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Sep 20th 2021
Indian cities are not typically imagined to be biodiversity hotspots. Aspects of urban ecology often get missed in public conversations about the city.
In a series of illustrations, we explore the different dimensions of Bengaluru's lakes.
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@citizenmatters @sustainBLR Image
Illustrations: Labonie Roy
Text: @ByAditiTandon @priyankash96
Anchor: @kcmouli25
Watch this space. We will update 1 illustration per day.
#environment #cities #biodiversity #art #illustrations

Let's start at the very beginning...
When you read you begin with A-be-see!
Every artwork has elements of household and construction waste that the artist found in her neighbourhood in Bengaluru. Look closely and see if you can spot them!
Leave your responses as comments :)
Read 23 tweets
Aug 21st 2020
“In many ways, the #GrizzlyCreekFire is a public works fire, threatening the viral #infrastructure for millions of westerners”
“ground crews are not fighting flames in the precipitous Glenwood Canyon. They can’t even reach them.”

#firefighters #firefighting #cofire
Read 9 tweets
May 27th 2020
Kolkata surveys damage after bearing brunt of Cyclone Amphan. State chief minister says areas of city will have to be rebuilt from scratch after deadly storm.…
What a 100-degree day in Siberia really means
The record-setting high is much more than a quick spike for the Russian Arctic, where months of extreme heat may have dangerous consequences.…
Why long-term environmental observations are crucial for New Zealand's #water security challenges…
Read 221 tweets
Dec 4th 2019
Today we spent a chilly day out in the uMkhomazi catchment in the south of Kwa-Zulu Natal with a group of stakeholders who are mutually concerned about water security in the catchment #Water #SharedBenefits #SharedRisks
Why this catchment?
1. The Mkhomazi River is the 3rd largest river in KZN, with major infrastructure projects on the horizon #Water #InfrastructureDevelopment
2. It's identified as possible solution to long term water deficits in uMngeni catchment #WaterDemand #InfrastructureDevelopment
Read 25 tweets
Jul 11th 2019
Quick Fixes Are Worsening Chennai's #Water Crisis
Life in a City Without #Water: Anxious, Exhausting and Sweaty
To Survive in a Wetter World, Raise Ducks, Not Chickens.
Farmers in Bangladesh are adapting to climate change, and it’s having an impact in faraway places—including on restaurant menus.…
Read 310 tweets
Jun 17th 2019
Today is World Day to Combat Desertification which is observed every June 17th to promote public awareness of international efforts to combat desertification.

Read more from our press release below:
#Israel, one of the worlds’ leading nations in desert technologies and methods of dealing with desertification, is at the helm of these international efforts.
With over 60% of its territory being a desert & another 20% semi-arid land, #Israel has developed a myriad of solutions to desertification & living in the desert including: desert agriculture, irrigation, desalination, aquaculture, afforestation and management of water resources.
Read 9 tweets
Mar 15th 2019
My town #Coonabarabran #Coona sits in NW of #NSW . Just North is the #Pilliga forest, to south & west #WarrumbungleNatPark & #SidingSpringObservatory. Rich farmlands surround it. But it is under threat from #climatebreakdown #schoolstrike4climate
#Coona district is in severe #drought & #waterstress our council Dam is so low that new bores had to be sunk for town’s supply. Farming families are worn down with feeding stock & stress. Paddocks are baked dry #climatebreakdown is reality #SchoolStrike4Climate
In our gardens, forests and farms trees are dying as we face our second #autumn in drought. We are reliant on bore water from the #GreatArtesianBasin to survive #climatebreakdown is a daily reality. #SchoolStrike4climate
Read 11 tweets

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