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Devutopia #SocSocM @D_Raval
6 years ago, 6 tweets, 4 min read Read on Twitter
The Tories and their media mates are dodging the question of what happens when May's botched #Brexit deal gets voted out by The Commons.
This Thread is on why the Brexit deal vote is essentially a vote of confidence and why a defeat should mean a General Election.
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The key concept here is 'confidence'. A government stays in power by having the confidence of the House of Commons. Meaning that it has a majority to pass its business. Losing a vote of confidence means they've 'lost' the House and by convention a General Election is due
(2 of 6)
The #Brexit deal vote is for all intents and purposes a vote of confidence. It is what the Tories have said themselves their government is all about achieving. It's been their excuse for neglect of other areas of policy, like social care. It is a "big set piece" vote.
(3 of 6)
Cameron and the Fib Dems' Fixed Term Parliament Act muddied the waters. A lost vote of confidence = a General Election was a solid convention before that Act. I would argue that given the significance of the #Brexit deal vote if it isn't a vote of confidence nothing is.
(4 of 6)
It's deeply undemocratic how Tories and mainstream media are dodging this or saying something like "we just don't know what would happen". There is massive constitutional precedent. The #BrexitDeal vote is a VOTE OF CONFIDENCE. Losing it can ONLY mean a General Election.
(5 of 6)
I sourced the text for the slides on this Thread from @instituteforgov. Of the sources I looked at, they had the most concise and current summary on 'Votes of Confidence'. The text I used is on this website page:
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