Despite all the evidence, there are those who still deny the severity of #LabourAntisemitism. Here's a thread detailing how institutionalised it truly is...
He infamously referred to #Hamas and #Hezbollah as "friends". Both organisations call for the extermination of #Israel, and regularly carry out attacks against #Jews. They're also both officially classified as #terrorist groups.
In October 2015, shortly after being elected leader, he appointed Seamus Milne as Director of Strategy and Communications. Here Milne is shown expressing support for Hamas.
Here they are at Labour's 2018 conference.

In 2012, McDonnell claimed that #Israel is "attempting genocide against #Palestinians" - a claim that is both libelous & evidently false.……

The former Mayor of London has a long history of anti-Semitism - he claimed that "Hitler supported #Zionists" &, in his first speech as mayor, implied that capitalists are worse than Hitler.

She recently accused Jewish MP #LucianaBerger of working for "Zionists, whose Nazi masters taught them well".………
@RachelRileyRR @LabourAgainstAS @mishtal @Ostrov_A @SussexFriends @NorthWestFOI @israel_advocacy @afagerbakke @HenMazzig @HananyaNaftali @stephenpollard @skjask
@AviMayer @ShaiDeLuca @DavidHarrisAJC @DPJHodges @KTHopkins @_BrexitTory