Here is how I've come to that conclusion, stick with me on this
Let's start with the timeline of events so far:
Transcripts further down in thread.
48 hours after @ScottMorrisonMP's brain fart, you could call it a cutesy 'Capt's Call' but actually it is a dangerous attack on Australian democracy.
Journo asks Payne: "Will Indonesia object to this position by Australia?"
Payne: Lies by omission, says PM can answer that, deflects
She had ALREADY received angry texts from Indonesia the night before when asked that ?
Here's the PM's Hansard transcripts where he repeatedly says, we/our govt is considering this move.
It appears only HE & @DaveSharma are considering it.
@tanya_plibersek Q. (14:44) Tues 16th

PM says he read a persuasive ARTICLE in May 2018, five months ago, by Dave Sharma that inspired him to move the Embassy this week, without consulting his Cabinet, his party room, public servants. He did it because of @DaveSharma

Um.. NO @ScottMorrisonMP
You DID NOT consult your govt, so how can you say to Parliament with any certainty that it is the position of the govt?

@ScottMorrisonMP's reply to @billshortenmp here says basically:
I think, I did, I consulted, I indicated, I found, etc.
Then says, 'WE dared consider'
Fact: PM didn't give his govt OPPORTUNITY to 'consider' his rushed Capt's Call

PM lies again, says the matter was discussed with Cabinet yet Payne is a part of that Cab & in #Estimates she said she was notified of the decision to make the announcement via PM's phone call on Sunday arvo 14th.
The decision had BEEN made

PM reiterates that all this is because he was persuaded by Dave Sharma's article to announce this.

If Sharma can convince PMs to do this, then I reckon he should be a writer not diplomat or politician!
Things are done by due process & proper consultation not because @DaveSharma writes a fucking article that gives you a boner.
You have misled parliament @ScottMorrisonMP.