Huawei's path to global domination of wireless industry’s been carefully plotted in Beijing & calculated to exploit a fundamental structural weakness of the current Western model
In short, that weakness is that the vast cost of entering the Western marketplace leaves carriers starved for cash, slow to make long term investments, and vulnerable to lavish incentives from China encouraging them to choose potentially risky or..
The current model of spectrum auctions has the effect of placing valuable tracts of spectrum in the hands of a very small number of retail carriers, which have often paid enormous sums to acquire them...
Retail carriers, having acquired exclusive spectrum use rights, must immediately spend billions of dollars on a network capable of..
This highly leveraged...
*It slows the pace of development, because retail carriers, having invested tens of billions in spectrum acquisition & network deployment, are slow to invest further billions in network...
Wholesale, open-access wireless addresses the current weaknesses
Increasingly, observers of the industry in the West, including the GSMA[1] & Ernst & Young[2] have recommended the adoption of a wholesale model for spectrum allocation, noting...
"In most countries 4G coverage is still incomplete eight years after the technology was first introduced. For example, according to ARCEP, the French regulator, while the population coverage of the four licensed operators varies from 98% to...
This slow place of deployment is directly attributable to the issues raised above, with...
All of this is compounded by the fact that the wireless industry has reached total saturation in terms of devices per population:
A wholesale model, with wholesale-only network operators responsible for building & managing their network infrastructure, & consumer-facing service providers competing to purchase bandwidth on that network, would have the following benefits,
1. Retail carriers would be relieved of the financial burdens of spectrum acquisition and network deployment. This would allow them to focus on consumer services & compete on the basis of consumer price & product innovation. This would...
2. Wholesale operators would accrue very significant economies of scale. Put simply, servicing & upgrading a large wholesale..
4. Wholesale network operators would transform the criteria by which the marketplace is judged by changing the customer
A wholesale open-access wireless strategy will undo China's financial strategy
The Chinese strategy to harness Western carriers has been underpinned by a set of financial assumptions
The advantage of wholesale, open access wireless is that it confounds these financial models, & would throw Chinese strategy into disarray, for several reasons:
1. Open access wireless will result in an explosion in demand...
2.This increase in demand will be accompanied by a dramatic, and rapid, decrease in price. This is because the wholesale operator is committed to selling data at virtually any price, as long...
The financial plans underpinning the Chinese strategy rely on a gradual decline in data prices over the next two to three decades, one carefully managed by an oligopoly with...
By accelerating that price decline dramatically, an open access, wholesale wireless network...