First read this - he has some good points. 👇🏻
• Dems have some infighting
• They’re going to try to squirrel their way out
• Media is going to help them
This is nothing new; it’s also not new that Conservatives don’t know how to fight this situation.
• You are in a fight against two people... and the two people you are fighting against all the sudden start punching each other
It’s a gift, if you are willing to take it!
• Encourage them to duke it out... and rest up
• While you rest... gear up to crow-hop whoever the victor is
I’ll give 10-1 odds: If Gov. of VA steps down the replacement is also racist-baby killer
Once the dominant racist-baby killer emerges, put one on the kisser!
Who could associate with this?…

• Their ppl are racist
• Always have been
• There is no satisfying their thirst for killing babies at this point
Fight on our terms, not theirs.
It doesn’t matter who the victor is in this squabble - whomever is dominant is going to get a crow-hop!
PS: What is in your closet, Justin?…