Day 556 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.
The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #TrumpLies

Day 343 since the deadliest mass shooting on U.S soil in Las Vegas that killed 58, injured 546 and Congress has taken NO action to prevent future mass shootings. #NeverForget #NeverAgain #EnoughIsEnough

Jeff Sessions warned incoming immigration judges that lawyers representing immigrants are trying to get around the law like "water seeping through an earthen dam" & that their responsibility is to not let them and instead deliver a "secure" border.…
The "Tent City" in Tornillo was originally slated to be open for 30 days in June and July, housing about 400 boys. Federal officials confirmed today that they're expanding to 3,800 beds, and staying open at least through the end of the year.…
Sen. Jeff Merkley says he's gotten his hands on a document that appears to show that DHS requested to transfer about $10,000,000 out of FEMA's budget and into the coffers of ICE to support immigration detention programs.
Private prison Co's siphoning our tax dollars.
Lindsey Graham suggested Trump ask China to assassinate Kim Jong Un: Woodward book
Korean War remains obtained from North Korea are identified as US troops, Secretary of Defense James Mattis says.
Without name, rank and serial number, I remain skeptical.
Pretty clear from this that SDNY is building toward something bigger in their Cohen case.…
Paul Manafort is in talks with Mueller's office about a possible plea deal.
The people cautioned that the negotiations may not result in a deal. But the discussions indicate a possible shift in strategy for Manafort.…
This news is particularly interesting in light of Judge Amy Berman Jackson today pushing back a scheduled pretrial hearing in Manafort's case from Wednesday to Friday. Court filings did not indicate the reason for the delay.…
Flashback: Here's Trump bragging about having the "tallest" building in downtown Manhattan during the 9/11 attacks. #NeverForget
Trump's first tweet on the 9/11 anniversary is a quote from Fox Business.
In the wake of Trump's tweet attacking the FBI, it's important to remember that one FBI agent died on 9/11 and 15 current and former FBI officials have died since then as a result of 9/11-related illnesses.…
Strzok's attorney, Aitan Goelman, responds, calling the Meadows accusation an "unfounded conspiracy theory:" “The term ‘media leak strategy’ in Mr. Strzok’s text refers to a Department-wide initiative to detect and stop leaks to the media."
Never attorney? 👀
Russia is considered the main suspect by intel agencies investigating the mysterious attacks that led to brain injuries in U.S. personnel in Cuba and China, three U.S. officials and two others briefed on the investigation tell NBC News.…
Trump has canceled a planned trip to Ireland. It was only just announced in late August.…
Confirmed by the Irish PM's office: Trump has canceled his planned trip to Ireland. "The US side has cited scheduling reasons," Taoiseach spox tells CNBC. With @KevinWilliamB…
Department of Swagger has hustle & heart! Follow @SecPompeo for sneak peeks behind the scenes!
Making a mockery of the department.

Trump's International Beach Resort in Miami wants to hire 21 temporary foreign workers, according to requests filed with the Department of Labor.
Some of the workers will be paid less than last year.
This is outrageous!…
Trump: We've never had something like this on the East Coast.
FEMA admin Long immediately after: It's kind of like Hugo in 1989 and Hurrican Floyd in 1999
During briefing, Trump calls government's response to Puerto Rico following Hurricane Maria "tremendous."
"I think that Puerto Rico was an incredible, unsung success."
Nearly 3,000 Americans died!
Carmen Yulín Cruz: "If [Trump] thinks the deaths of 3,000 people is a success, he really doesn’t know what this was all about."
"I really don't know where the president gets the nerve...He thinks this is about him & about his political position."…
More than 2,000 Puerto Ricans applied for funeral assistance after Hurricane Maria. FEMA approved just 75 applications, according to a letter the agency head wrote to Elizabeth Warren.…
The CBO has changed its prediction for when the deficit will hit $1,000,000,000,000 from 2020 to the end of this fiscal year.…
38% of Americans want Brett Kavanaugh confirmed. 39% don't, according to a CNN poll.
Harriet Miers was the last nominee to score that low in CNN polling.
Sen. Collins, to Newsmax, on crowd funding a challenger if she votes for Kavanaugh: “I consider this quid pro quo fundraising to be the equivalent of an attempt to bribe me to vote against Judge Kavanaugh."
Here's the fund:…
McConnell still planning to keep the Senate in session much or all of October ahead of the midterms.
Will cost Democratic senators key campaign days -- and GOP will confirm even more judges…
A nonprofit group founded by conservative political megadonors Charles and David Koch must disclose its largest givers to law enforcement authorities in California, a federal appeals court has ruled.…
AG Jeff Sessions is exploring a potential investigation of Google, Facebook and Twitter.
He'll be briefed Sept. 25 by state attorneys general who are already examining the social media giants’ practices.…
Drug company CEO defends 400 percent price increase: "It is a moral requirement to make money when you can"
One of Woodward’s first books, “The Final Days,” captured a president fighting his enemies on all fronts and the alarm of his confidants. “Fear” has echoes of that book.
Woodward's book reveals Trump's endless lying, his seething contempt for process, and his bottomless bad faith in developing rationales for big decisions.
"It's difficult to rationally argue that the book could be both: fiction dreamed up by Woodward, and a betrayal by former top stewards of the administration, who shared...alarming details about how the WH functions.
"But it's not hard for Trump."…
56 Days until midterm elections.
We've got great candidates, great energy, and great issues. Take nothing for granted -- we can't let up.
To power a 🌊 this November, make SURE you're registered, help others register & vote early!
In case you missed yesterday's thread:
Here’s video of Trump claiming he helped look for survivors & clear rubble on 9/11. He didn't. He was lying. #NeverForget
Kavanaugh's nomination won't be a key facto in the midterms for the majority of undecided voters in red states, according to a new polling.…
Trump posted a pic that Melania had posted last 9/11.
Omarosa Manigault, Hope Hicks, and Ty Cobb are all present in this photo. (They're no longer a part of this administration)