#RepublicanPlague #CrimesAgainstHumanity #RiseUp

The Clean Water Rule protected smaller bodies of water, like streams and wetlands, from discharges of all kinds of pollutants. But not anymore: #RepublicanPlague #CleanWaterAct

#RepublicanPlague #CleanDrinkingWater #GOPLies

We wish #MattFurie well in his fight against #HatePolitics #RepublicanPlague

#RepublicanPlague #FactoryFarming

#RepublicanPlague #ProtectOurCare

While hurricanes are a natural part of our climate system, recent research suggests that there has been an increase in intense hurricane activity in the North Atlantic since the 1970s. #RepublicanPlague #ClimateChange

The mostly likely explanation for the trend is said to be climate change as rising temperatures make new habitats more inviting. #RepublicanPlague #ClimateChange

Already, between 10% and 16% of global crop production is lost to pests such as fungi, bacteria, viruses, insects and worms.#RepublicanPlague

Agricultural pests are mainly spread by being carried on transported farm products. But the second most important factor in disseminating pests is weather.#Agri

"They certainly are killing everything.” #RepublicanPlague