Content for study…

Once done you may ask queries or if something is not clear or may have feedback, open discussion and learning.

Efforts will be yours to enlearn!
#Topic #NimblrTA #Strength #Candles
About Breakout Candle…

Acknowledge the tweets with
1) Questions
2) Feedback
Once you complete the topic must mention your participation through a tweet or like so it's known how many are following
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Wir wünschen euch einen feierlichen #TagDerDeutschenEinheit. 🎈

Diesen Sommer radelte Fotografin Mina Esfandiari 1288km (!) am #Radweg #DeutscheEinheit. 📸

Ihre wunderbare Idee: Persönliche Geschichten zum Mauerfall & zur Deutschen Einheit zu finden und zu erzählen. 👇 Image
"Wie weit ist Deutschland seitdem zusammen gewachsen? Sind wir ein Volk?"

Mit diesen Fragen im Gepäck radelte Mina von #West nach #Ost - von #Bonn nach #Berlin. Sie sammelte in ihrem Foto-Essay persönliche Geschichten, Stimmungen und Porträts.

#TagderDeutschenEinheit Image
"Wo steht Deutschland heute? Was eint uns? Was teilt uns?"

Mina hat Antworten gefunden - in Bildern und in Gesprächen mit Menschen.

Wir freuen uns auf ihre Fotoausstellung & den Podcast. #DankeMina 🌍

👇 Image
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