Today I'm going public in the hope that will help me to fight back.
No one can guess from that picture that I cried for hours that day and had dark thoughts.
It never stops.
#mentalhealth matters, even if not visible.
#MentalHealthAwareness 1/

It's invisible, and I am good at hiding it until it becomes too hard. But don't be fooled by fake smiles.
Dig deeper. Listen. Be prepared to listen uncomfortable emotional stuff. 2/
I have great friends and new amazing colleagues.
But it will take time and if you know someone who is in this situation, you have to be patient. 4/
Reality is different.
The #education system should teach us how hard and unfair the work place and life can be. Especially for #womeninSTEM. 5/
And they will be targeted by those who benefit from the dysfunctional system.
Knowing the "influencial" persons matters more than being right. 6/
This should be taught. I am not the first and won't be the last.
Be honest with your children. 7/
Be there for her. She will face shit as 60% of us quit engineering after 35 years old (ish) 8/