Clearly, YT has no problem with our content
Unlike the anti-Semitic & racist @Mersh & @rotcradio @hippojuice, who keep losing YT channels…
Our film exposed powerful Hollywood pedophiles, was never sued once & we never made any edits demanded by others

The letter reminded the victim of the contract he signed with us
He violated the contract and did the interview anyway
Despite this, we took NO further action
Racist bitter failures like @Mersh lie

This was last week. His YouTube channel was banned for hate speech
He ranted about “having a meltdown” and how “he is so f**ked” and makes only $20-$30 in donations for 3 hours of live streaming
35 years old, no job, no girlfriend, failed radio host, living in @hippojuice house, broke, can’t afford travel home for TG
A sad, sick person - filled with hate towards women, minorities, and Jews
Also contains a criminal record…