How much UK trade is:
1. “On WTO RULES”?
2. On WTO rules ALONE?
4. What’re the details?
Short answer: All of it
UK is WTO member
All trade with other members is bound by WTO rules
They are basic rules of trade, but, through EU, we have trade deals/arrangements with ALL WTO members & some non-members that go beyond basic level
- WTO has basic services agmt
- EU ⬆ focus on services in trade agmts
- Services highly regulated in most countries
Non-tariff barriers:
-v. high
-largely eliminated/being eliminated within EU Single Market
-being reduced by EU FTAs, particularly latest gen
a) Exports by product type & trade arrangement
b) Imports as (a)
c) Imports by product type & tariff applied
d) Food imports in greater detail
e) Arrangements for developing nations