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May 10th 2023
#Multifungible by @dgomezde83 is a cross-platform library written in C++ that allows to seamlessly create and manage non-fungible tokens #NFTs and semi-fungible tokens #SFTs in the @MultiversX #blockchain

Works with any programming language capable of loading libraries.

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#Multifungible Library’s goal is to facilitate the integration of @MultiversX blockchain operations on any project by providing an extensive set of methods.

Each method takes a simple input and performs a unique task on the blockchain of either modification or querying.

When finished, the function returns a completion code and an information message so that the caller (your #dApp) can easily decide what to do.…

Read 7 tweets
May 4th 2023
@GiantsVillage is an on-chain game allowing players to collect and trade while building the Giants’ world.

It aims to be a fully #Web3 #blockchain #game on @MultiversX, w/ on-chain core logic, assets owned by the Players, governance & community-first approach.

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The first phase of the game will be web-based, w/ an open-world that combines elements of farming simulation, virtual pet management, and world-building.

All assets and characters from the game will be on-chain as #NFTs & #SFTs, fully tradable on any marketplace.

The #NFT collection is GIANTS-93cadd and upcoming #SFT collections will be used for the land, resources, buildings, decorations, and more.

Game’s information like levels, experience, power-ups, etc will be stored directly inside the NFTs/SFTs.…
Read 8 tweets
May 1st 2023
@xEnlightDAO is a #Community project that aims to enhance the understanding of @MultiversX #blockchain , one thread at a time.🧑‍🏫

The subjects are being decided by the community and the threads will be created by @OvidiuArion, all working as a #DAO.

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@xEnlightDAO uses an #SFT collection of 761 #SFTs which were free to mint at the time of launch.

Their 10% royalties are going to the designer @mightyblocs as a token of appreciation for their volunteer work.

Each #SFT represents a unique @xPortalApp wallet, and so, it empowers genuine followers to cast their vote on the next subject to be reviewed by @OvidiuArion in an authentic and decentralised way, compared with a simple poll for voting.…

Read 5 tweets
Apr 5th 2023
@evoload is a #web3 ecosystem aiming to disrupt the transportation and logistics industry🚚

Using @MultiversX #blockchain & #SmartContracts, they are building a Freight Exchange platform, a recruitment portal, and tools to help the Drivers and reward their Stakeholders.

Their Freight Exchange platform aims to disrupt the traditional workflow and replace it with a #web3 based one, where the service fees and costs are locked in advance using #smartcontracts and services gets rated by quality.

They introduced the "Proof of Distance" concept to offer their Stakeholders a mileage rewarding scheme with every mile driven using their solutions.

"Proof-of-Distance", "Driver's reward formula" and more details can be found at:

Read 5 tweets
Apr 4th 2023
@ElvenTools by @JulianCwirko can now deploy an SFT #smartcontract @MultiversX 🔥

The #SFT minter is a complementary tool of the #NFT minter or can be used as an independent tool as well. It works with the #dApp template and CLI available at:

Currently, it has the following functionalities: to issue an SFT collection, configure and manage it, limit per one address, mint, buy and send SFTs (payment with $EGLD atm) and claim funds from #smartcontract.

A walkthrough video is available at:

@ElvenTools SFT Minter #smartcontract code is open sourced and available at:…

@JulianCwirko added this Tool to at:…

Ready to deploy your next #SFT collection?
Let's build!🔥🛠️

@MultiversX $EGLD
Read 3 tweets
Mar 21st 2023
@SmartBazaar_ is a coding free tool for launching ESDT tokens and #SFTs on @MultiversX

A user-friendly launchpad for projects looking to easily create, manage, and sell their token w/o any coding skills required, with #smartcontracts ready to deploy from UI dashboard.

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Currently, contracts available to deploy are for ESDT and #SFT creation, but others will follow, such as staking, auction, airdrop or NFT creation.

There are also options to send ESDT/NFT/EGLD, purchase ESDT/SFT, vesting and claiming ESDT tokens.

The ESDT #smartcontract allows you to create, import, send and create a sale for your ESDT token.

Vesting and Sale is customizable and the #smartcontract can be updated, if needed.

Same for #SFT, plus support for multi-collections, sales & simplified built-in functions.

Read 4 tweets
Mar 16th 2023
Curious about today’s biggest moves in the #MultiversX NFT Ecosystem?

Let's check out the most relevant stats & the hottest news of the day 🚀

@stefanszakal is live with @xpnetwork_ on a dedicated #MultiversXNFTs session 🎙️
@GiantsVillage published an article on their Potions & Female Giants mint 👩‍🦰
@itheum released another #AI use-case using Data NFT-FTs ⚛️
@eCompass_io shared an update on their Cards map 🇧🇱
@cyberpunkcity added 3 new members to their team 🦾
@ElrondWarriorz made an important ecosystem announcement 📢
@VaporRepublic will take an #SFT snapshot for their next $EGLD distribution 🪙
Read 4 tweets
Dec 1st 2022
#ARMM (Automated Regressive Market Makers) is a #DeFi innovation that supports the trade of digital assets based on a multitude of their attributes.

Read @DevanAC 's ARMM thread, summarizing a @block_science @hedera @HBAR_foundation research collaboration👇 Image
@DevanAC @block_science @hedera @HBAR_foundation 1/20 Semi-fungible goods? Think of Renewable Energy Credits #REC. These credits are fungible. Still, attributes like location of production matter! ARMMs = price discovery based on multiple non-fungible attributes.

Part 1 of 2 on #ARMMs👇
References are quoted in the last tweet.
@DevanAC @block_science @hedera @HBAR_foundation 2/20 The problem: Semi-fungible tokens are not commodities

High dimension semi-fungible tokens are hard to trade on traditional markets.

Order-book marketplaces do not offer adequate transparency, price discovery, and liquidity.

#orderbook #semifungibletokens #SFT Image
Read 22 tweets
Apr 26th 2022

Aujourd’hui c’est le #Snapshot pour l’attribution des tickets de #Bhero, le Launchpad de @BlackHatNetwork  !

J’ai décidé de vous présenter différents #Launchpad qui sont (ou vont être) lancés sur la #Blockchain @ElondNetwork 👀

⬇️⬇️ #ESDT Image
#Launchpad : BHero
Projets incubés : #Crypto / #NFT
Conditions : Stake $EGLD & $BHAT

Lancé par la team @MGStaking via @BlackHatNetwork, il accompagne de jeunes projets dans leur formation, développement et financement.

Je l'ai déjà présenté ici 👇

Comme #BHero, il s'agit d'une plateforme de #Launchpad, créée sur @ElrondNetwork.

🔸Cette Plateforme a pour but de mettre en lumière des projets #early pour leur permettre de lever des fonds & aux investisseurs d'investir dans les 1ères phases d'un projet. ImageImage
Read 16 tweets
Sep 23rd 2020
If actions match these words, this #SFT will be a historic step forward in Canadian social policy in several key areas: childcare, disability GIS, pharmacare, and a new EI system. All ambitious, and necessary. #BuildBackBetter #cdnpoli ...2
Somewhat reminiscent of Pearson's minority governments in the mid-60s, which brought in CPP, medicare, and the Canada Assistance Plan. Minority government can work well! ...3
Conservatives' predictable rant on deficits & debt will go nowhere, esp. as Canadians are losing sleep over COVD 2nd wave & continuing recession (not debt bogeymen). And CPC won't whisper about what they'd cut for a smaller deficit: they know that would be the end of them. #SFT
Read 5 tweets
Aug 1st 2019
My thread on the interim decision of the Swiss Federal Tribunal in the @caster800m case.

Full decision in French at…

It highlights key features of the #LexSportiva & the ‘complicity’ of Swiss law in sheltering it from review.

#Sportslaw #CAS
1. The #SFT reminds us that its control of #CAS awards is narrow. Hence, it orders interim measures only if it is ‘very likely’ that an appellant will prevail.

This is because Swiss law is traditionally favourable to international arbitration.

#Sportslaw #Arbitration #Semenya
2. This is extremely problematic because #CAS arbitration unlike international arbitration is in general not based in consent (see ECtHR in #Pechstein) and should not enjoy the same quasi-immunity from state control.

#Sportslaw #Arbitration #Semenya
Read 7 tweets

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