I used to be a happy hippie
There's been times where I wanted to throw the towel in
Times where I've felt alone, powerless & hopeless
But I hide it by making jokes and staying busy
A snake is going to be a snake
For me it's the people, and the elected officials who have not only condoned Trump's bigotry and behavior
They've supported and even protected it
These are the actions that I will simply never understand
I fight it every step of the way, when I'm able to do so
I self medicate, I take breaks, I surround myself with the people who continue to constantly amaze me, but it's still extremely difficult
This aint like no "marathon" I've ever seen
I have a support group made of my wife, my online community, and many local activists who've taken me under their wing and taught me how to better channel what was once unfiltered outrage
The edibles and Xanax don't hurt either 😁
Seems like an eternity right?
But that was the case with #Midterms as well, and we did pretty damn good
So sorry for the long winded thread, but I wanted to share, and to also say thank you for all you do