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@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland 1) Have you ever bothered to ask anyone why they support the President? Let me tell you why I do. I had a gorgeous beautiful talented daughter she was my world my everything. My entire life has always centered around my children. I have two sons and I had one daughter.
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland 2) I grew up in Ohio and I left Ohio in 1996 for several reasons but the main reason was because there simply were no jobs here. After NAFTA failed to deliver the jobs and prosperity promised by Bill Clinton I watched in real time as my state began to decay and fall apart.
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland 3) As the lines grew at the unemployment office & we discovered that the "job training programs" that democratic politicians had spent a year bragging about were just false front offices with micro-fiche machines listing 10 year old job openings. (I still wonder where the $ went)
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland 4) People began to lose hope. You know what happens when people lose hope and feel like the world is ending? I can tell you because I lived it. First they start snapping at each other and then they start fighting all the time. In my case my husband started beating me.
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland 5) Once desperation sets in some turn to crime to feed their families, others hide at the bottom of a bottle & others use drugs but all of it is to numb & try to forget about the hell that has become their lives. We could not just move if it was that easy everyone would have.
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland 6) In my case the beatings continued to get worse and more severe and I could no longer hide them from my 3 young children. The day I left my ex-husband my then 9 yr old daughter and my 3 yr old son tried to intervene to protect me
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland 7) As I was being choked and I was certain I was going to die, my children ran into the room and jumped on their Dad and starting pulling his hair and punching him. It just then that I for the first time realized that not only did they know but that they were being harmed too.
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland 8) I put my 3 children 9, 7 and 3 into my car with only $30.00 in my pocket and nowhere to go and we left. I left him once and only once and I never returned. An 11 year marriage completely destroyed, my children and I forever traumatized by the events that took place.
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland 9) Back then I thought that it was something that I had done that brought on those attacks. It took me many YEARS and a lot of therapy to get to the point where I could look back objectively and see the big picture cause and effect trail.
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland 10) We moved to Massachusetts where I instantly found a job and we lived there quite happily for 11 1/2 years. My children and I all attended counseling, adjusted well and my family thrived our ugly past finally faded away and our futures were very bright.
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland 11) I want you to know that we left with literally only the clothes on our backs and lost everything we had. It was the Salvation Army and their battered women's programs and my friends who helped us in ways that I cannot ever repay.
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland 12) My daughter Tiffany especially thrived her amazing talent in music both vocally and instrumentally grew and being 16 for only a short time she tried out and made the 3rd round of American Idol auditions twice in the same year. She graduated high school a year early
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland 13) and at 18 she already had her first semester of college completed. This is where once again the failed policies of the democrats affected us again and destroyed my family in very permanent ways that will never be repaired.
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland 14) Tiffany came back to Ohio to visit family for 2 weeks in May of 2008. Ohio has never recovered from the failure of NAFTA and it continues to degrade as speak. The depression and hopelessness of the people and the lack of jobs has turned it into a hotbed of addiction.
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland 15) Tiffany was SUPPOSED to be getting on a plane after her visit and going to Florida where she was to attend Florida State University, but she never took that flight. That same cycle that happened to me repeated in her. She met someone and decided to stay in Ohio.
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland 16) I had to sit by and watch helplessly as her relationship degraded into the same hopelessness that mine did. As I begged her time and again to get out of Ohio and away from the hopelessness Tiffany refused to leave her relationship and the new friends she had found.
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland 17) She was a fighter like her Mom and she felt that if she stayed she could make things better for them but it came at a personal toll. I had to watch as my child faded being drained emotionally and physically from the struggles of day to day life that people in Ohio deal with.
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland 18) The arguments in her home became frequent and her unhappiness grew to epic proportions but she had never been a quitter before and she wasn't about to let things like the lack of jobs or her growing depression stop her.
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland 19) After 7 yrs and with 2 young children she was exhausted from struggling just to keep a roof over their heads & food on the table Tiffany was for the first time in her life ready to quit. On January 31, 2015 she called me and said, "Mom please come get me I want to come home"
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland 20) I will never know what transpired between our phone call and her last message that was so excited about coming home. All I know is that 3 hours before she was to board a flight with my grandchildren I got the phone call that ended my world. She was gone.
