International Trial Watch @InterTrialWatch – Catalan Referendum Case
Extraordinary Case No. 20907/2017

1. @ACDDH_ Catalan Association for the Defence of Human Rights
2. @CollectiuPraga Jurists of the academic world for the right to decide
3. @institut_IDHC Institute of Human Rights of Catalonia

5. @novact__ International Institute for Nonviolent Action
6. @OSPDH1 Observatory of the Criminal System & Human Rights

-Academics: will focus on procedural rights
-Observers: who will focus on civil and political rights
-Lawyers: who will monitor the development of the various trial sessions
1. The State Attorney is charging them with the crime of sedition, which involves a ‘public and tumultuous uprising’ and carries penalties of up to 15 years in prison.
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