I'm not saying the student got an F in my class. Sometimes students fail a class.
What I'm saying is *I* failed – as the student's teacher, as a educator, as the person responsible for giving the student a chance learn, to succeed. (1/x)
Now, normally in general chemistry I look at the halfway point (week 7ish) to see if students are struggling. (2/x)
But last year I also started having no deadlines for problem sets. Just get them done by the final and you can get full credit. So this student wasn't necessarily in bad shape! (3/x)
Of course the school has help for this kind of stuff. If the student asks for help. (6/x)
But, also of course, it's not that easy for the student. There's a huge barrier to asking for help. (8/x)
Yes, it's on the school website. It's multiple places on the website. But there's a TON of other info there too. (9/x)
And I've failed before in other ways (and will again I'm sure), but I will learn from failing and get this info to my students. (10/x)
I will reach out to any student who might seem at risk and do my best to get them what they need to succeed. (11/x)
Don't fail your students. (12/12)