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland 21) Here are the events as I know them. Tiffany fought more with her boyfriend about leaving. After that fight she was in the company of two older women in their late 30's and mid 40's. They were at the younger woman's home, all three went to an ATM near that home in Warren, OH
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland 22) Tiffany withdrew $20.00 from her bank acct. A man we now know to be Ishmael Daniel arrived in a red car came and left the house. Two hours later at around 11 pm. one of the women Jamie Swift began withdrawing money out of Tiffany's account at two different ATM's nearby.
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland 23) Jamie Swift made 6 or 7 different withdrawals at the same two ATM's over a 7 hour period and paid her cell phone bill from Tiffany's account. At 7:30 am the first call to 911 was made. When paramedics arrived they could not resuscitate my daughter.
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland 24) At 9:15 am after the coroner had come and left Jamie went back one last time and withdrew the last $100.00 from Tiffany's bank account. I now know that these two women knew Tiffany was in trouble but instead of helping her they spent those hours stealing all her money.
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland 25) When the police arrived at the home Jamie Swift and Kristina Kelly lied to the police and said they didn't know who Tiffany was and claimed that she arrived at the house under the influence of "something". Witnesses at the store where the ATM was located state that Tiffany
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland 26) seemed perfectly fine and did not note that she appeared to be under the influence of anything at all. The clerks noted that the three women were gathered around the ATM then Tiffany bought a few snack items and soda's and left. We assume that this is when they got her PIN.
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland 27) The police officer noted in his report that Jamie Swift was sitting on and attempting to conceal Tiffany's driver's license that was stuffed into the couch cushion. He also noted that Tiffany's prescription bottle of Klonopin (an anti-depressant) was found in Jamie's pocket.
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland 28) Tiffany's purse and coat were missing and never recovered from the scene. Kristina Kelly stated that she heard Tiffany "snoring loudly". We now know that this is a particular sound made by people overdosing. We now know that Kristy Kelly has a long criminal history.
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland 29) Kelly has been arrested more than 20 times and served prison time for various offenses including drug trafficking, possession, prostitution, possession of drug paraphernalia, robbery, breaking and entering etc etc etc..
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland 30) Tiffany had no criminal record nor did Jamie Swift but Swift was a known associate of Kelly. The official coroner's report listed Tiffany's cause of death as polydrug asphyxiation heroin/fentanyl.
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland 31) Now 4 years later I am an unwilling expert on these drugs that killed my child and their sources. Where is the heroin and fentanyl coming from? The answer is Mexico. Who is bringing it in? The Mexican drug cartels who have set up shop in the U.S.
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland 32) How are they getting it here? Via the southern border drug corridor, they then distribute it within the country via car, truck, and U.S. Mail. Many confuse the Cuban drugs with the Mexican drugs. Cuban cartels mainly use the coastlines, Mexican cartels use the border.
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland 33) Who is to blame for Tiffany's death? In my opinion there are many participants including Tiffany's own choices but some are more guilty than others. But the number one offenders who have the blood of millions of Americans on their hands are the democratic politicians.
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland 34) This maelstrom that has overtaken my life at it's root began because of the failed policies of the democrats. They are no longer the party of JFK they are the party of gov't enslavement to welfare which they create by destroying the economy of every area they touch.
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland 35) By destroying the economy and the livelihoods of the people who live in the areas they destroy they are the creators of the very hopelessness and depression and gov't oppression that they pretend they want to "change". They are the enemy of the people not our friends.
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland 36) The dem politicians are well aware of the border crisis. The drug deaths that they tried to label as an "opioid epidemic" is a lie and they know it. People are DYING from the illegal MEXICAN synthetic drugs being trafficked over the poorly secured southern border.
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland 37) My daughter died from the illegal drugs being trafficked over the southern border along with half a million other American's in the past 8 years alone. Yet the democrats now try to say that I am a liar and every other grieving parent are liars and that there isn't a crisis?
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland 38) You have no idea how enraging it is for me to hear our so called democratic leaders lying to the world when I now spend every Christmas, Thanksgiving, birthday and special occasion with my two motherless grandchildren here visiting their Mommy.
