Day 533 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.
The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #TrumpLies

Day 320 since the deadliest mass shooting on U.S soil in Las Vegas that killed 58, injured 546 and Congress has taken NO action to prevent future mass shootings. #NeverForget #NeverAgain #EnoughIsEnough

Montana Democratic Gov. Steve Bullock says he would support an assault weapons ban, staking out a strong position on the issue ahead of a possible run for president in 2020

@KamalaHarris: Young people across America are refusing to stay silent about gun violence. They’re speaking out and they’re registering people to vote and they will bring change to this country.
Trump stripped the security clearance of someone who politically opposes him. A McCarthyite tactic if there ever was one. It’s always projection with this guy.
Ironic historical context: Roy Cohn, McCarthy’s villainous lawyer, became Trump’s lawyer and professional mentor.
Trump: “witch hunt”
May 2017: 3 times
June 2017: 5 times
July 2017: 6 times
Oct 2017: 1 time
Dec 2017: 2 times
Jan 2018: 1 time
Feb 2018: 3 times
Mar 2018: 2 times
April 2018: 9 times
May 2018: 20 times
June 2018: 26 times
July 2018: 18 times
Aug 2018: 18 times (so far)
The Times found more than 250 examples of exaggerated, misleading or flat-out false claims by Trump about the Russia investigation
Trump's lawyers don't know how much WH counsel Don McGahn told Mueller's investigators.
Trump's lawyers only realized after the NYT article.
After McGahn was interviewed, Trump's lawyers never asked for a complete description of what he said.…
"Legal experts and former White House counsels said the president's lawyers had been careless in not asking Mr. McGahn what he had planned to tell Mr. Mueller's prosecutors."…
Interesting. Politico reports that, according to Lanny Davis, Trump's old lawyer Michael Cohen has been "reaching out regularly" to John Dean over the last few months.…
Flagging: Michael Cohen is under investigation for bank fraud in excess of $20,000,000, NYT reports.
Charges could come soon. (1/3)
Federal investigators are also examining how Michael Cohen handled the income from his taxi medallions and whether he failed to report it to the IRS, NYT reports. (2/3)
A Long Island accountant who worked for Michael Cohen and 'Taxi King' Evgeny Freidman has testified before the grand jury hearing evidence against Cohen, NYT reports. (3/3)
One reason Mueller may want to speak with 'Manhattan Madam' Kristin Davis? A super PAC run by Roger Stone paid nearly $5,000 to Davis's mother in July 2016, according to Mother Jones.…
Trump: “What you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening.”
Kellyanne Conway: The White House gives “alternative facts.”
Rudy Giuliani: “Truth isn’t truth.”
Here's Trump last month:
"It's all working out. Just remember: What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening." (via ABC)
Rudy Giuliani says “the meeting [at #TrumpTower] was originally for the purpose of getting information about Clinton... That was the original intention of the meeting.”
Rudy offers new defense: “I don’t even think they knew (lawyer) was Russian at the time ...They knew when they met her, not when they set up the meeting.”
Email to Don Jr. said it was “part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump”
Dictionary .com: Last we checked, a definition is a definition, and truth is “the true or actual state of matter.”
Remember when @RudyGiuliani said Hillary wasn't at Ground Zero on 9/11 and then this photo surfaced?
Rudy's been living by "The truth isnt’t the truth” for a long time.

Why Ukraine Won't Investigate Manafort $ Trail Exposed:
Ukrainian leadership is scared of creating embarrassing headlines for TRUMP, whose support they need — & the revelations touch some of Ukraine’s most powerful figures, including POROSHENKO.…
John Brennan says that he stands by calling Trump's behavior 'treasonous.'
"These are abnormal times ... I have seen the signs blinking red on what Mr. Trump has done and is doing."
John Brennan says he may take legal action against Trump over the revocation of his security clearance.
"I am going to try to do whatever I can personally to try to prevent these abuses in the future. If it means going to court, I will do that."
John Bolton, when asked if there’s any specific evidence showing John Brennan improperly used classified intel, speculates that potentially he may have by accusing Trump of collusion.
“But I don't know the specifics.”
Here's video of Giuliani saying that John Brennan "claims to be a great lover of Islam, of the Islamic religion. He says the hajj was one of the most beautiful things he ever saw. So, how does all this square up?" (via Fox)
"It’s setting up a system where the national security and intel apparatus is being told: 'You better just agree with [Trump].'"
"That's a very dangerous thing: It's the exact opposite of the climate and culture you want in your intel team."…
Mark Warner plans to introduce a resolution that would prevent Trump from arbitrarily revoking security clearances.…
Paul Krugman: “At this point, you have to be a truly fanatical practitioner of bothsidesism not to see that Trump is every bit as terrible a human being & menace as some of us warned when all the cool kids were busy snarking about Clinton’s emails”…
Hackers successfully infiltrated the campaign computer of David Min, who was later defeated in his primary.…
Reminder: Trump told reporters Friday that he was headed to New Jersey this weekend for "all work."
Rand Paul was spotted boarding Air Force One. Rand Paul said late this week he wanted to talk to Trump about lifting sanctions on Russian political leaders. He also was the first to suggest revoking John Brennan's security clearance.…
Update: ICE said that this man was arrested because of a homicide warrant for him in Mexico. ICE didn’t mention this in its comments to media yesterday. His lawyer says he denies that there are such Mexico charges; no details from ICE yet.…
The Trump tax cut is paying off for GOP candidates.
It's unlocked "tens of millions of dollars in campaign donations from wealthy conservatives & corporate interests that benefited from it."
"Party leaders say the law appeased wealthy donors"…
If you're a registered lobbyist & join Trump admin--according to ethics rules--you can't rewrite rules you'd lobbied on. EPA's Air Pollution boss? He was industry lawyer, intervened with EPA regularly. So much for draining the swamp.…
Trump backed the 'space force' idea after months of lobbying by officials with ties to the aerospace industry, according to the LA Times.…
79 Days until midterm elections.
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To power a 🌊 this November, make SURE you're registered, help others register & vote early!
In case you missed yesterday's thread: