What is the significance of sending “salawaat” upon the Holy Prophet (saw)?
God, in the Holy Quran, orders all believers to join Him and the angles in sending Salaam and Salawaat to the Holy Prophet (saw).
Salawaat is the plural form of Salat which literally means ‘to call’ (Du’a) – a call to someone to try to get their attention. In Arabic language, this type of calling, if done by someone with a higher status is called ‘Rahma’ (mercy and blessing)
It is narrated from Imam Sadiq (a.s) in explaining the meaning of Salawaat:
In Islamic mysticism the noor (light/essence) of the Holy Prophet is the first creation. That means, his holiness is on the peak of the cone of creation. Existence began from him and reaches the rest through him.
As stated in the above mentioned narration, the Salawaat of the angels is ‘tazkiya’ which means ‘to exonerate’. The spiritual status of the Holy Prophet (saw) is higher than all the angels.
While the Holy Qur’an commands the believers to send Salawaat to the Holy Prophet there is no instruction on how to perform this ritual. Similar to most of other Islamic rules the Holy Prophet has taught Muslims the method of performing Salawaat
(Sahih al-Bukhari, vol. 6 p. 217)
“God’s Messenger (saw) said: Do not send an incomplete Salat on me. The Companions asked: What is the incomplete Salat? He explained: to say: “O God send Salat onto Mohammad”, and then you stop. Rather you should say:
(al-Sawa’equl-Mohreqah, p. 87)