#HTGHFAOTR {Don’t twitter search this hashtag if you’re not a cs Major. It’ll be like cramming John Woodens brain into your sophomore brain bcc Wyatt Earp}
My thread at a lowest common denominator. #Ch4

When I am by the river of puddy, I do not eyeball the GNO. Girls Night Out participants scan and archive every thing you see and focus on.
Focus on the group you’re inside of. And truly listen. This listening leads me into my next point

Betas are so starved that they cannot focus on the people in front of them.
Show me a person who can’t pay attention for 25-40 sec to 3-5 minutes and I’ll show you a person who cannot accomplish tasks on a 5hr makers schedule. #cs183puddy paulgraham.com/makersschedule…

Your body language distributes. Both hands free is ideal. A bad beta will be double clutching a drink with one hand on the straw.
Another bad posture is one hand on the drink and the other hand propping up your weight. Or worse and elbow tripod
If you’re in the room, be in the room. Your iPhone teleports you somewhere else. Working the room is a process of grinding and grinding. Opium won’t ease the difficulty of attempting an at-bat
Put the phone down and use #cs183paper

Beta males will go somewhere new and never talk to anyone. Me, Mr Kraft and Rob talk to everyone.
If you’re afraid of striking out with women, whales, vVIPs and females.... point number six is for you [#ch11]

The reason baseball players date the hottest women is that #LarryChiang thinks batting .935 is a bad night

Beta males hate going up to open a conversation. They’ll say, “oh I am way better in the middle maintaining an ongoing business or conversation.”
HELLOOO, the hardest part of getting wealthy is the start of startup #Ch9
#InsideBaseball terminology, this is a sombrero (1 more than a hat trick). Then, my mentor homered to win the ⚾️ game. Beta males fold after a K
Beta males go home after one strike out
I am so lucky and so overrated bc I literally engineered my own luck. I can’t K! I #EUTWMPPM
I didnt fail! I just found out if #cs183puddy was fun loving, adventure seeking and rising even though in 3-8 years it’ll be the Epiphany

Guests stand around waiting for tactical execution to happen. Hosts make introductions, take pictures, appear in pictures, wrangle VIPs and say hi to wallflowers. Hosts, rise #ch4
Guess who’s beta?!

When I met all of Eric @byrnes22 friends at Ruby Skye for Rich Aurrilia’s 2007 fundraiser at $1,000/ticket I was wearing a faded UA shirt inside out. They flipped out Luxor chips that were $500/clay chip
Women worry about this
Betas try to talk to women and only women at a vip INDUSTRY networking party. Alphas talk to the most important people independent of gender
I score a BJ every night so I sit at life’s third base (3rd base is a BJ reference) and cheer for the dealer to bust (#SextupleEntendre is a 6-way pun, intended)

This is #GuaGuaGuacamole protocol number 4, “Crasher to VIP”

I get to the party 3 weeks prior. How!? I rsvp!
Puns are funny and a three way with two 9.5s is hard. But a #SextupleEntendre is what happens if you prepare to win the party #cs183PQRST

Alphas realize that there is a tipping point. Quorum is achieved when ~30% of the room wants you. Then you pick ONE

A Hail Mary is a wildly risky attempt at a LOOOOOONG pass. You could lose your ball. An example of a pass I hear all the time is, “I bet you get asked a lot IF your boobs are real.”
Solution: Just say aloha #ch4

Ditto the board meeting that’s having a lunch out in the open.
Betas can’t approach a no fly zone
If you opened on #cs183puddy, that’s your sales lead. IF THE ALPHA says it’s ok, confirm 3x or lose me forever. And gifts.

As a 23yo don’t get jealous of the 33 yo with their shitake together. Be the 41 yo (who’s 33! #cs183age) as a 23 yo w/ #lyfeSkilzzz. 🐳🐥🐼
Read Jeff Slutsky’s book, *How To Get Clients* so you shift RIGHT on the Rollo Tomassi bell curve of #cs183smv

Correction. I made three errors on Sunday
(forgot I dropped a ball on an attempted 3B steal
⚾️ mentor ⚾️
Alpha tell: Has [arbitrarily best] friends who *seem* buckshot random But Are Specific In Unique Commonalities #Ch4

Read Jeff Slutsky. He mentored me to walk and talk like a 40 yo when I was 19 years old. Rolex, sedan, pleated pants
Look at Lec 2-20 #ENGR145. I made kids wear a tie. Shift rt on bell curves bit.ly/buster14512v
Confucius say: “Grey hair on a 24 yo moves him near 40”. I am and have been vagina whispering in #siliconValley since prior to @MikeJudge at HBO #CS183puddy

I’d add “protocols” but you get the point. To repeat, the point is to augment our SMV #cs183smv