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Feb 12th 2023
Recommended: @ryan_dane @RSI evaluation of how Alaska's new electoral system (universal primary from which four candidates advance, general election using #RCV) worked in its trial run last year. Summary: it worked well. /1…
@ryan_dane @RSI "A review of initial evidence found that races in the state became more civil and competitive overall, and, despite it being a major change in process, the top-four approach caused little disruption in the composition of government." /2
Of note, fewer races were effectively decided in low-turnout party primaries in which only 10-20 percent of a district's voters might participate. "Compared with the previous five election cycles, 2022 marks the highest level of competition for Alaska state legislative seats."/3
Read 7 tweets
Feb 12th 2023
There's a push currently on to make Minnesota the 16th state to sign on to the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPVIC), intended to sidestep the Electoral College and install the election of presidents by popular vote. But.... /1…
As @AndrewRCraig noted in 2021, the NPVIC in present form suffers from unacceptable practical flaws in its mechanics, regardless of what one may think about its aims. /2…
Craig: "The Compact’s language simply assumes the existence of a traditional popular vote total in each state but it provides no details on how that is to be ascertained." NPVIC designates no authority to resolve disagreements or reporting gaps regarding that count. /3
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Jan 6th 2023
After 11 failed attempts to elect a #SpeakerOfTheHouse, it's clear that a true majority winner does not exist. That said, a better voting method could end the stalemate and find a representative, majority preferred winner. Let's review 2 options: #RankedChoice and #STARVoting.
A common claim about Ranked Choice Voting (#RCV) is that it always elects majority winners. This claim is objectively false. No voting method can guarantee a majority in an election with more than 2 candidates because a true majority may not always exist.
This is demonstrated clearly in the current #HouseSpeakerVote. With 3+ polarized factions, no faction has a true majority, and as we can see, the Republican factions are unwilling or unable to coalition around one candidate.
Read 13 tweets
May 17th 2022
This is absolutely unacceptable that 4 people are competing for Seat 2 while Seat 1 only has a single candidate.
We need to be electing both seats using a single Ranked ballot.
Proportional-RCV would determine the 2 most popular of the 5 candidates.
Since there is no difference in the districts used to select Senators and House Representatives, we could elect all 3 Seats at one time from all the candidates who want to represent their district.
That would give us even more of a #ProportionalRepresentation
Each Seat would only need 25% of the vote - a lot more demographics can get a candidate of their choosing with that % vs 50% needed now.
Read 4 tweets
Oct 5th 2021
The messaging on this is terrible; causing unnecessary outrage.

#AndrewYang is not trying to run #3rdParty, or rejecting #Democrats, or asking anyone else to, he will just endorse/support any candidate who aligns with his (atm, mostly #Democratic) policies.
#Yang has said multiple times that he knows #Independents can't win the presidential and almost never win Congressional races, EXCEPT where there's open, #RCV elections, like #Alaska, and he's not encouraging anyone to register as Independent.
Read 6 tweets
Jun 11th 2021
Today let’s talk about the #FairRepAct, which was just reintroduced in Congress by @RepDonBeyer

Whether you’re completely new to this reform, or a long time fan, there are lots of benefits to discuss so let’s get started.
Here are the basics. Our democracy is struggling. Our elections feel fragile. We are more polarized than ever. Faith in democracy as an institution is failing.
And that’s because of #winnertakeall elections
Read 18 tweets
Mar 23rd 2020
Bundestag's budgetary committe approved the next phase of the joint Franco/German #MGCS next-gen MBT programme last week. (Source:, an important step in their joint efforts for a future #EuroTank. Image
This is the 2-year system architecture definition phase, which will harmonise the countries requirements and lay the groundwork to alllow early prototype system demonstrators to be manufactured from mid-2023.
Plan is for a 2035 initial fielding, which is quite an aggressive timescale for contemporary procurement, especially if this is to be a true basis for a 'next-gen' platform and not just a highly modernised Leopard 2/Leclerc hybrid. Image
Read 12 tweets
Mar 3rd 2020
People who think that @BernieSanders gets us closer to @AndrewYang's vision for America don't actually understand Yang's vision for America: A Thread

#YangGang #EndorseUBI
#Bernie2020 #NotMeUs

First of all, #Yang wants a unified America. One where there isn't a huge political divide and so much hate and conflict. He doesn't alienate anyone.

#Bernie is incredibly divisive and angry and will only cause tensions to rise if given the nomination or the presidency.

The #FederalJobsGuarantee goes against Yang's vision because #Yang wants to redefine work in an age where jobs are being automated away and where work that has intrinsic human value isn't being recognized by the market.

Read 16 tweets
Jun 26th 2019
Thread Title: How to create a ranked choice poll.
Example: Ice Cream Rankings

#RankedChoicePolls #RCV #RankedChoiceVoting

1. Go to and click on the + Button.
2. You'll get this message if you haven't logged in yet. Click the OK button.
3. Click the Log In With Twitter button.
Read 15 tweets
Aug 13th 2018
@nabuccodenazzar @tinybaby Trump's a fascist. He incessantly and gleefully lies, scapegoats, plays to racial animus, assaults rule of law. He is antagonistic to all norms and institutions except when personally benefitting him. He could have worthy goals, but does not care for our democratic republic.
@nabuccodenazzar @tinybaby You could cite other politicians who do some of these things, but not ALL of these things, in one ugly package. I'm not saying he's 100% wrong about everything, but he is clearly unfit and a demagogue. He did not expect to win, yet his response is to abuse the office daily.
@nabuccodenazzar @tinybaby This abuse of the presidency requires a forceful response from the public. His actions and rhetoric fit the pattern of fascism. He stokes racial division intentionally. He calls unfavorable media "the enemy of the people". He denies the legitimacy of every legal inquiry.
Read 6 tweets

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