LB: Alt-Right = Active Measures (AM) + RU 💰& amplified by RU trolls + coordinated RW media machine + guided by Conservative PR firms & think tanks + Bannon/Trump operatives + key @GOP Senate/Congressional staff = sources for MSM = control the news cycles/narratives

In June 2016, Rob Goldstone emailed DonJr. promising incriminating information about HRC as part of a RU gov’t effort to help the Trump campaign.
Did the White House via @RajShah45 leak identity of Dr. Ford to @GOP operatives hours before the WaPo story broke?
‼️Nationwide Women’s Walk out Mon 1 pm EDT to 10 pm PDT
👉🏼@GOP are actively dehumanizing woman via normalizing rape, sexual assault, limit access to birth control, sexual abuse of children & likely next decriminalize domestic violence, like Putin did in RU.

Michael Bromwich, the former DOJ IG has formerly joined Dr. Ford's legal team. He also currently represents McCabe.
As prosecutors Harris & Klobachar oversaw sex-crimes cases—they will grill Kavanaugh!🤗
GRU gave their spies consecutive passport numbers #OpSecFail

Montgomery MD PD Chief Manger confirms will investigate sexual allegations against Kav if a complaint is filed.
If Dr. Ford files a complaint, does @GOP really want a drawn out probe on sexual assault allegations & potential impeachment for one of their justices?

WH doesn’t like the way the Kav nom is going and appears to want Dr. Ford’s hearing to collapse
Kavanaugh grew frustrated regarding questions about his drinking habits and his sexual proclivities, refusing to answer questions. GOP are growing frustrated as well
Oops! Twitter may have sent your private DMs to others.
Former Trump aide Jason Miller has been accused of secretly administering an "abortion pill" to a woman he got pregnant during an affair
Brits Warned Trump Against Releasing Carter Page Surveillance Docs
Louisiana attorney general to ask Sessions to break up Google, Facebook, Twitter
Chinese navy hospital ship docks in Venezuela amid crisis
Hacks, Security Gaps And Russian interference: The Business Of Voting Comes Under Scrutiny
Trump is planning to meet privately with the leaders of SK, Egypt, France, Israel, Japan, and Britain.
Dr. Ford moved 3k miles to reinvent her life. It wasn’t far enough.
K.T. McFarland revises statement to special counsel about Flynn’s calls with RU ambassador
📌Vatican announces historic China accord to appoint bishops
📌Dr. Blasey Ford Says She’s Willing to Testify Before Senate Committee
Pakistan broke ranks to criticize China’s repression of the Muslim Uighur minority
📌China Cancels Plans for Trade Talks in DC.
Several million women in Brazil have declared an online war against the front-running presidential candidate, the far-right Jair Bolsonaro,
Bolsonaro is known for making offensive, off-the-cuff remarks about women, black people and sexual minorities.
US sanctions are forcing Russians to move money into state-run banks and rejig the offshore superstructure that’s sheltered fortunes here since communism’s collapse.
Britain tells EU to engage seriously on Brexit, EU demurs
Hezbollah 'financier' arrested in Brazil
China says U.S. has 'no right' to interfere in RU military cooperation
👉🏼The father of Isaac Chotiner, the writer who just published a “defense” of the NYT Rosenstein hit piece, is Murray Chotiner, who was Nixon’s hatchet man & mentor to Roger Stone 🤔
ACLU: “Things the Trump administration has taken money from to fund the jailing of families and immigrant abuses:
❌ cancer research
❌ HIV/AIDS services
❌ Head Start
❌ mental health services
❌ substance abuse programs
❌ maternal health services”
Looks like Kavanaugh is going down and taking a whole lotta other folks for the Whelan disinfo op. See my top tweet in this thread & Spicy’s tweet.……
Re: Barabara Ledeen @chuckgrassley’s ultra alt -R anti-feminist aide & hyper partisan @Gop operative.
Master Troll Hunter & Slayer @warfarenavel exposes and takes down the desperate right wing influence op aimed to ram Kav through the confirmation at any cost and its going to cost a lot!
#ObstructionOfJustice #Conspiracy
The cultivation & proliferation of the right wing Provokatsiya & disinformation machine via fake news websites, tasked with the goal of dividing Americans, subverting civil discourse & demolishing Democracy.
Alt-Right = Active Measures + RU 💰& 📣 by RU trolls + coordinated RW media machine + guided by Conservative PR firms & thinktanks + Bannon operatives + key @GOP Senate/Cong’l staff = sources for MSM = control the news cycles/narratives
@HouseGOP committee Quietly Sends Bill To Gut Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid By $2 Trillion to pay for their massive tax cut for the wealthy! 😱😱😱…
Brilliant @ninaandtito takes down the many right wing media ops perpetrated against Americans and who funds them:…
@GOP are actively dehumanizing woman via attempting to normalize rape, sexual assault, sexual abuse of children and likely next decriminalize domestic violence. 👇🏼👇🏼
Former federal prosecutor Michael Bromwich has joined the legal team assisting Christine Blasey Ford, who has accused U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her when they were in high school.…
Nationwide Women’s Walk out Monday 1pm EDT to 10 pm PDT
Did Kavanaugh know about and look away re Kozinski’s ‘shenanigans?’…
Did Kav lie under oath?
"Kozinski exposed us to this sort of material almost every day of the clerkship. The only way that Kav cd not recall any comments abt sexual matters wd be if he had amnesia abt the clerkship in its entirety."
👉🏼The father of Isaac Chotiner, the writer who just published a “defense” of the NYT Rosenstein hit piece (Slate article), is Murray Chotiner, who was Nixon’s hatchet man & mentor to Roger Stone 🤔
Explains a lot...
The U.K. is America’s closest intel ally and has a strong interest in keeping the surveillance application out of sight. But Trump still hasn't ruled out declassification yet.………………
It marks the strongest condemnation of China's repression of the population yet.…
Bolsonaro is known for making offensive, off-the-cuff remarks about women, black people and sexual minorities.……
FBI questions Ted Malloch, Trump campaign figure and Farage ally
American once touted as possible ambassador to EU tells of being detained at Boston airport and subpoenaed by Robert Mueller’s Trump-Russia inquiry
H/T @arapaho415…
Trump’s son-in-law and adviser Jared Kushner started working with an foreign policy organization and its Russian-born CEO after attending an event with former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.
H/T @pleasesaveour………………
✅ Be focused!
✅ Be determined!
✅ Be hopeful!
✅ Be empowered! (Michelle Obama)
🌿The antidote to #TrumpPutin’s division is to eschew, ignore & shun those spewing divisive rhetoric & encouraging division.
🌿We must nurture & cultivate our commonalities
💙#Embrace Unity
📌Be focused!
📌Be determined!
📌Be hopeful!
📌Be empowered! (Michelle Obama)
For 1000s of years women have been the invisible thread holding families, communities & this republic together.
Can you feel us coming?
Can you sense our presence?
The army of millions ready to right the wrongs of this nation.
Do you hear us roar?
You will.
🌸#WarriorWomen are committed to conquer all in opposition, if they dare.
🌸Never underestimate the power of #WomenUnited, hear us roar!
❤️Everyone has enormous hearts filled with loving empathy.
I am honored to to stand with you in this #Fight for the heart & soul of our great Republic.
Apologies in advance if I don’t respond to your reply- my notifications clog & don’t load. DM me or @ me again to get my attn if important. Thank you.
September 22, 2018
Rest well #TeamPatriot #USVIA