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Sep 24th 2020
🔥Today, @Europarl_EN's Committee on Constitutional Affairs (#AFCO) will discuss #transnationallists. Here is why they may not be the good idea we think they are. A thread 👇 1/25
@EPInstitutional @Antonio_Tajani @guyverhofstadt @sandrogozi @d_boeselager @daniel_freund @inside_ep
Many have endorsed TNLs as the way to make our elections more #European, from pro-#EU groups (@federalists, @EMInternational), to politicians (@EmmanuelMacron, @vonderleyen) & advocates (@jonworth, @alemannoEU, @AndrewDuffEU). They argue TNLs will bring a European dimension. 2/25
To be clear, the point of this thread is *not* to argue that TNLs will make our common election less European, simply that they will not remedy the election's core deficiency (that national parties are in control) and that, therefore, they are not the right way forward. 3/25
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Mar 23rd 2020
The long-term consequences of #covid19 are far-reaching & touch upon several policy areas. Whilst the obvious ones are healthcare, econ & empl, #democracy, #RoL & #solidarity in the EU will also be affected. Here's a brief summary of the challenges ahead. THREAD 1/8
1) Taking the looming danger of further autocratization seriously. In #Hungary, emergency measures have been taken that are likely to be kept after the crisis. It includes rule by decree, Parliament suspended, no snap elections/referendums.… 2/8
2) Ensuring #RoL stays on top of the EU's agenda despite the crisis: In #Poland, #muzzlelaw has come into force and the independence of the judiciary is now officially gone.… 3/8
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Mar 12th 2020
Our @UKandEU report, on future of the EU, is OUT TODAY. We've not devoted as much time as we should to EU after Brexit. Here’s a THREAD for those of you too lazy to read it (or isolated and bored or, you know, short of paper....) …… 1/24
First, let me thank the authors – all young researchers who you should follow: @SophiaRussack, @LukasObholzer, @matt_bevington, @JMieral, @J_Greubel, @GeorginaEWright, @LScazzieri, @PauLamGon, @ilketoygur, @nat_styczynska, @pbergsen, @Giadina_1988, @VeghZsuzsusanna… 2.24
…Tuomas Iso-Markku, Hanno Degner, @juliamagntorn, @DrBrendanMoore, @KatjaSwider, @Josephine_HAR, @armida_lm & @nmep20. Special thanks to @matt_bevington for putting the report together. For the record, I hate young people. 3/24
Read 24 tweets
Jan 24th 2020
Since you asked @aidanosullivan @paulwujek
Here is my take on why the European Parliament lost the #Spitzenkandidaten-process [or why did @vonderleyen become Commission President instead of EPP lead candidate @ManfredWeber?]
+ what to make of it
Thread 1/6
Lisbon treaty 17.7 defines election of the Com Pres as ‘ping-pong game’ between EP and Eur Council:
1) EP elections indicate political direction
2) Eur Council nominates candidate on that basis
3) EP elects
In line with 2 channels of EU democracy: EP and member states (Art.10.2)
With Spitzenkandidaten, EP tried to force the Eur Council’s hand & exclusively claim process
This worked in 2014 with Spitz Juncker:
a EU party-groups were taken by surprise
b Juncker was credible candidate
c Soc-Dems/Schulz were willing to concede
d Eur Council was divided

