Despite objections of @ChuckGrassley & other @senjudiciary Republicans, @SenFeinstein decided to #ReleaseTheTranscript of Fusion GPS Glenn Simpson’s testimony‼️
I will *live* tweet commentary of the #transcript on this THREAD‼️…

Feinstein staffer Heather Sawyer asks WHO initially engaged Fusion to perform the opposition colonoscopy on @realDonaldTrump, says it was a REPUBLICAN‼️
Simpson/attorneys: GLOMAR🙄

Simpson said the FBI told Christopher Steele that the FBI had a “walk-in” whistleblower “from w/in the #Trump organization or campaign,” possibly on issues related to the alleged #comspiracy btwn Team🇷🇺Trump & #Russia‼️…
I’m reading ALL *312 pages* of the #transcript, so thanks in advance for your patience with me‼️🤓
👉🏼involves in politics & banking
👉🏼connected to the KGB (now, they’re the FSB) & *CYBER CRIME*🔥

Trump *knew* Sater & of his ties w/#Russian🇷🇺mobsters‼️
Simpson was especially troubled by Trump’s business dealings w/FELIX SATER in #TrumpSoho & other “controversial“ projects (see prior excerpt).🤨

Some of Trump’s cash came from Kazakhstan (I mean, who doesn’t get cash from Kazakhstan?🤣)
Some of the cash, even super spy Steele *couldn’t account for*‼️🤨

He noted that when the tax man came, Trump claimed “to not have much stuff.”🤨

Hello, IVANKA‼️👋🏼👋🏼

Simpson underscores Chris #Steele’s IMPECCABLE resume, as the former “lead Russianist at MI-6”‼️
THANK YOU, Mr. Steele!🇬🇧🇺🇸🙏🏼


When #Steele started asking around in Moscow about Trump, “the information was sitting there. It wasn't a giant secret.”🔥

Be back in 15-20 minutes‼️✌🏼
Republicans were *clearly* trying to SMEAR Christopher #Steele, the former British spy and "Boy Scout" whose work HELPED us‼️
One last meeting, then back to this MEGA-THREAD on the #transcript.🤗
But Christopher #Steele had NOTHING to do with the Prevezon case, or Rinat or Veselnitskaya‼️

Simpson *confirms* that @BuzzFeed published ALL of #Steele's memos that he crafted for Fusion, plus a BONUS one‼️

This prompted Fusion to DIG DEEP on Trump's business w/PARTICULAR emphasis on his ties w/*#Russian🇷🇺organized crime‼️🔥

Simpson said Fusion's goal was to probe details of Trump's business dealings in #Russia🇷🇺including ties w/the mob, but what #Steele uncovered was "very different & obviously MORE ALARMING"👉🏼a "political #conspiracy"‼️


Instead of *just* #corruption, Steele uncovered the #TrumpRussia🇷🇺conspiracy‼️

One reason is Steele's "Sterling reputation," including w/people in the US government‼️

On the other hand, we've waited for MONTHS to get this #transcript, so I think that it deserves our collective time.🇺🇸
Are you still with me⁉️
election.🤨 Simpson thought the Russians were interested in making friends w/the GOP.🙄

Simpson says the #SteeleDossier was "RIGHT ON TARGET" in its report that Trump was eager to get intel from #Russia🇷🇺about his political rivals👉🏼PROOF is the #RussianLawyer meeting at Trump Tower, when Jr, Kush & Manafort tried to get DIRT on Clinton FROM RUSSIA‼️

In the second paragraph of the FIRST PAGE of the #SteeleDossier, Steele reported that Trump & his inner circle accepted a "regular flow of intelligence from the #Kremlin🇷🇺, including on his Democratic & other political rivals"‼️

After his FIRST #SteeleDossier memo, Steele told Simpson he thought there was a national "security issue about whether a presidential candidate (Trump) was being blackmailed" by #Russia🇷🇺 and he was "obligated to tell (the US) government"‼️


👉🏼#Russia hacked the DNC
👉🏼Team Trump changed the #GOP platform on Ukraine
👉🏼Page's speech in Moscow on dropping #sanctions
👉🏼Trump "continues to say mysterious things about what a great guy Putin is"🙄

In Sept, Simpson said "it was obvious there was a crime in progress" & asked #Steele if he heard back from FBI after his July meeting.🤨
Q. What crime(s)?
Simpson: "#Espionage. They were hacking computers of Democrats & think tanks. That's a computer crime‼️

Simpson testified that when #Steele gave the FBI "a full briefing" in Sept, they told him that a "human source INSIDE the Trump organization" had corroborated much of his #SteeleDossier‼️
@realDonaldTrump, you are NOT getting away with your CRIMES‼️

That means SOMEONE ELSE squealed on Team🇷🇺Trump‼️🤗

cc @ericgarland
After NYTimes' TOTALLY WRONG Oct'16 story on #TrumpRussia🇷🇺 Simpson says #Steele "SEVERED his relationship w/the FBI...there was a concern that FBI was being MANIPULATED for political ends by the Trump people... we didn't really understand what was going on."‼️😳

If I find any other JUICY nuggets in Simpson's 312-page #transcript, I will add to this thread later.🤗
Thanks for hanging in there with me‼️😊