Just clarifying some stuff on the law on sexual harassment at the workplace, in light of the many incidents which are coming out. Slightly long thread, please read till the end. bit.ly/2E4v7b5

>Touching or any other form of physical contact that someone does not want
>Asking for or demanding sex or any other sexual acts
>Saying things that are sexual in nature
>Any other actions that are sexual. They can be things that are said, things that are written, or touching.
>A relative or friend
>A co-worker
>Someone who knows about the sexual harassment that took place, and has your written permission..
>A relative or friend
>A special educator
>A qualified psychiatrist or a psychologist...
>Any person who knows about the sexual harassment that took place, along with a relative or friend, a special educator, a qualified psychiatrist or psychologist, or the guardian/authority who gives you treatment or care