thread following
House bill says in-district to 4%; 5% for voke
That's your sugar to help the medicine go down, because there is no other good news here.
for the purpose of making recommendations to the legislature on ways to best serve low-income
students and English learner populations. "
in education data and public policy research to assist in the study."
(I can't even find the joke here.)
Define the increments.
Options for groupings.
Better align data (something that DESE and districts have been actively working on for the past three years)
Options for holding harmless
Options for making it a increment over the base.
Effective interventions
(It's been around for three years, so I would think we've had time?)
"Subject to appropriation, (the commissioner)...shall hire an independent research consultant with proven experience in results-driven, education data analysis and public policy research in order to assist"
That's the bill, folks.