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Handmaids For Kenney @HandmaidAlberta
6 years ago, 15 tweets, 9 min read Read on Twitter
Just regular folks. Dude on the left. See Q Anon sign. I invite you to google that one if you don’t already know. Fine people these yellow vest protesters. Endorsed by a UCP MLA don’t you know. #ableg
Let's check the yellow vest Facebook site. What do we have there? #Ableg
And another one from the yellow vest Facebook site. @DrewBarnesMLA are you really sure that you should be endorsing this movement? #Ableg
And just a little Alberta seperation references thrown in for good measure. #Ableg
Oh, and UCP leader Jason Kenney, of course, is featured prominently on their site. #Ableg… Look for yourself (if you can stomach it). #Ableg
One more for good measure. Far too many people are willing to ignore this type of behaviour because they agree with them politically. #ableg #abpoli #ucp
More from the rally. Keeping it classy. #Ableg
*an #Ableg
Another shot of the parade. #Ableg
Teaching them early. #Ableg
And now some classy video from the event. This counts as political protest apparently. #ableg
And just in case there was any doubt that this was a UCP event. #Ableg #Cdnpoli #Canpoli
And we’ll give Jason Kenney the last word on this, using Alt-Right buzzwords such as “severely normal” with a healthy dose of revisionist Quebec bashing. #ableg #cdnpolj #canpoli
Kellie Leitch at the Rebel Rally at Canada Christian College in 2017, an event that included Faith Goldy, Ezra Levant, and an audience of “severely normal” people. #ableg #cdnpoli #canpoli
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