$4 purchasing power was a lot more 167 years ago … shameful its remained the same all this time.
Canada stopped negotiating treaties around 1920s.
Almost immediately Canada failed to live up to obligations except for the annual payment which reduced in purchasing power year after year.
I tried to ascertain what $4 is in 2006 (when I did my research) and it was tough. However, not impossible.
However, if one invested $ especially in land or property, those investments skyrocketed from 1900 to 2018.
Always “location, location, location” and how the market changes and plays out over time.
In 50 years, USA made 100x back from that deal as Alaska. $7,2M => $7.2B.
In 2017, Alaska valued at $7Trillion.
Pretty darn good investment for USA.
In Canada, the government in 1871 was offering 160 acres free land with $10 administration fee with requirement to cultivate 40 acres and build homestead within 3 years.
In 2017, “average” price of an acre in Ont. was $10,000 or $5,400 in BC or $2,700 in PEI.
118,000,000 acres x $5,000 an acre = $59Billion.
First Nations prepaid it, as part of their treaty or non-settled treaties with Canada.
Canada’s wealth - as is all countries - is built on land & exploitation of resources.
Ottawa, Toronto, Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Winnipeg, Halifax, Regina, Saskatoon, Whitehorse, Yellowknife, etc.
Now we’re talking TRILLION$
All depends on where land situated, natural resources: mining, logging, agriculture, etc.
Easy to extrapolate that $59Billion of land worth produces trillions of wealth annually.
Canada’s GDP is $1.653T.
It appears that the treaty negotiation was simply a ruse to get First Nations to give up lands & resources for empty promises.
Proof is in the lack of implementation & non-stop games/harms.
A few negotiators were devastated to later learn how Canada duped them and the First Nations.
The purpose was to produce a summary for my judge, to provide historical context for a treaty case.
300,000 members x $30 = $900k/yr
Reconciliation requires more, such as a true partnership in economic development opportunities.