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Mar 23rd 2019
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland 1) Have you ever bothered to ask anyone why they support the President? Let me tell you why I do. I had a gorgeous beautiful talented daughter she was my world my everything. My entire life has always centered around my children. I have two sons and I had one daughter.
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland 2) I grew up in Ohio and I left Ohio in 1996 for several reasons but the main reason was because there simply were no jobs here. After NAFTA failed to deliver the jobs and prosperity promised by Bill Clinton I watched in real time as my state began to decay and fall apart.
@coryiniowa @DontTreadOnUS @LovesRemo @SafiyahNoor1 @arthur_affect @TaraRoss @david_greenland 3) As the lines grew at the unemployment office & we discovered that the "job training programs" that democratic politicians had spent a year bragging about were just false front offices with micro-fiche machines listing 10 year old job openings. (I still wonder where the $ went)
Read 69 tweets
Jan 11th 2019
Don't bother contacting Chuck or Nancy.

You want the wall? There are 23 Democrats who preside in districts that Trump won in 2016.

Flipping them would give the wall more than enough votes.

Here's the list. If you are in these districts, call and tell them to #BuildTheWallNow. Image
1- Chris Pappas
Representative for New Hampshire's 1st congressional district
Since Jan 3, 2019 (next election in 2020)
@RepChrisPappas 202-225-5456 Image
2- Tom O’Halleran
Representative for Arizona's 1st congressional district
Since Jan 3, 2017 (next election in 2020)
@RepOHalleran 202-225-3361 ImageImage
Read 28 tweets
Jan 5th 2019
As your constituent, I'm demanding that u STOP voting 4 legislation 2 reopen the govt that doesn't include a wall!

U do realize that a tech only policy DOESN'T IMPEDE criminals OR drugs from crossing - it only alerts u 2 it after they've CROSSED!
You also realize that in order to round up those that do ILLEGALLY cross the border, and are alerted by tech, have to be chased down by SOMEONE! We don't have enough BPatrol agents to do this job! Technology ISN'T the first line of defense!
It should be used AFTER a barrier has been BREACHED! When there ISN'T a barrier as a first line of defense, technology is worthless as a deterrent. We don't catch 100% of illegal crossings now. Additional tech w/o a first line of defense is worthless if you are trying to prevent
Read 7 tweets
Sep 15th 2018
#EvelynRodriguez wasn’t just “hit by a car” the driver of the car had torn apart her daughters memorial located in the same location she and a friend were murdered by MS-13 two years ago. The driver murdered Evelyn. #AngelMoms #BuildTheDamnWall…
The entire incident was recorded😓 WHO tears down a memorial for two teenage girls that were beaten and stabbed to death?! #RIP
Read 5 tweets
Jul 8th 2018
I forewarn anyone reading this article:

There are some of the most graphic images of atrocities committed by Islam against children inside (there is a warning message before images)
They include Nigerians burnt alive, their bodies disembowled, beheaded... But it has to be shown.
Inside the article is a journey discovering the hypocrisy of #BigTech & Mainstream Media.
Fulani Herdsmen of Nigeria are a radical Islamic extremist group responsible for the murder of tens of thousands of Christians.
Google/Wiki show HAPPY pics- they are MURDERERS.
Read 13 tweets

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