—The Weekly Standard
—New Yorker
—Yahoo News
—Mother Jones
And by the Clinton campaign:
—Press release “bombshells”
—Tweets read by millions
It “defies logic and common sense” to think otherwise 🤔

The Weekly Standard (July 24): newyorker.com/news/news-desk…
New Yorker (Aug 3): newyorker.com/news/news-desk…
(Both of these subtly use Steele/Fusion GPS reporting)
Yahoo (Sep 23): news.yahoo.com/u-s-intel-offi…
(The source of this is Steele himself)
Mother Jones (Oct 31): motherjones.com/politics/2016/…
Slate (Oct 31): slate.com/articles/news_…
NBC (Oct 31): nbcnews.com/news/us-news/f…
(Indirectly references Steele’s allegations about Page and Manafort)
Apparently voters deserved “the facts BEFORE Election Day” @gabeschoenfeld?

*which itself failed to account for all the stories here. The correction needed a correction, that’s how bad the NYT is on Russia

—The dossier allegations are so laughable with so many basic errors it would have undermined it. Specifics can be debunked, so innuendo/rumor was BETTER for Team Clinton
—Nobody expected Trump to win anyway
—Trump was “compromized” by Putin
—His senior advisors were secretly meeting sanctioned Kremlin officials
—Trump Tower was secretly communicating with a Russian Bank
—FBI/CIA/NSA was looking into Trump’s team
Please stop gaslighting.
You should issue a correction, because you’re wrong, and in your own words, defying logic and common sense.
A: They couldn’t verify it!
“We heard about the back-channel (between) the Russians and Trump...we found no evidence it was true”
—@nytimes Exec Editor Dean Baquet

Both outlets assigned reporters to look into it & the only reason they didn’t print it? THEY COULDNT PROVE IT
And still can’t, @gabeschoenfeld