1. Pay attention to Portals as you are awakening. They are everywhere in this dimension. From a doorway, to a keyhole, to a birth.
You come out of a portal when you are born. You leave through another portal when you leave the body.
They can represent the birth of the intended plan, such as a new career or a new place to live.
The change is made by entering a new energy. There is not change unless one enters a portal all the way.
All human beings are surrounded by self-created portals. Unseen but everywhere.
Many of these come from pre-birth planning and the reminder is encoded in the DNA as to when to progress with the plan.
Though there is always free will, many do not have the presence of mind to enter a portal they can't see.
It’s not necessary to see it. If the intention is present, the entrance is made.
When entered, perception changes.
However subtle or vivid is not as important as the change itself.
#NEIOH on Portals-