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland 39) So the next time you want to degrade someone who is a "MAGA" why don't you ask them why they feel the way that they do. I think you will be surprised by their very real and heartbreaking answers. #BuildTheDamnWall #MAGA #Trump2020
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland Lastly, I would give everything I have to just have 1 second with my daughter to hold her to tell her how much I love her one last time. I failed her, I failed my sons& my grandchildren by supporting the wrong people for the wrong reasons. I will never make that mistake again.
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland My grandchildren were only 3 and 5 when their Mama died. My granddaughter has only faded and broken images of her Mommy while my grandson still struggles everyday without his Mommy and with his grief. Their lives have barely begun and are already destroyed by the border crisis.
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland Before you pass judgement on others try walking a mile in their shoes. I never realized that politicians and federal policies could affect me personally in such a life changing or in my case life destroying way and the collateral damage it can cause to those you love the most.
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland Like the damage her loss has caused my two grandbabies.
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland This is not a game, it's not about partisan politics and winning or losing this is about real people, real lives and real families that are being destroyed and damaged every single day by politicians who care more about remaining in power than serving the needs of the people.
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland The democrats are causing the exact same cycle of heartache and suffering that destroyed my family to repeat all over this country 178 times a day as we lose 178 American lives every single day to the illegal MEXICAN narcotics coming across that border and they know it.
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland Last year alone we lost enough American's to the illegal narcotics Mexican based heroin and fentanyl alone to fill every single seat in the 80,000 seat Salt Lake Stadium one body one destroyed family for every single seat.
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland Yet democrats continually claim that the border emergency is fake. and that the POTUS is lying. When I hear this my blood boils and the rage I feel from the pain of my loss and the ongoing suffering of my grandchildren becomes so overwhelming I can barely function.
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland I can't help but feel victimized by them all over again. It's like the murderer of my child winking at me in the court of the public opinion taunting me and every other grieving parent because not only did they kill our children they think they can lie and get away with it by
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland pretending it never happened. But it DID happen, it is STILL happening and it's getting worse every single day.
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland The moral of this story is that politics DO affect us in more ways than just inconvenient forms or tax laws. In cases like mine policies like NAFTA and the border crisis can take away not only your job and livelihood but what and who you support can and will affect your children
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland and grandchildren and so on. Sometimes with tragic results. We have lost more people to the Mexican cartels than every single major disaster in American history yet instead of aggressively responding democrats are trying to pretend it's not there.
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland I for one will not repeat my mistakes and I will continue to hold them accountable for every single life that is lost because of their failure to act. That is why I support the POTUS, instead of hiding from grieving families he has listened, heard and acted for our well being.
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland If you walked even 2 inches in my shoes you would be supporting the POTUS too. Sorry that this is so long but you needed to hear it as do others. Just because you may know a crappy people who support the President does not mean his supporters are all crappy people.
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland We all have our motivations in life and the dems have motivated me to speak out about their lies and the damage that they cause to communities and families. They are wolves in sheep's clothing and it will serve you well to know this fact before they destroy your family too.
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland I am now back in Ohio for my grandchildren and I see daily the suffering of the people and the hopelessness here and my heart breaks over and over again seeing how bad things are. What the dems did here is a testimony to them and what their politics really do vs what they promise
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland My life cannot be fixed the damage is permanent but there is time for you to avoid the same suffering that I have. I strongly suggest you think for yourself and #WalkAwayFromDemocrats before you are sharing a similar story about your family in 20 years. Wishing you the best.
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland For those of you who wonder, the two women who participated in my daughter's death were never held accountable for her death. Kristy Kelly has gone on to be present during at least 2 more overdose deaths that I know of.
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland Jamie Swift was charged with petty theft and served 30 days in jail where she attempted to sneak illegal narcotics into the jail. She is on parole. Kristy Kelly who vanished after my daughter's death was arraigned in 2018 on charges for breaking and entering & robbery.
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland I went out of my way and went to see the Warren City prosecutor and based on her history he bound her over to the county on felony charges. My daughter died for $635.00 which the women stole to fund their drug habits. Both women have children being raised by the grandparents.
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland The children left behind are victims of these drug overdoses too and nobody wants to talk about them. I am speaking up to hold the democrats and corrupted politicians accountable for their actions, your help spreading the word would be appreciated. #BuildtheWall #Trump2020
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