THREAD: Mueller has **at least FOUR DOZEN questions** on an huge array of subjects he wants to ask Trump to probe his ties w/#Russia🇷🇺 & whether he committed #ObstructionOfJustice‼️ 1/
It's VERY hard to imagine that details of the ACTUAL questions would leak, unless the negotiations btwn Mueller & Trump's lawyers have BROKEN DOWN (as I was told a few months ago).🤔 2/
Q: “What efforts were made to reach out to Mr. Flynn about seeking immunity or possible pardon?”
And Flynn is SQUEALING‼️😎 6/
Mueller wants to ask what Trump knew about campaign aides (including Paul Manafort) seeking help from Moscow: “What knowledge did you have of any outreach by your campaign, including by Paul Manafort, to #Russia about potential assistance to the campaign"⁉️ 7/
If Mueller is asking, Manafort DID reach out to Russia‼️8/
Trump only relented after WH counsel, Don McGahn, threatened to QUIT (just think about THAT for a second), an episode that Mueller obviously wants to probe.🤗 11/
Mueller has Trump BOXED IN. If Trump interviews, he will LIE👉🏼a FELONY. If he doesn't interview, he's still TOAST for #ObstructionOfJustice‼️🤗 13/
As IF Mueller would accept this bunkum instead of a face-to-face interview‼️🤣 14/
LOL, so Dowd tried to convince Mueller he did **not need to interview Trump**, according to people briefed on the matter.🤣😂
Obviously, Dowd FAILED‼️😎 15/
Dowd held firm, so Team🇺🇸Mueller agreed to share questions they wanted to ask Trump.🤔 16/
Meaning: Rudy is trying to DELAY Mueller & then SMEAR him, when Trump REFUSES an interview‼️🤬19/
If Trump is interviewed by the grand jury, he CANNOT have his lawyers w/him, 👉🏼BIGLY bad for Trump, who habitually LIES under oath‼️😎 20/
Trump can't answer them in an interview. But he also can't NOT answer them politically.🤔
Mueller has Trump BOXED IN and can #subpoena Trump whenever he wants‼️😎