Read 6 tweets
Oct 19th 2019
On #Albania & #NorthMacedonia: I understand the criticism against #Macron, but would like to put forward a few thoughts that might not be popular /1
In the long-run, are we serious about enlarging to a country such as #Albania that still has a very long way to go to reach Copenhagen criteria? EU accession talks surely an instrument for change, but: /2
Let’s not forget that opening accession talks also means that the hopes are high for populations in 🇦🇱 & 🇲🇰 for EU membership. If it never happens, backlash risk should not be underestimated. /3
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Sep 11th 2019
*THREAD* Some thoughts on democracy & participation in the EU, looking at the responsibilities of Vĕra Jourová (VP "Values & Transparency") & Dubravka Suica (VP "Democracy & Demography") #vdLTeam /1
Suica ends up with a relatively vague and small portfolio. She won't be responsible for "Democracy" despite having this in her job title. Spitzenkandidaten reform and transnational lists end up in Jourová's portfolio, Suica will be responsible for the Conference organisation. /2
Some thoughts on the analysis of populism found in the letter to Suica: Democratic structures are not responsible for populism for #vdL, but demographic change is. For me, this is not the best analysis to start with. /3 Image
Read 7 tweets
Jul 17th 2019
The #Spitzenkandidaten system is dead. But the EU could revive it. How? 1/
Option 1: Reverse nomination. EP nominates COM president and the European Council elects by QMV. Would allow EP to nominate Spitzenkandidat. Originally proposed by @AndrewDuffEU and others in the EU's constitutional convention. Problem: requires treaty change. 2/
Option 2: Election of COM president in European Assembly composed of EP and equal nr of members elected by national parliaments (similar to Federal Convention in Ger for election of President). Would encourage coordination among European parties. Treaty change necessary. 3/
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Jul 4th 2019
1.Setting the record straight on #EUTopJobs & why #Spitzenkandidaten @ManfredWeber @TimmermansEU and @vestager were blocked for @EU_Commission President. Lots of spin out there that needs to be countered, so here is a THREAD. 👇
2. Today some @florianeder & @zoyashef wrote of Weber & Timmermans being blocked by an "alliance consisting of the Visegrád 4, Italy and the French Republic." Similarly @ManfredWeber tried to claim he was the victim of a "Macron-Orban axis" This is wrong.
3. @ManfredWeber was blocked already 2 weeks ago by Socialists & Liberals in European Parliament- including by Macron's people:… One key reason Orbán was deemed unacceptable (incl by Macron) was his long-record of enabling the authoritarian Orbán regime.
Read 17 tweets
Jul 3rd 2019
Although process still ongoing, here some (preliminary) thoughts/ideas reflecting lessons from current (s)election of #EU leadership. Thread acknowledges that there is no 'perfect process' & assumes that Lisbon Treaty won't be (fundamentally) reformed in foreseeable future:
(1) #Spitzenkandidaten process suffered damage but it is here to stay. #GenieIsOutOfTheBottle: political parties will stick to it. BUT: process needs to be (continuously) reformed in light of previous experience while adapting to specific circumstances at beginning of new cycle;
(2) Key innovation of #Spitzenkandidaten process: introduction of #TransnationalList incl. all lead candidates. Voters should have 2nd vote to choose 'favourite' candidate from #EU-wide list. Innovation should apply in 2024 -> #EP / COM-P / (European) Council should endorse it.
Read 8 tweets
Jul 3rd 2019
Reflecting further on yesterdays leadership package, I cannot but conclude that #EUCO has the EP thoroughly boxed in.

- Michel (ALDE) already elected for #EUCO
- S&D enticed to elect one of its own for EP president today
This basically ensures that Com-P has to go to EPP. /1
In consequence, even if the EP rebels against #EUCO proposal and votes down Von der Leyen, hard to see how to get back to #Spitzenkandidaten as EPP would now never back an S&D or ALDE person for Commission President thus losing out on both main jobs. /2
Leaves but one clear conclusion: The four main groups missed their chance to rally behind one #Spitzenkandidaten, and now they have to swallow their pride and vote for the intergovernmental candidate.

The European Parliament has rarely weakened itself on such a scale. /ends
Read 3 tweets
Jun 26th 2019
Hearing many exaggerations these days. So, here an attempt to put things into perspective: (1) yes, (s)election of new #EU leadership involves power politics in #EP & #EUCO & between them, but that's how politics & democracy function – at all levels incl. #EU – get used to it;
(2) yes, #Spitzenkandidaten process not perfect, but it is here to stay although it needs to be reformed before 2024 #EP elections (incl. introduction of #TransnationalList) – 2019 experience should provide lessons to everyone (including European & national political parties);
(3) yes, #EP increasingly runs risk of being sidelined in leadership (s)election process, but majority in Parliament can still agree on common candidate for COM-P, who has a chance to be nominated by #EUCO;
Read 8 tweets
May 15th 2019
1. As lead candidates are gearing up for the #telleurope debate tonight I thought I would do a mini #thread on how I see the @Europarl_EN elections playing out.
2. One of the problems with these elections is that they are seen as 'second-order' elections and attract little public interest. Ever since 1979 the turnout has been decreasing and in 2014 reached record low 43 %.
3. It is unclear if turnout will be higher this time. But there are reasons to believe that this will be the case at least in some MS. According to @PolitykaInsight 38 % voters could go to the polls in PL whereas in 2014 only 24 % voted. UK turnout could also be a bit higher
Read 12 tweets
Mar 21st 2019

The current field of #Spitzenkandidaten (21-03-19)

#EUelections2019 #EP2019

🇩🇪 @nicolabeerfdp
🇮🇹 @emmabonino
🇸🇮 @Bulc_EU
🇭🇺 Katalin Cseh
🇪🇸 @lugaricano
🇧🇪 @guyverhofstadt
🇩🇰 @vestager

🇨🇿 @ZahradilJan
Read 8 tweets
Sep 5th 2018
Europe is at a turning point. #EuropeanElections2019 will decide the future of the EU. Today is about the self-assertion of Europe and the defence of our values, because we are being challenged from the outside & the inside. It’s about the survival of our #EuropeanWayOfLife. 1/3
We cannot go on as we are now in the EU. I will help bring Europe back to the people and re-establish the bond between citizens and the European Union. I want to kick start a new chapter in the EU. #bettereurope #givepeopleasay #FutureOfEurope 2/3
I want to become the @EPP's lead candidate for the 2019 European Elections and be the next President of the European Commission. Europe needs a new beginning and more democracy. #Spitzenkandidaten 3/3
Read 3 tweets

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